Mid-season white cabbage Slava – the best variety for pickling and pickling

Many new products appear on the vegetable market every year, but the old tried and tested variety of cabbage Slava is still in demand among farmers. Consistently high yields with minimal care, the excellent taste of the vegetable both fresh and processed, and the amicable ripening of the heads of cabbage make it possible to grow this cabbage not only on your own backyard, but also on farms. After all, it is not without reason that it has such a name: Glory means evidence of the universal and unconditional recognition of its varietal qualities.

Description and characteristics of the variety

White cabbage Slava is a time-tested variety of domestic breeding, obtained at the All-Russian Research Institute of Breeding and Seed Production of Vegetable Crops in 1940. Recommended for personal and industrial cultivation throughout the country.

Cabbage Slava – an achievement of domestic selection

There are 2 varieties of the variety – Slava 1305 and Slava Gribovskaya. The head of Mushroom cabbage is denser, therefore it is stored longer. It ripens a week earlier. But we will consider the most popular first species, characterized by high yields and a greater mass of heads of cabbage.

Cabbage is popular among vegetable growers due to its stable yield – on average 570 c / ha, with good care on fertile lands, productivity increases significantly – 930 c / ha, reaching even record indicators – 1250 c / ha.

Cabbage harvest

Slava cabbage is a fruitful variety, with good care you can achieve record performance

Slava is a variety with an average ripening period – 101–132 days pass from germination to harvest. During this time, heads of cabbage weighing 2,4–4,5 kg, rounded or flat-rounded, are formed. Medium-sized, rounded leaves form a raised rosette. The surface of the leaf is finely wrinkled, with a strongly wavy edge, of a grayish-green or green hue, and has a waxy coating.

Head of cabbage Slava

Slava cabbage has a flat-round shape and weighs 4,5 kg

Heads of cabbage with a short outer stump and an inner medium length are covered with green leaves, whitish-yellow in the cut. Ripening is amicable, technical ripeness occurs at the end of September, but it is advisable to harvest after frost – the cabbage will be more juicy and sweet.

Amicable ripening of cabbage heads Slava

Amicable ripening of cabbage heads Slava facilitates harvesting

The variety is distinguished by high palatability: dry matter contains 8,6-11,1%, total sugar – 4,4-5,6%, ascorbic acid – 27-44 mg per 100 g of raw material. Cabbage is used fresh, preparations are made for the winter – the variety is considered one of the best for pickling. The harvest is stored in the cellar for 3 months.

Succulent cabbage leaves Slava

Juicy cabbage leaves Slava have an excellent taste

Among the advantages of Slava cabbage are noted:

  • resistance to cracking;
  • unpretentiousness to the composition of the soil;
  • drought resistance – even in arid regions, high yield rates remain;
  • good transportability.

The disadvantages of the variety include:

  • keel susceptibility;
  • medium resistance to fusarium wilt;
  • decrease in taste and marketability during long-term storage.

Video: white cabbage Slava 1305

Features of growing cabbage Slava in the open field

Cabbage can be grown using seedlings and direct seeding. In the northern regions, the seedling method is usually used so that the heads of cabbage have time to ripen in a short warm period.

Seedling cabbage

To shorten the growing season, Slava cabbage in the northern regions is grown through seedlings


With the seedling method, plants aged 40 days with 2-3 pairs of leaves are transplanted from the windowsill or from the greenhouse to the garden bed. A well-lit area for cabbage is chosen, where potatoes, legumes, pumpkin seeds, onions, and carrots were grown. Since the variety is not resistant to keel pathogens, the culture should be returned to its original place only after 4 years.

Cabbage seedlings ready for transplanting

Cabbage seedlings are transplanted into open ground at the age of 45 days, when 2-3 pairs of leaves are formed

Cabbage grows well on loose sandy loam or loamy soil with neutral acidity. The plot is filled with humus in the fall (1 bucket / m2), and lime is added to alkalize the soil (500 g / m2). In spring, urea (30 g / m2).

