Potatoes Aurora care how to grow

Back in 2006, the Aurora potatoes, bred by the specialists of the Vsevolzhskaya Breeding Station, were entered into the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation. The breeders involved in breeding the variety recommended cultivating it in several regions of the country (in the European part), but over a decade and a half, this culture has proven that it can grow well in different conditions. Now Aurora is grown even in the Far East.

The variety has the ability to adapt to the climate and soil type, is highly resistant to many pests and diseases, therefore it is deservedly considered one of the best achievements of domestic breeding. Farmers and gardeners highly appreciated the advantages of the Aurora potato variety. How did he subdue them? To find out, you need to take a closer look at the culture.

The main characteristics of the Aurora variety

Aurora is a mid-season table variety. Depending on climatic conditions, the ripening period is 70-90 days from the moment of planting. Productivity in comparison with many other varieties is quite high – 250-300 c / ha, a record figure – 400 c / ha. In one bush, from 8 to 20 tubers with an average weight of 100-110 g are formed. The starch content in the pulp is 13-17%.

In addition to the optimal ripening time and good yield, the advantages of the variety also include high resistance to common ailments of the culture – cancer and golden nematode. Susceptibility to late blight is estimated by experts as average.

If stored properly, Aurora potatoes can retain marketability and taste for a long time. Keeping quality is 94%, but to achieve such preservation, it is necessary to create optimal conditions in the storage (temperature, humidity, surface disinfection, etc.).

Description of the aerial part and tubers

Tall erect bushes of Aurora are covered with leaves of a rich green hue. Moderate waviness is noticeable along the edge of the leaves. During flowering, beautiful reddish-purple flowers of large size appear on the bushes.

The tubers are also large, oblong, with a thin and smooth dirty yellow rind. There are few eyes, which can be a problem when planting if there is not enough planting material. With few eyes, it is difficult to cut the potatoes in half so that both have a chance to sprout. But peeling such potatoes is a pleasure.


The pulp of the tubers has a pleasant creamy color, has an excellent taste, but, unfortunately, it can boil in liquid dishes. But for the preparation of mashed potatoes, casseroles and many other dishes, which include potatoes, it suits perfectly. It is thanks to the excellent taste that the Aurora potatoes often stay in the fields and gardens for several years.

Features of planting potatoes Aurora

Pre-planting preparation is standard. Approximately 4-5 weeks before the intended planting, the selected healthy medium-sized tubers are taken to a bright, cool room, where during this time they should germinate. It is important that the air temperature in the room is not too high, otherwise the seed will germinate earlier than the intended date. By the time of planting, sturdy sprouts with a length of no more than 2 cm should appear on the tubers.


An open area of โ€‹โ€‹the garden is allocated for planting Aurora, since this variety, like most others, loves light. Even in the fall, rotted manure is scattered at the planned place at the rate of 5 buckets / 10 sq. meters and dig (plow) onto a shovel bayonet. If the soil was not prepared in advance for one reason or another, fertilizer will have to be applied directly at planting in each hole.

A day or two before planting in the ground, sprouted tubers are treated with drugs that protect plants from pests. Insectofungicides Prestige, Maxim, Matador and their analogues do an excellent job with this task. The duration of action is from the moment of application to the formation of tubers, which is quite enough to protect the plants.

In regions located in the European part, Aurora is usually planted in the ground towards the end of April, and if the weather is cold, in the first half of May. The average daily air temperature by the time of disembarkation should reach +10 degrees.

shovel landing

So that the lush bushes of Aurora do not shade each other, and also in order to facilitate their care, the aisles are made wide – up to 80 cm.At the same time, the standard distance between the bushes remains – 30-35 cm.The planting tubers are carefully placed in the holes, trying not to break off the sprouts, and covered with a 10 cm layer of earth. The embedment depth may vary depending on the soil structure. In soft “airy” soil, tubers can be embedded 15 cm, and in heavy soil, on the contrary, they should be higher.

