Potatoes Uladar: description and characteristics of the variety care how to grow

Relatively recently, namely in 2011, the Uladar potato variety was introduced into the Russian State Register of Agrarian Achievements, which was presented to the world by Belarusian breeders. It has excellent taste characteristics and differs from most others in its early ripening period. In Belarusian, “uladar” means a sovereign or lord. Indeed, the variety fully justifies its name.

It is recommended for cultivation in the northwestern and central regions, but in a short period it also took possession of other territories of the Russian Federation. Why is this potato so loved in our country? Let’s get to know him better.

Uladar potatoes: description

This is an early ripening table variety. It is undemanding to soils, tolerates changes in weather conditions and temperature regimes well. Residents of the southern regions can harvest two crops in one season, since the ripening period of Uladar is 50-65 days. At the same time, the yield is quite high – from 130 to 350 c / ha, depending on the growing conditions. From one bush, under favorable circumstances, you can dig out more than a dozen tubers with an average weight of 120-140 g, which in total will amount to almost one and a half kilograms of selected potatoes!

As you can see, the Belarusian Uladar in terms of yield is on a par with the most popular varieties. His keeping quality is also quite satisfactory – 93-95%.

tops of potato lord

The bushes of this potato are erect, grow to a height of 50-65 cm. The leaves are medium-sized, have a rich green hue, slightly wavy at the edge of the leaf plate. The flowers are light purple. Sometimes there are hybrids that, during flowering, surprise with rich red-violet colors. The root system is well developed, absorbs many nutrients from the soil and forms up to 10 large nodules.

Uladar (potato): characteristic of tubers

Tuber crops of this variety can be distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • oval round or slightly elongated;
  • the peel is yellow (can be light or bright);
  • the surface is smooth, there is a slight roughness, but it is almost not felt;
  • the eyes are shallow, most often small and inconspicuous;
  • the pulp has a pleasant creamy yellow hue, when heat treated it becomes saturated;
  • the percentage of starch in the pulp is 12-18%.

What can I say, the creation of Belarusian breeders surpasses many of its famous relatives in terms of starchiness.

Advantages and disadvantages

Uladar potatoes are considered the most promising among the other varieties bred by Belarusian breeders. Why? Let’s list its main advantages.

sort of ruler

  1. Super early ripeness. The full growing season lasts 70 days, but you can begin to feast on young tubers already on the 45th day from the moment of planting in the ground.
  2. Double harvest. In the southern part of the country, an attempt to plant Uladar twice in one season will be successful, a high yield is guaranteed both after the first and after the second planting.
  3. High productivity. This is perhaps the most important distinguishing feature of this variety. Under favorable conditions, up to 60 tons of high-quality potatoes can be harvested per hectare and this is not the limit. A record was recorded when Uladar gave as much as 71 tons of selected potatoes from one hectare!
  4. Unpretentiousness. The variety calmly tolerates periods of summer heat, it is completely undemanding to the ground. But all the same, preference should be given to soils with a light or medium texture; on heavy ones, the yield will noticeably decrease.
  5. Application. Uladar is considered an upscale table variety. It perfectly tolerates long-distance transportation, so it is often grown for export to other countries. Moreover, these potatoes are perfectly stored, they can be used until the next harvest.
  6. Excellent taste. Potatoes have a pleasant taste and aroma, do not boil over boiling. If you fry the slices in olive oil or goose fat, they will become crispy, while the flesh will remain tender, almost melting in your mouth.
  7. Resistance to certain diseases. Uladar rarely suffers from potato cancer, is not afraid of a nematode, he is not afraid of wrinkled and banded mosaics.

The only significant drawback of the variety is that it is sometimes affected by late blight (both tops and tubers), in addition, in arid conditions, the leaf-rolling virus can appear. In all other respects, this potato is not satisfactory.

late blight of potatoes

Some features of growing

Uladar received reviews from many gardeners and vegetable growers due to the simplicity of agricultural technology. This early ripening variety thrives on fertile, loose soils. If the soil is too hard on the site, liming, the introduction of manure and compost, and the addition of peat will help to change its structure for the better. In general, on such a site you will have to work a little before planting Uladar potatoes. You can, of course, do nothing, but then you should not count on a high yield.

