Macadamia Benefits, Benefits & Harmfuls Of Calories

MacadamiaThe peeled macadamia nuts are very similar to hazelnuts, but in reality there is very little in common between both cultures. Macadamia is the most expensive nut in the world, common in Australia and Hawaii. Also, these trees are grown in South Africa, Brazil, Indonesia, New Zealand. As many have already understood, macadamia is a lover of a warm climate, and in our latitudes it is “found” only as a product in supermarkets.

What is macadamia

Macadamias are aromatic nuts with a rich taste, originally from Australia, where for the local population they are not just a source of many useful substances, but a sacred tree. In its natural environment, this culture grows close to rivers, in tropical forests. Mature trees can grow 15 meters tall. Maturity reaches 7 year of life. Around this time, they begin to bear fruit and continue to bear fruit for a hundred years.

About the existence of this tree, people learned relatively recently. This plant of the Proteus family in 1850’s was discovered by Australian researcher Ferdinand von Muller and named it after his colleague John McAdam. In those days, scientists learned that macadamia grows in Australia, Indonesia and New Caledonia. Today it is known about the existence of other varieties, although not all of them delight with edible fruits. Only 2 variants are considered useful for humans: Macadamia tetraphylla and Macadamia integrifolia. The first is distinguished by fruits covered with a rough rough shell. The second variety gives smooth-shelled nuts and is usually used for commercial purposes.

In the homeland of macadamia, where these nuts have been cultivated for more than 100 years, biologists have bred several varieties of culture. For indigenous Australians, macadamia has been an important part of the diet all these years: it served as a rich source of protein, vitamins and minerals. At the end of the XIX century, this culture was introduced to the Hawaiian Islands, where the nuts successfully settled down and give good yields.

Under an extremely dense brown-green shell, small kernels (up to 2 cm in diameter) are ivory-colored with a delicate creamy taste.

There is a lot of fat in the composition of these nuts (65-75% of the total composition), and therefore the product should be kept in the refrigerator, otherwise the oils in the nuts will be lost and the macadamia will have an unpleasant taste.

Nutritional characteristics

Australian nutsMacadamia is an incredibly rich source of energy. Only 100 g of nuts will provide more than 700 kcal. And this allows us to talk about macadamia as the most high-calorie nuts. In these small fruits, there was a place for a huge number of nutrients that are important for human health. Macadamia is proteins, fats, carbohydrates, various vitamins and minerals. Australia nut is an excellent source of calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese. In addition, macadamia is a portion of vitamin E and group B vitamins necessary for humans. These nuts are rich in essential amino acids that the human body needs for the healthy development of muscles, connective tissue, the formation of blood plasma and other functions.

Fats in macadamia nuts are monounsaturated (84%), polyunsaturated (3,5%) and saturated (12,5%) fatty acids. Australian nuts are a low cholesterol product with a high concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids, which are the so-called good fats and help maintain the balance of omega-6 and omega-3 substances in the body.

Compared to macadamia fruits, most other nuts contain a very high concentration of omega-6, an excess of which can cause various health problems. For example, if 100 g of walnuts contain 10,7 g of omega-6, in almonds – almost 4 g, in cashews – 2,2 g, then in macadamia this figure is only 0,36 g. And this is less than in 1 tablespoon of olive oil, which, incidentally, is considered to be a product with a low content of omega-6.

Nutritional value of raw nuts per 100

Calories 718 kCal Proteins 7,91 g Fats 75,77 g Carbohydrates 13,82 g Fiber 8,6 g Vitamin B1 1,19 mg Vitamin B2 0,16 mg Vitamin B3 2,47 mg Vitamin B5 0,76 mg Vitamin B6 0,27 , 9 mg Vitamin B11 1,2 μg Vitamin C 0,24 mg Vitamin E 368 mg Potassium 5 mg Sodium 85 m Calcium 0,76 mg Copper 3,69 mg Iron 130 mg Magnesium 4,13 mg Manganese 188 mg Phosphorus 1,3 mg Zinc 3,6 mg Selenium XNUMX mcg

Benefits for the body

It is clear that a product with such a diverse chemical composition should be beneficial to humans. And macadamia is actually one of the most valuable products for humans.

Strengthens the heart

Heart problemsThe correct fats contained in nuts help keep the heart and vessels in good condition. A high concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids allows macadamia to reduce the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the body, which subsequently serves as an excellent prevention of coronary heart disease, stroke. A high fiber content helps maintain a healthy lipid profile of the blood, preventing coronary artery disease.

Protects against free radicals

Macadamia contain flavonoids – substances with antioxidant abilities that protect cells from the effects of toxins and the “attacks” of free radicals. A study conducted by American scientists confirmed that people who have a nut diet are less likely to develop cardiac diseases or cancer.

In addition, do not forget that the chemical composition of Australian nuts include phenolic acids, and they are known to be one of the best anti-cancer compounds.

Improves the digestive system

Macadamia contains soluble and insoluble dietary fibers that accelerate the removal of toxins from the body, as well as stimulate the proper functioning of the digestive organs. In particular, these copper-rich nuts against the background of sufficient iron intake contribute to the proper course of enzymatic reactions.