The landing procedure is as follows:

  1. Rows are marked and holes are made. Planting scheme – 60 × 60 cm.Cabbage planting scheme

    Slava cabbage seedlings are planted on the site according to the 60 × 60 scheme – significant space is required to form large heads of cabbage

  2. A handful of ash and 15 g of superphosphate are placed in the grooves, mixed with the soil.
  3. Spill the holes with water and plant one seedling at a time.

Video: how to properly plant cabbage seedlings in open ground

At first, protecting immature plants from the active spring sun or nighttime cold snaps, they cover them with non-woven material.

The author of these lines has been planting cabbage in the garden under plastic bottles for several seasons. Under such caps, the plants tolerate a drop in temperature well at night. And during the day, you can remove the cap from the bottle for airing.

Cabbage under the hood

Cabbage in the garden under plastic bottles is protected from hypothermia

Sowing cabbage with seeds in the ground

In the southern regions of Russia, mid-season cabbage is often grown in a seedless way. Sowing cabbage on the site is carried out after the air temperature is set at +15 ° С, soil – +10 ° С in the daytime.

Landing is carried out as follows:

  1. 45 g of complex fertilizer is applied to the garden bed prepared in the fall.
  2. Furrows are marked and spilled with hot water with the addition of manganese.
  3. Sowing is carried out according to the scheme 60 × 60. 1–4 seeds are placed in each hole to a depth of 5 cm.
  4. Sprinkle them with earth and cover with a film or set them over the bed of an arc and stretch agrofiber on them.

Sowing cabbage seeds in the garden

Seeds are laid out in grooves to a depth of 1 cm

In the warmed-up ground, the first shoots will appear after 2 weeks. In hotter weather, seed germination occurs faster – in 4–5 days. During the day, it is necessary to ventilate the crops, be sure to cover it at night in order to protect it from the spring cold. The shelter is removed only when the threat of recurrent frosts has passed.

Temporary greenhouse

Crops must be covered to protect against temperature changes

With the appearance of the first leaf, watering and thinning are carried out, leaving 2 seedlings in each hole. When 4 leaves appear, thin out again, removing a less developed sprout. With the seedless method, cabbage grows more resistant to adverse weather factors, but ripens a week or two later.

Video: how to properly sow cabbage seeds in the ground

How to care for cabbage outdoors

Cabbage is an unpretentious crop, but good care helps to increase yields and improve taste.

Watering and loosening

Slava tolerates a short-term lack of moisture in the soil well, but with prolonged heat it loses the elasticity and juiciness of the leaves. Cabbage seedlings, transplanted into the ground, are watered every 2-3 days with the calculation of 8 liters of water per m2… After a two-week adaptation of the plants, the volume of the liquid is increased to 12 liters, but watering is made more rare, once a week, in the morning or in the evening – on a hot afternoon, moisture will evaporate too quickly. With prolonged rains, watering is not carried out, natural precipitation is enough for plants – stagnant moisture in the soil contributes to the development of putrefactive processes in the root system. It is also necessary to regulate watering during the period of head formation: water is applied directly under the root, and in order to preserve the integrity of the forks, they stop moistening 2 weeks before the planting is removed.

Watering cabbage

In extreme heat for cabbage, you can make a shower by pouring from a watering can with a strainer

Watering cabbage is carried out in different ways. In small suburban areas, water is usually brought from a watering can into the grooves made in the aisles. In extreme heat, sprinkling is used, spraying water over the plants from a hose with a spray. When growing large cabbage plantations, drip irrigation is used, in which, through pipes laid along the rows, water flows through dispensers to the roots of the plants. This irrigation method is fully automated, which greatly facilitates the work of farmers.

Drip irrigation system for cabbage

In the industrial cultivation of cabbage, it is more efficient to use a drip irrigation system, in which water is supplied to the plants through pipes laid along the rows

It is equally important to loosen the soil after moistening, providing good aeration. The seedlings that have taken root in the garden bed after 20 days must be earthed up – carefully rake the earth to the stems, filling them to the very leaves. Re-hilling is carried out after 10 days. As a result, new roots grow, which helps to strengthen the root system and the formation of larger heads of cabbage.

