Norms of feeding for geese and goslings. Homemade food

One of the main conditions for the full growth and development of geese is the reasonable organization of proper nutrition. The health of birds, as well as the taste and nutritional value of their meat, will depend on a well-chosen diet.

Feeding recipes should be selected taking into account the age of the geese and the time of year. Food prepared on your own differs significantly from purchased food, not only in composition, but also in price. As for the composition, all ingredients are always known in home-made food and you can be sure that there are no extra additives.

Diet for adult geese

In order for the birds to develop normally, at home it is better to use wet mixers and combined feeds prepared on your own with your own hands and according to a proven recipe.

Wet food

Mixers are prepared just before feeding the birds.

Stages of preparation:

  1. Prepared grain mixture (corn, wheat, barley, millet, rye, cereal waste) are poured with skim milk, meat or fish broth, buttermilk or water in a ratio of 1:1,5.
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of brewer’s or fodder yeast.
  3. Add chopped boiled potatoes, boiled carrots or boiled beets. You can also add bran, sprouted wheat, whey, meat and bone meal.

The finished mash is immediately given to the birds in such an amount that the birds can eat it within 30-40 minutes, without leaving it for other feedings. This type of feeding is not prepared in reserve, as it quickly deteriorates.

Combined feed

To prepare combined feeds at home, you will definitely need a household grain grinder. You can find it in hardware stores or make it to order.

Before preparing a combined feed, you should purchase the main ingredients in advance:

It is better to purchase crops as soon as the harvest occurs, since at this time their prices are lower.

Stages of production of combined feed:

  1. Prepare all the necessary grain ingredients in a convenient containerabove, in approximately equal proportions. Pour the required amount into the grain crusher and grind. If the food is prepared for ducklings, then grind to the smallest.
  2. Add vitamin and mineral supplements to ground ingredients in the form of powder from fish bones, fodder yeast, shells and chalk, as well as meat and bone meal, meal and sunflower cake.
  3. If feeding is winter, add dry grass to the ingredients and pour hot water. Let it brew for 20-30 minutes. If summer – pour hot water and add chopped fresh herbs. Also let it brew for 20-30 minutes.

For the proper organization of the nutrition of geese, the diet of birds is divided into three feedings:

  1. The first feeding takes place at approximately 7 o’clock in the morning.. It includes a third of the grain and flour mixture.
  2. Second feeding – after lunch, at about 3 o’clock in the afternoon. At this time, the birds are given the next third of the grain, mixed with boiled or chopped root crops.
  3. The third feeding occurs around 8 p.m.. It includes the rest of the grain and flour, as well as the remains of vegetables. If the birds have not eaten the food, it can be left until the morning. If the birds do not eat it overnight, all the food left over from the evening should be removed.

Meals in the summer

The daily diet of one goose in the summer should be as follows:

  • fresh grass – 2 kg;
  • roots – 1 kg;
  • grain mixtures – 300 g;
  • a piece of chalk – 10 g;
  • mineral feed – 25

With the possibility of free grazing of birds in the summer, there should be no difficulties with catering. If the majority of cereal crops (rye, oats, wheatgrass, bluegrass, sedge, cuff, etc.) are present in abundance on the pasture, then the greens eaten per day are enough for the geese to cover the daily dose of green fodder.

In the event that there is no possibility of free grazing of birds, corn, potatoes and beets must be included in the diet. However, these additional components cannot completely exclude green fodder, so grass cuttings will have to be added to the feeders.

An approximate summer feed recipe for geese kept in pens is as follows (per head:

  • green fodder – 700-1000 g;
  • vegetables and root vegetables – 500 g;
  • herbal flour or herbal granules – 300

Norms of feeding for geese and goslings. Homemade food

The most convenient feeders for geese. What are, how to do it yourself

Norms of feeding for geese and goslings. Homemade food

Growing geese at home. Fundamentals of keeping and breeding

Meals in winter

The recipe for daily food for feeding a goose in winter is as follows (amount per 1 head):

  • sugar beets and potatoes – about 500 g;
  • carrot – 100 g;
  • silage, hay meal or grass pellets – 300 g each;
  • grain – not less than 100 g;
  • mineral feed – 25

To obtain additional elements for birds, add:

  • cottage cheese and eggs – 40 g each;
  • brewer’s or fodder yeast – 5 g;
  • salt – 1,5

Root crops in this diet are given raw, in a carefully crushed form. In no case should you give sprouted potatoes to geese, as they contain solanine, which can lead to poisoning and greatly harm the health of birds.

When the ambient temperature drops especially low, sprouted wheat is additionally introduced into the diet of birds, as it is rich in vitamins and provides birds with energy.

Feeding goslings

The diet of goslings is different from the diet of adults. Depending on the age of the birds, feed recipes will be as follows:

  1. On the first day – wet crumbly mash of barley or oatmeal at the rate of 35 g per 1 caterpillar. It is advisable to cook the stirrer in milk, add a finely chopped hard-boiled egg to it. They begin to feed newborn goslings as soon as they dry out. Feeding regimen 6-7 times a day.
  2. From the third day add finely chopped dandelion, clover or knotweed greens to the diet – approximately 25 g of greens per head.
  3. From a week old introduce finely ground combined feed. Instead of an egg, you can give finely chopped cottage cheese. Feeding regimen 5-6 times a day. The combined feed is used the one that is prepared for adult geese, only the finest grinding is made. You can also sometimes feed goslings with small boiled fish.

The average daily diet starting from a week of age (based on 1 head, g):

  • from 8 to 10 days: compound feed – 40, succulent feed and greens – 70;
  • from 11 to 20 days: compound feed – 50, succulent feed and greens – 100;
  • from 21 to 30 days: compound feed – 120, succulent feed and greens – 200;
  • from 31 to 40 days: compound feed – 140, succulent feed and greens – 300;
  • from 41 to 50 days: compound feed – 160, succulent feed and greens – 400;
  • from 51 to 60 days: compound feed – 180, succulent feed and greens – 500.

Starting from the age of one month, goslings can already easily graze on a par with adults, which allows them to fill the daily need for greenery.

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Anna Evans


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