Pros and cons of the neighborhood of carrots and beets in the same garden, good and bad predecessors

Almost every gardener is ready to go to any lengths to get a good harvest of vegetables. This makes it necessary to carefully study which crops can be planted nearby and which should not. It is important to combine crops, planting some plants nearby can harm them, and a competent combination will not only increase the yield, but also the quality of the fruit. Carrots and beets do not get along well in the same garden, and only if all conditions are met can the desired result be achieved.

Good and bad neighbors in the open field

Plants growing close to each other interact: they provide invaluable assistance in the fight against various diseases, pests, do not obscure or hinder development.

Crops growing on the same bed must absorb the same substances from the soil in the same amount. Therefore, before planting, it is worth finding out which vegetables can be planted next to carrots and which cannot.

Perfect choice

Orange root crops sprout in almost every summer cottage, so every gardener should know which neighbors are considered the most successful for this crop and why.


Any plants from the Onion family are good neighbors for carrots. They consist of a large number of phytoncides and essential oils, due to which they are able to scare away pests from an attractive root crop. Carrots and onions can be safely planted on the same bed – they will not compete for territory and the amount of nutrients.

ripe onion

The peculiar onion smell repels flies, root mites, which are potential pests of the orange vegetable. Disadvantage: in mid-July, when the fruits begin to actively grow and develop, they need abundant watering, which can lead to rotting of the bulbs.


Garlic is one of the representatives of the Onion family, which has a beneficial effect on germination and root formation. The aroma of garlic repels many pests. The plant has antifungal properties, due to which spores of microorganisms that negatively affect the formation of the root crop cease to develop in the soil. And carrots secrete an enzyme into the soil that contributes to the correct, rapid formation of heads.

heads of garlic


In addition to onions, there are other crops that have a positive effect on the germination of carrots. They easily get along with each other, with proper care give a rich harvest.

Various types of legumes

As you know, the main feature that distinguishes legumes from other representatives of angiosperms is their symbiosis with nitrifying bacteria. Because of this, they have a lot of protein in their fruits. These plants are able to enrich the soil with nitrogen, organic matter.

Thanks to this, the yield of root crops increases several times, their taste qualities improve.


A bed of tomatoes always impresses with its dimensions, it captures large areas, not allowing some crops to fully develop. An excellent neighbor for a tomato will be carrots, it has an unbranched root system in the form of one massive root crop, so it does not need a large area for growth. If you plant these two crops in close proximity, you can achieve a rich harvest.

ripe tomatoes

Lettuce, spinach, marjoram, sage

Some of the best neighbors for carrots are early ripe vegetables and greens. This is due to the fact that crops ripen quickly and are disposed of from the garden, so there is more space and nutrients in the soil for growth, the formation of an orange fruit. The aroma of herbs will scare away pests, provide the root crop with active germination.

With the simultaneous cultivation of two plants, it is worthwhile to carry out fertilizing more often to enrich the soil with the necessary organic, inorganic compounds.


The literary sources say that planting two root crops in neighboring beds is not the best idea, but if you believe the experience of most gardeners, then carrots and radishes are excellent neighbors. First, it is recommended to plant radishes, loosen the ground well and sow carrots between rows.

radish in the garden

Turnips and turnips

Carrots will feel comfortable next to turnips and rutabagas. They will not compete with each other and cause harm. Neutral relations between cultures.


Cabbage is a great neighbor for many crops; finding a place for it on a personal plot is quite simple. If you plant it next to carrots, then as a result you can improve the taste, external qualities of the fruit and get a crop from both crops.

Marigolds and marigolds

Often, gardeners recommend planting carrot beds with attractive plants – marigolds, marigolds. These flowers, with the help of a pleasant, pungent aroma, are able to rid carrots of pests.

Marigolds and marigolds


There are a number of crops, the so-called “enemies”, with which it is categorically not recommended to plant carrots nearby. Even with care, the absence of drought, the root crop may still seem bitter due to the harmful influence of unfriendly neighbors.


Dill is a member of the Umbelliferae family and a close relative of the orange vegetable. This means that they will experience the need for the same nutrients, attract their inherent diseases, pests. Parsley, celery, anise can be attributed to the same list.

a lot of dill


Planting beets and carrots on the same bed is a rather reckless act. Plants will obviously not be able to share nutrient compounds with each other, since both cultures need them in large doses. The highly developed ground part of the beet obscures the carrots, making it impossible to get the necessary amount of sunlight.


Not the best combination – carrots with horseradish. Plants will immediately begin to compete for the nutrients contained in the soil, as a result, both will die due to the unwillingness of each to give in. Carrots do not tolerate shade, and horseradish has a massive ground part, which can make it difficult for the sun’s rays to reach the orange root crop.

ripe horseradish

Apple tree

Many literary sources claim that carrots should be planted as far as possible from the apple tree. Practice confirms that in the case of close growth of both crops, bitter vegetables and fruits are obtained as a result. Naturally, every gardener wants to receive only sweet fruits, for this you need to follow the rules of the neighborhood.

Distance between neighbors

The distance between plants should be at least 15-20 cm. If the fruit is large, the figure must be increased. For crops that are not recommended to be planted next to carrots, allocate a separate bed.

The principle of crop rotation

Plants with a need for nutrients, as well as small vegetables such as spinach, celery, can be grown in the same place for no more than 3 years.

ripe celery

Further, on the same soil, plant plants with an average nutritional need, these include carrots and all possible neighbors, selected for compatibility. Next year, when the soil needs rest, time for the accumulation of organic and mineral compounds, it is worth planting crops that do not need a lot of nutrients. These include peas, beans, various herbs.

The best predecessors

One of the principles of crop rotation: you cannot plant representatives of the same family in the same place for two years in a row. When deciding where to plant carrots, it is worth remembering what used to grow in this place, whether this culture is a good predecessor.

ripe carrots


According to research, potatoes absorb a lot of useful substances, greatly deplete the soil. Carrots will fix this problem, allowing the soil to recover.


For the expedient distribution of nutrients in the soil, fruits with great demands on the composition of the soil are planted in front of carrots. Usually such fruits are round in shape, tomatoes are perfect.


It is recommended to plant a root crop in the second year after cucumbers, as they greatly deplete the soil, absorbing all the vitamins and minerals from it.

fresh cucumbers


Lettuce is known for its ability to pump out a lot of water with mineral salts from the ground, which will favorably affect the germination of carrots in subsequent years.


Onions are one of the most favorable predecessors for carrots, which nourishes and disinfects the soil with phytoncides and essential oils.

Answers to questions

What if carrots are planted next to a prohibited product? The palatability of the crop of both crops will deteriorate. There is also a risk of plant disease, death due to lack of nutrients to the soil. Why can’t you plant carrots? Parsley is considered a dangerous predecessor. It attracts bacteria during the growing season, which in the future lead to diseases of the vegetable.

What can be planted in place of carrots? Carrots are an excellent precursor for peppers, lettuce, cabbage, and tomatoes.

How to restore the soil after harvesting carrots? The fruit depletes the soil by the end of ripening; after harvesting, it is worth applying a sufficient amount of mineral fertilizers or planting the site with green manure immediately after harvesting. Before the onset of cold weather, mow the resulting greenery, creating a mulch layer. By observing crop rotation and organizing the right neighborhood of vegetables in the garden, you don’t have to worry about getting a harvest of tasty, healthy root crops.

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Anna Evans


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