Strengthens bones

Macadamia nuts contain phosphorus, manganese and magnesium in abundance. These are the elements on which the mineralization of bones and teeth depends, as well as the transportation of nutrients through tissues. Perhaps everyone knows that calcium is necessary for the healthy growth of teeth and bones. But calcium alone is not enough for this process. And the older we get, the more we need manganese, which helps the body maintain the correct bone density. In addition, the organisms of people with kidney dysfunction poorly absorb calcium and manganese. Therefore, it is important to take care that the daily diet consists of foods rich in these elements. And macadamia nuts do an excellent job with this task.

Affects the central nervous system

Nervous systemCopper, Vitamin B1, Magnesium and Manganese found in Australian nuts contribute to the proper functioning of the brain. In particular, these substances are necessary for the adequate transmission of impulses from the brain to other cells of the body. This product is rich in oleic acid, which is useful for maintaining brain health, as well as palmitoleic acid, which is important for protecting brain cells. In addition, do not forget about the equally important for the brain omega-9 and erucic acid, which is credited with the ability to improve cognitive functions. And these substances have also been found in nuts.

Promotes weight loss

Well, so what with the fact that the composition of macadamia nuts contains a considerable amount of fat. This fact does not prevent them from being a product that promotes weight loss. First, the presence of healthy fats in food makes it more nourishing, which means that hunger will not return quickly. In addition, fiber, which is more than enough in nuts, will help maintain the fullness of the stomach even longer. Secondly, in the composition of the product were found substances that contribute to the acceleration of metabolism, and subsequently – the normalization of weight. It is a question of vitamins of group B, useful for the correct metabolism. In addition, a study conducted in mice showed that macadamia reduces fat cell hypertrophy, which makes it possible to treat obesity.

Other useful properties

Studies indicate that macadamia fruits can be helpful for people with:

  • diabetes;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • elevated cholesterol levels.

Also nuts are useful for:

  • improve brain function;
  • increase endurance;
  • immunity strengthening;
  • improve muscle performance;
  • strengthening bones;
  • acceleration of blood microcirculation;
  • excretion of toxins from the body.

Use in cosmetology

Macadamia has found its place in the field of cosmetology. There, for example, they successfully use peanut oil, which has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair.

For hair

Macadamia oilMacadamia oil is an excellent hair care product. Interestingly, the oil of these nuts is not fat, and it allows you to apply the nutrient to washed hair, without fear of spoiling their appearance. This oil is quickly absorbed into the scalp and into dry hair. To make the curls more docile and shiny, just rub a few drops of macadamia oil between your palms and “comb” them with your fingers.

This oil contains palmitoleic monounsaturated fatty acid, which contributes to the production of sebum, which is necessary for nourishing hair follicles. Therefore, Australian walnut oil is considered one of the most useful for very dry or damaged hair. Regular massage of the scalp using macadamia oil, accelerates the growth of shiny, silky hair. Another way to nourish hair and skin with beneficial substances contained in nut oil is to add some product to the shampoo.

For the skin

This oil is extremely useful for the care of dry and problem skin. Regular use of the product softens, moisturizes, improves skin color and prevents the appearance of fine wrinkles. By the way, as part of this nut there are several components with the ability to slow down the aging of the skin. Therefore, it is useful to use this product for the care of fading skin, and palmitoleic acid, which is part of the oil, keeps the skin supple and young.

It would be a delusion to believe that this remedy is only suitable for dry-type skin. Since this oil is extremely light and not oily in structure, oily skin also responds well to it. But the benefits for the skin are not limited there. Macadamia oil accelerates cell regeneration, including improves the healing of burns of the 2 degree.

For nails

It is enough at least once a week to rub macadamia nut oil into the cuticle so that the nails become stronger, healthier and more beautiful. In addition, such oil rubbing prevents dryness and damage to the cuticle.

Possible side effects

Macadamia nuts, of course, very tasty and healthy product. But also this product contains a lot of phosphorus, which should not be abused by people with impaired kidney function. In addition, nuts belong to allergens, and this is also important to remember. And dog lovers should know that the Australian nut is dangerous for their pets, as it causes very strong poisoning in animals, accompanied by weakness.

Use in cooking

Nuts can be eaten raw, roasted and baked. The most delicious are small nuts roasted to a golden color. They, like other types of nuts, are suitable for desserts and baking. Food lovers say that light roasting best reveals the unique taste of macadamia. Heat treatment enhances the delicate sweet taste and nutty aroma. And in order to fully experience all the flavor notes of the Australian walnut, it is advised to use it with coffee or sherry.

Slightly roasted chopped nuts perfectly complement desserts, salads, cereals and seafood. They are also suitable for making muffins, cakes, cookies.

Australian nuts are a great alternative to peanuts and almonds, especially in the form of butter. A macadamia product contains a lot more proteins and other nutritional components, while it lacks cholesterol and trans fats. Oil from these nuts is a favorite among many cooks. Firstly, it is much healthier than olive or canola, and can be exposed to high temperatures without losing its unique taste, aroma and useful properties. This oil goes well with seafood, vegetables and meat.

Macadamia on our lands – exotic. But importers made sure that this nut appeared on the shelves of supermarkets. Of course, the price of delicacy is sometimes amazing. But its incredible taste and a huge number of useful properties are worth it to at least sometimes pamper yourself, even a small mountain of Australian nuts.

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Anna Evans


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