Uplink of cabbage

It is necessary to huddle cabbage, adding soil to the roots – this contributes to the formation of a developed root system

Nutrients for cabbage

Throughout the growing season, cabbage needs good nutrition. After sowing on the garden bed, when the first true leaf appears, the sprouts are fed with ammonium nitrate (20 g / 10 l) or organic-mineral fertilizer Agrovit (60 g / 10 l). Such feeding contributes to the active growth of seedlings and the growth of green mass. In the phase of the 6th leaf, 500 ml of a solution of slurry (1:10) or urea (30 g / m2). The same watering with fertilizers is carried out for seedlings 14 days after transplanting into the ground. During the formation of forks, to increase resistance to unfavorable environmental factors and improve taste, feed with a phosphorus-potassium composition (30 g of Nitrofoski / 10 l of water). The introduction of vermicompost in the form of a solution (200 g / 10 l) will help to improve the structure of the soil and increase the yield.

Biohumus to improve fertility

An excellent organic fertilizer Vermicompost contains a whole complex of essential nutrients

To increase fertility, many summer residents use herbal infusion:

  1. Nettle, burdock, chamomile, dandelion are crushed, the barrel is filled by a third.
  2. Pour in water and, covering with a lid, set to ferment.
  3. After a week, the infusion is filtered, diluted with water 1:10 and the cabbage is fed.

Herbal infusion

For feeding cabbage, a herbal infusion is used, which is obtained from nettle, burdock, dandelion, insisting them in water

An excellent fertilizer for all types of cabbage is iodine, and if it is used as a top dressing on podzolic or peat soils (in which this element is not enough), then as a means of preventing late blight, gray rot or powdery mildew – on any type of soil.

Video: iodine is a super remedy for cabbage

Protection against diseases and pests

Cabbage variety Slava is resistant to mucous bacteriosis, but susceptible to the causative agent of keela. It is advisable to process vegetable crops with herbal remedies or biological products.

Table: cabbage diseases and control measures

Vascular bacteriosis Warm rainy weather contributes to the rapid development of the disease. Vascular bacteriosis is manifested by the rapid yellowing of leaves and blackening of the veins on them. Dark spots form on the petioles

  • carry out hydrothermal treatment of seed;
  • disinfect seeds in Trichodermin solution (40 g / 10 ml);
  • before planting seedlings in the ground, dip the roots in a mash made of clay, mullein and Trichodermina (20 g / 10 l);
  • add Trichodermin to the soil before planting (1 tbsp. l / m2)

Spray with solutions of Alirin, Gamair (2 tab / 10 l), repeat after 10 days Kila The onset of the disease can be judged by the lag of the plant in development. When transplanting seedlings into the ground, growths are noticeable on the roots. Affected seedlings often do not take root in a new place, and the lower leaves of the rooted ones dry, the forks form small, loose

  • disinfect the soil and planting material in a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • keep the seeds for 15 minutes in hot (+50 ° C) water – mushroom spores die at this temperature;
  • return cabbage to its former site no earlier than after 4 seasons – pathogens remain viable in the soil for a long time;
  • alkalize acidic soil by adding lime
  • remove and destroy affected plants;
  • treat the soil and vegetables three times with a break a week with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture or Homa preparation (40 g / 10 l)

Fusarium wilting The main symptoms of the disease are wilting and yellowing of leaves, first the lower ones. Gradually, symptoms spread up the stem. In hot dry years, the disease can lead to mass death of plants.

