Keeping pigs using Canadian technology

Modern life forces livestock breeders to look for the best methods of raising domestic animals necessary for a person to diversify his diet. To reduce the cost of pig meat, which is so necessary for the human body, farmers are adopting cost-effective technologies for growing pigs. This is the Canadian technology of raising pigs.

Breeding pigs using Canadian technology

The essence of technology

A herd of pigs lives in a huge hangar, which does not have any heating system at all. The heating of the premises where the pigs are kept is carried out in a very cheap way – by covering the floor with a thick (20 cm) layer of straw, which is not changed for a long time. The Canadian technology, thanks to this approach, was called “cold keeping” or “keeping on non-replaceable straw.”

The essence of the technology is ingeniously simple: the straw itself heats the hangar, because after some time various bacteria accumulate in it (as a result of the vital activity of the animals themselves), and the bacteria themselves, in the process of their own vital activity, contribute to heating the straw bedding up to 50-60 °.

Periodically, the hangar is subjected to cosmetic cleaning: the top layer of straw is removed, and the bottom layer, teeming with bacteria, is sprinkled with a clean new layer of straw. Due to the vital activity of bacteria accumulated in the straw, the hangar is filled with a persistent unpleasant odor, therefore, nevertheless, the straw bedding for pigs is changed completely 2-3 times a year.

Important! Keeping pigs according to Canadian technology involves providing complete freedom to animals in choosing places to rest, drink, walk and defecate. And this means that the most polluted areas of the hangar should be cleaned more often than 2-3 times a year.

According to the Canadian method, one worker can easily handle a hundred heads of pigs, as it provides ease of raising livestock in a large farm. In order for the “Canadian” to give the best result when used, it is better to completely change the straw bedding in the hangar 2 times a year: in autumn and spring.

According to the Canadian method

According to the Canadian method

The simple concrete floor of a pig shed is treated with a special antibacterial agent every time before the complete replacement of the litter with a new one. Thanks to such a system, the bacteria in the straw are, as it were, “preserved” and work like a natural “warm floor” system.

Such technology is economically viable only in large farms, on large farms, where it is possible to use large agricultural equipment (a tractor with a trailer), which is problematic in a small household.

Advantages and disadvantages

To make the most of Canadian pig rearing technology, all you need to do is stock up on a few large bales of straw or sawdust and a large shed with a transparent roof.

This system will give the farmer a lot of advantages in work:

  • This technology in animal husbandry allows to reduce costs (or rather, eliminate them) for additional heating, since regardless of weather conditions, the temperature in the animal room will be constantly comfortable for them (not lower than +5°).
  • Using this technology, it is easier to take care of the immunity of pigs, as they constantly move in a large room without partitions – this eliminates outbreaks of respiratory diseases. Cleanliness, ensured by the timely replacement of bedding, will give additional health to the livestock.

Important! The use of the Canadian method is only advisable when the cleanliness and dryness of the animal room is taken care of, which ensures their life without fungal and pathogenic bacteria.

  • This technology of keeping animals reduces the cost of construction. The main thing is the right bedding on the floor made of sawdust and straw. The floor can be concrete, and board, and even earthen, because the pigs themselves scoop up the bedding, providing comfort.
  • It is possible to equip a livestock building using this technology very quickly and without much effort. An airtight shed without drafts and a sufficient amount of straw is quite suitable.

An airtight shed without drafts will do

An airtight shed without drafts will do

The disadvantages of using the technology include:

  1. Unpleasant amber in the hangars and high humidity in the room.
  2. Straw is not a cheap bedding in all geographical points of the world, and the removal of dirty straw can become an expensive “pleasure”.
  3. According to this technique, piglets are weaned very early (at the age of 14 days), which serves as stress for babies.

Features of the content

Like any other technology for breeding and keeping pets, Canadian has its own characteristics.


The Canadian pig breeding system is characterized by the construction of a tent hangar. In the West, this type of premises is made with a special striped covering, consisting equally of light and dark areas. The former allow a sufficient amount of light to enter the hangar, while the latter provide the necessary shade.

Any living beings need a certain portion of sunlight, only with the help of the sun they get vitamin D, which is so necessary for the proper development of the body. The transparent roof of the hangars fully complies with this requirement. In extreme cases, additional windows are made in the room, but this is rarely necessary.


Ventilation in growing rooms directly depends on their temperature regime. The Canadian technology does not provide for heating of hangars. The floor in the room is lined with a thick non-replaceable layer of straw, in the process of decay of which a heated floor is obtained. Animals keep warm by burrowing into straw bedding if they are cold.

Animals keep warm by burrowing into straw bedding

Animals keep warm by burrowing into straw bedding

Thanks to this technology, the temperature in the room never drops below 15 degrees. The most important thing is to avoid drafts during the cold season. In summer, the hangar must be ventilated, this can be done using openings in the side walls.


The specificity of the Canadian method in a special flooring. A special mixture is made for him, consisting of sawdust and straw, and the room is lined with it.

Since all the natural processes of pigs take place in one room, over time, straw is mixed with animal waste. The flooring becomes damp, becomes damp, and as a result of the multiplication of bacteria, it is filled with a specific smell. That is why the room needs to be cleaned. To clean the hangars, the flooring layer must be changed 2-3 times a year, it is better to do this in spring and autumn. Before each laying of a new layer of straw, the floor is treated with a special antiseptic solution. Timely cleaning ensures the health of pigs, and minimizes the likelihood of animals getting ARI. If it is not possible to periodically change the flooring, it is better not to use this method of growing.


With the “Canadian” animals have access to feed and water at any time of the day. The farm is equipped with special heated drinkers and feeders, which does not allow food and water to freeze.

This innovative pig technology in southern Canada is based on reducing costs in the process of raising pigs, without focusing on special types of nutrition or concern for weight gain. Profitability in pig production can be more than doubled if this technology is followed. This method is also suitable for rearing cows, horses, as well as ducks and geese.

Anna Evans


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