Pindos (Tesal horse)

Pindos is a horse breed originating from ancient Greece. This name is derived from the mountain range of the same name, located near Thessaly and Epirus, the first areas in which these animals were originally bred.

Pindos horse breed

Historical information

In ancient Greece, few people were engaged in breeding horses. This situation has developed due to the sparse vegetation in this area. The soil there is poor, and the climatic conditions are quite difficult. But in that era, Scythia was famous for its horse breeding. It is believed that it was from there that the ancestors of the Pindos were brought to the territory of modern Greece.

They had an oriental appearance and were distinguished by endurance, energy and strong immunity. Scythian stallions crossed with local mares, and their offspring inherited the best qualities of their ancestors: a strong constitution, endurance, unpretentiousness and excellent health.

Reference. The modern Pindos (Tesal) horse breed is very different from its ancient Greek ancestors. Its current representatives are ponies with good racing qualities.

External characteristics

If we evaluate the appearance of the Pindos, then these animals have almost nothing left of their ancestors. Only the high setting of the croup indirectly indicates the presence of oriental blood. Characteristics:

  • height at the withers is 132–140 cm;
  • the average weight of a stallion is 200 kg;
  • the head is large;
  • eyes are small;
  • neck and back are long;
  • the body is narrow;
  • the croup is poorly developed, its rear part is highly raised.

The appearance of the Pindos

The appearance of the Pindos

Representatives of the breed are black, bay, gray and dark bay. Animals often show stubbornness and disobedience to the owner, they can buck. But they are strong and efficient, unpretentious in content. Animals easily manage with hay, which their owners prepare for them. The life expectancy of these horses is above average.


Representatives of the Tesal breed are still bred in Greece. Local farmers use Pindos for agricultural work. They plow the land, carry small loads. The ancient breed is valued for its ability to work tirelessly and the ability to get by with little. Mares are used for reproduction. They bring healthy viable offspring.

Pindos is a horse breed that has survived from ancient times to the present day. Its advantages compensate for the shortcomings of the exterior – short stature and stocky physique. The Greeks still breed these animals, because such horses are undemanding to care for, but at the same time they are excellent household helpers.

Author: Olga Samoilova

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Anna Evans


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