  • observe crop rotation – after cruciferous plants, the site can be suitable for growing cabbage after 4–5 years;
  • in autumn, treat the soil with a solution of copper sulfate (5 g / 10 l)
  • twice with a monthly break, spray the plantings with a solution of Immunocytophyte (1 tablet / 2 l);
  • remove affected plants;
  • treat with Trichodermin solution (10 g / 10 l), the next 2 treatments should be carried out with an interval of 2 weeks

Photo gallery: symptoms of cabbage diseases

Vascular bacteriosis of cabbage Vascular bacteriosis is manifested by yellowing of the leaves and darkening of the veins on them. Cabbage whale Affected keela cabbage grows on the roots Fusarium wilt of cabbage Signs of fusarium wilting – yellowing and wilting of leaves

The Slava Kila variety is especially dangerous for cabbage – a disease caused by the pseudo-fungi Plasmodiophora brassicae, therefore it is important to take preventive measures when planting seeds and observe the rules of crop rotation.

Video: methods of dealing with keel on cabbage

In natural farming, mixed plantings of vegetables are often used. By choosing the right neighbors for cabbage, you can protect it from many pests. Dill, carrots, parsley will protect you from aphids, tomatoes and celery will scare away the cabbage butterfly, garlic and onions will get rid of the annoying cabbage fly.

Mixed cabbage

Joint planting with aromatic dill and marigolds will help scare off pests from cabbage

Table: insects damaging cabbage

Slugs Slugs, appearing in wet weather, quickly devour green leaves and not only spoil the presentation of cabbage, but can also destroy the entire crop. Pests love dark, damp places, so they creep out onto cabbage beds at dusk, and in the morning they hide from the sun under the upper leaves of heads of cabbage

  • weeding and loosening the soil.
  • spread the cut nettle in the aisles – slugs do not like its smell;
  • spray with mustard infusion (1 tablespoon per 200 ml of water)
  • scatter the granules of the Thunderstorm, the Slime-eater in the aisles, after 2 weeks replace with new ones;
  • use preparations with Metaldehyde no later than 20 days before harvest

Cruciferous Flea Beaver Dry, hot weather can promote the rapid reproduction of insects that like to feed on juicy young greens. As a result, small holes appear on the leaves. The leaves eaten by the pest dry quickly and wither. Gluttonous parasites are able to completely destroy the seedlings planted on the site

  • remove weeds;
  • to reduce pest populations during hot periods, spray water over cabbage plantings from a watering can or rain installations
  • treat with an ash-and-soap solution (pour 3 kg of ash into 10 liters of hot water, leave for 2 days, strain, add 40 g of soap. Dilute the solution with water 1: 1);
  • dust with tobacco, ash;
  • spray with a solution of 70% vinegar essence (1 tablespoon / 10 l), Fitoverma (5 ml / 10 l), Actellika (20 ml / 10 l)

Cabbage White Butterflies are most active on hot sunny days. They lay eggs on the underside of the leaf. The hatched young caterpillars feed on the leaf pulp from the underside, while the adults eat the leaves along the edges. With a large number, leaf-eating pests can completely eat up the entire head of cabbage Conduct regular inspection of plants, remove egg-laying

  • spray with chamomile infusion (pour 1 kg of grass with 10 liters of hot water, leave for 6 hours, add 20 liters of water and 100 g of soap);
  • treat with a solution of Lepidocide (50 ml / 10 L), Intavir (1 tab. / 10 L), again after a week

Photo gallery: the main pests of cabbage

Slug on cabbage Slugs appear on cabbage leaves in wet weather. Cruciflo flea The cruciferous flea feeds on young greens of cabbage, making holes in the leaf plates Caterpillar of Cabbage White Caterpillars of cabbage whitebird feed on cabbage leaves


Cabbage harvest Slava ripens in September. Undamaged dense heads of cabbage of medium weight are taken for storage. They are placed on wooden shelves or hung by stumps from the ceiling. Subject to the necessary conditions – a temperature of 1-2 ° C and a humidity of 90–95% – vegetables will remain until January without losing their taste and presentation.


Slava cabbage is one of the best varieties for pickling

Large heads of cabbage are used for fermentation, and the remaining cabbage is used to prepare vegetable dishes and winter vitamin preparations.