Before planting seed potatoes in the ground, it is advisable to germinate so that the first tubers form and grow as early as possible. The planting material must be removed from the storage in a timely manner, sorted out and laid out on the floor in a warm, bright room with a constant temperature of 12-15 degrees. There seed potatoes should lie for 2 weeks. Periodically, it must be turned over so that the sprouts appear from all the eyes at the same time, and not only on the side of the potato that was in the light.


As soon as the sprouts are 3-5 cm long, the planting tubers must be taken outside for hardening. Under the influence of sunlight, the peel, pulp and sprouts of the potatoes will become a rich green color. Before laying in the soil, the planting material is sprayed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, the task of which is to etch pathogens and fungi.

Uladar belongs to those varieties whose potatoes can be cut into pieces when planting. It is advisable to do this the day before the intended planting in the soil. The tuber must be cut so that at least 3 sprouts remain on each piece.

Planting material is planted in the ground when it warms up to a temperature of +10 degrees. Before planting, the soil is loosened, manure or compost is introduced into it.

Most summer residents and gardeners plant the old proven method – under a shovel. First, holes are dug about 15 cm deep, wood ash and onion husks are added to them, which repel insect pests. Then the tubers are laid (preferably sprouts up), which are sprinkled with loose earth. Recommended planting pattern: distance between holes – 30 cm, distance between rows – 60 cm.

planting colombo potatoes

You can also choose the ridge method, which is suitable for planting potatoes in heavy soils. In this case, the seed is laid in the ground to a depth of 8-10 cm.

Caring for the beds with potatoes

In order for the yield of the Uladar variety to be high, it is necessary to make some efforts to care for the planting of the crop. The soil needs constant loosening and removal of weeds. Loose earth allows air and rain moisture to pass through better. Bushes need to be spud 2 or 3 times per season. As soon as the plants reach a height of 15 cm, they form piles around the tops with a hoe or hoe. Thanks to this agrotechnical technique, the stems will not spread over the soil surface, they will grow upward. Re-hilling will allow the root system to fully develop and form more tubers.

hilling of potatoes

The variety tolerates drought normally, but during the opening of the buds, the soil should not be allowed to dry out. It is at this moment that the nodules begin to grow actively, so they need more moisture and nutrients. Additional watering is recommended to be combined with the introduction of mineral fertilizers.

How long does Uladar potatoes grow? The first tubers can be dug in already on the 40th day from the moment of planting. Young potatoes with thin skin are very tasty and healthy. After another 20 days, the potatoes will approximately double in size. By this time, the tops will begin to turn yellow and wilt, which is a sign of full maturity. Now you can safely cut off the ground part and a week after this procedure, start collecting potatoes.

Harvesting and storage

It is best to dig up potatoes with a shovel or pitchfork. Tubers extracted from the ground are scattered on a flat area of ​​the garden and dried in the open sun. Remnants of the soil are easily removed from the dried peel, in which pathogens and pest larvae can remain.

picking uladar potatoes

The harvest prepared for storage is put in boxes and transported to a room where the sun’s rays do not penetrate. It can be a garage or a barn (temporary house). Here the potatoes will spend some time, dry out even more, excess moisture will leave it. After that, it can be sent to storage in the basement or cellar.

Uladar has good keeping quality, it will be preserved until the next harvest with practically no losses. The main thing is that the storage has a low temperature, optimal humidity and constant ventilation.

storage of uladar potatoes

In conclusion

With each new season, more and more often you can find Uladar potatoes in the gardens of summer residents. Its taste is at its best, it is unpretentious in cultivation, it is resistant to many pests and diseases of the crop, it gives a rich early harvest. All these qualities made the variety one of the most popular among both experienced potato growers and ordinary consumers. Try and grow it in your country house.

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Anna Evans


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