Care of plantings

Like any other variety, Aurora needs a whole range of care measures. Work begins with the appearance of the first shoots and ends when the tops fall and dry out. The complex includes:

  • hilling and weeding;
  • watering;
  • fertilization.

During the season, this variety is quite enough for two hilling. The first time they huddle after the emergence of sprouts above the surface of the soil. At the same time, short sprouts can be sprinkled with earth, but this is not scary, they continue to grow normally. Re-hilling is carried out when young stems rise to a height of 15 cm. In parallel, weeds are removed and nitrogen fertilization is applied (saltpeter, azofoska). It is most convenient to immediately sprinkle fertilizer granules over the plantings and, in the process of hilling, embed them in the soil. After this, the beds are watered abundantly with water.


Tip: it is advisable to make the piles as high as possible so that the tall tops of the Aurora do not lean to the ground.

As for watering, before the first friendly shoots appear, there is no need for it, the plants feed on moisture from the tubers. Watering begins about a week after the sprouts appear on the surface. If the weather is dry, there is no rain at all, the procedure is repeated every 5-7 days. Before flowering, the optimal irrigation rate is 2-2,5 liters for each bush, with the beginning of budding, the volume of water for one plant is increased to 3-4 liters. During the formation of buds (and tubers), it is very important to control the condition of the soil, otherwise the lack of moisture will negatively affect the yield. On hot days, watered exclusively in the evening.

During the season, Aurora is fed three times: after the emergence of shoots, at the very beginning of flowering and towards the end, when the active formation of tubers begins. The variety responds well to both mineral and organic fertilizing. You can use the usual saltpeter or feed the plants with potassium magnesium, nitroammophos, chicken droppings diluted in water.


Diseases and pests

Aurora potatoes are immune to potato crayfish and golden nematode, they are not particularly afraid of phytophthora, but there are a number of diseases that can affect it. These include scab, brown rot, peronosporosis and alternaria. In addition, plantings can be attacked by such malicious pests as the well-known Colorado potato beetle, wireworm or bear. How to protect potatoes from them and preserve the future harvest? Below is a table with the most effective drugs and recommended periods of use.

Disease (pest) Name of the drug How to use When to use Brown rot, scab Fundazol spraying planting tubers a day or two before planting Alternaria, peronosporosis Ridomil spraying bushes 3 preventive treatments: 1 – at a plant height of 30 cm, 2 – after two weeks, 3 – two weeks later Colorado potato beetle Confidor spraying plants in dry weather as the pest and its larvae appear Wireworm Prestige pre-planting treatment of tubers for the purpose of prophylaxis immediately before planting Medvedka Medvetox prophylactic application to each hole during planting, embedding of granules into the soil in summer in spring, as the appearance of a pest


Timely preventive measures taken will save you from many problems in the future.

scab on lorch potatoes

Harvesting, storing potatoes Aurora

After 3 months from the date of planting, the potatoes of this variety are considered ripe. Its readiness for harvesting is easy to determine by the state of the aboveground part and the maturity of the tubers. If the tops are dry and the tubers themselves fall off the root lobes, you can safely start harvesting. The dug out potatoes are dried in the shade, spoiled specimens are discarded, sorted, seed material is selected for the next year and sent for storage.

It is best to store the crop in wooden boxes at a temperature of 2-4 degrees and a humidity of 70-80%. It is advisable to ventilate the storage before laying the potatoes, if necessary, treat the inner surfaces with disinfectants.

storage of potatoes

In conclusion

Aurora potatoes have many advantages, from unpretentiousness to stable yield. But for many farmers, its excellent rich taste is in the first place. After boiling, these potatoes become crumbly, tender and just melt in your mouth. It is for its taste that the owners of gardens and summer cottages fell in love with him. In their beds, Aurora took root for a long time and took center stage.


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Anna Evans


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