Which manufacturer is better to buy cabbage seeds Slava

To get high germination of seeds and grow a rich harvest from them, you need to take care of high-quality seed. Experienced gardeners prefer well-known brands.

The leader in the seed market is the Gavrish agricultural company. For more than 20 years she has been engaged in breeding work, supplying consumers with high quality seed material. The company has 5 breeding centers in different regions of the country, where vegetable crops are being researched in order to shorten the growing season and develop stable immunity in adverse field conditions. The employees of the agricultural firm offer vegetable growers not only in Russia, but also in many countries of the world, varieties of vegetables characterized by high yields, excellent taste and resistance to pathogens. Seeds are checked for germination during storage, and before packing, they go through all stages of preparation – cleaning, drying and sorting.

Cabbage seeds Glory of the company "Gavrish"

By purchasing seeds of the Gavrish trademark, you can be sure that the cabbage harvest will be excellent

Another oldest seed company with a good reputation is SeDec. Established in 1995, it has grown into a large company conducting variety trials at pilot sites in various climatic zones and supplying seed material to the market of Russia and neighboring countries. Seeds of domestic and foreign selection of the SeDek trademark are in great demand among farmers.

Seeds of the firm "SeDec"

Firm “SeDec” offers high quality seeds – after all, they are tested and thoroughly tested for germination

The company “Poisk”, founded back in 1990 on the basis of the All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing, also has an excellent reputation. Now it is a large agricultural holding with a good breeding base and a wide range of products. Using modern technologies for growing vegetables and storing seed material, the company maintains a leading position in the seed market for a long period.

Seeds of the firm "Poisk"

Poisk has been managing to maintain its leading position in the seed market for over 20 years.

One of the first places among the world seed producers is occupied by the company “Russian Ogorod”. The history of the company began in 1991, and after 3 years the production of packaged seed was put on stream. Having a good scientific base, the agrofirm pays great attention to testing new varieties and checking seeds. It is no coincidence that the seeds of the Russkiy Ogorod trademark were selected for experiments in space on board the Mir orbital station.

Trademark "Russian Ogorod"

The firm “Russian Ogorod” takes care of its reputation and supplies farmers with only high-quality seed material

Well known to vegetable growers and the company “Aelita”, since 1994, has been engaged in the selection and supply of seeds to the market. The employees of the agricultural firm create new varieties with improved characteristics and improve the old ones that are already loved by consumers. Seed material is tested in greenhouse conditions and unprotected soil in order to adapt the culture to different climatic zones.

Cabbage seeds Glory of the company "Aelita"

The seeds offered by Aelita are adapted to the conditions of different climatic zones

The products of the Altai Seeds trademark are also in great demand among farmers. The company supplies the market with seeds adapted to the conditions of the harsh continental climate. Such specimens can withstand both spring return colds, and a lack of solar heat, and a sharp drop in temperature in early autumn. The company offers seeds of plants with a short growing season, capable of giving a full harvest in the conditions of a short cold Siberian summer.

Cabbage seeds Glory of the company "Altai Seeds"

The company “Seeds of Altai” supplies the market with seed material adapted to the conditions of Western Siberia

Plasmas supplies the market with plasma-treated seeds. Seed material, as a result of exposure to low-temperature plasma, has a high biological activity: severe drought, destructive for ordinary crops, is not terrible for plants obtained from plasma seeds, and does not affect productivity.

Cabbage seeds Glory of the company "PLAZMAS"

Seeds of cabbage Slava of “PLAZMAS” company have passed plasma treatment and do not need pre-sowing preparation


Slava cabbage, created by domestic breeders, is adapted to the difficult conditions of various climatic zones of the country. It has high productivity, excellent taste and good transportability. It is no coincidence that gardeners prefer this particular variety to many vegetable novelties. However, despite its unpretentiousness, the culture requires care and preventive measures to combat the keel.

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Anna Evans


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