Indian onion-How to plant and grow – rules and technologies

Other names of the Indian onion are tailed birdman, sea onion, Chinese, false, Mongolian, brandushka, hellish root. In England, the onion is called the star of Bethlehem, in Germany – milk star, in Israel – hawk’s milk.

Indian onion-How to plant and grow - rules and technologies

Indian onion has a lot of useful properties

Indian onion-How to plant and grow - rules and technologies

Indian onion

Indian onion-How to plant and grow - rules and technologies

The root part of the onion is located on the surface of the soil

General characteristics

Indian onion is an exotic vegetable that is common in South Africa, India, China, the Mediterranean regions, the European continents (central, southeast). In the CIS countries, onions appeared after the 50s of the last century.

The birdman belongs to a perennial plant of the Lily family, is a distant relative of lily of the valley and other flowers. In terms of external indicators, it resembles Kalanchoe, Aloe and similar plants, so the brandushka is often confused with indoor flowers.

It has a lot of useful properties, therefore it is popular in traditional medicine and cosmetology. For the preparation of tinctures, all parts of the onion are used.

Indian onions are unpretentious in care, live up to 30 years, do not require much light, heat and humidity, grow on the street and in residential premises. Age is determined by the number of leaves – a new element appears in the year of vegetation.

Indian bulbs are used with extreme caution, as they contain milky juice (whitish in color), which contributes to severe burns. For this reason, fresh liquid and prepared products are taken in strict accordance with the indicated dosages.

Description of the plant

A feature of the Indian onion is the location of the root part on the surface of the soil, due to which the plant differs from other varieties. External indicators have their own characteristics:

  • The root consists of numerous white cord-like roots, which are connected to the bulbous part.
  • The bulb has a light green tint, white compacted scales that are firmly attached to the bulb with a diameter of up to 10 cm. The husk is white-brown.
  • The foliage originates near the root, has a width of 3-5 cm, a length of 30-100 cm. The leaf plate is a whole-edge linear, a white vein runs along its middle part. As the leaves grow, they break off in the middle due to the gravity of their own weight. The ends have the ability to twist.
  • The fruits are small boxes, inside of which there is seed material – black shiny and flattened grains.
  • Flowers are white with green veins. Their maximum size is 10 mm, the arrangement of racemose inflorescences is a fleshy peduncle. The flowering process begins from below, the shape resembles small stars. Feature – the first flowers appear in 2-3 years.
  • The length of the flower arrow is about 1 m.
  • Children are formed in the bulb, after which they fall to the surface of the soil and take root.
  • The composition and properties of Indian onions

    Indian onion consists of biologically active and beneficial substances that have a therapeutic effect on the body. What is included:

    • essential oil;
    • alkaloids – colchicosides, thiocolchicines, colchicines;
    • glycosides;
    • organic acids;
    • antioxidant quercetin;
    • microelements;
    • macronutrients.

    Thanks to these compounds, the Indian onion has the following effect:

    • relieves pain;
    • eliminates inflammatory processes;
    • suppresses pathogenic microbes;
    • expands capillaries and blood vessels;
    • accelerates peripheral circulation;
    • prevents the formation of blood clots, thinning the blood;
    • destroys parasites and viruses;
    • regenerates damaged tissues and cells;
    • has keratolytic, antitumor, antigout properties;
    • warms;
    • strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

    Official medicine does not recognize Indian onion as a drug for oral use, but without skepticism refers to gels based on brandy and hot pepper, as the plant warms and irritates receptors in the joints, which leads to a decrease in inflammation.



    Indian onions are included in the group of birdmen who are strictly forbidden to eat. However, the tailed variety is an exception – it can be used for frying, pickling, baking and fresh consumption. The infernal root has found application in cosmetology – alcohol tinctures, lotions, tonics, decoctions for the face and hair are made from it.

    The most popular Indian onion in folk medicine. Tinctures, ointments and other remedies are made from it in such pathological conditions:

  • Immune system disorders – dermatitis, seborrhea, eczema, psoriasis, allergic reaction.
  • Diseases of the mouth and throat – herpes, periodontal disease, stomatitis, tonsillitis, gingivitis.
  • Skin lesions, insect bites, burns, frostbite.
  • Fungal infection.
  • Purulent boils, acne, papillomas, wen, warts, dropsy, tumors on the skin.
  • Joint-muscular diseases – arthritis, arthrosis, myalgia, osteochondrosis, pinched nerves, gout.
  • Pain in the teeth and head.
  • Cold.
  • Mastitis.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Hematomas, fractures.
  • Traditional healers recommend using Indian onions for weight loss and cellulite removal, and in an external way. To do this, the pure juice of the plant is diluted in a ratio of 1:10 with vegetable-based oil and rubbed daily into the skin of the problem area.

    How to plant and grow Indian onions at home?

    Indian onion is a perennial plant that does not tolerate cold, so it is impossible to grow it only in the beds. Therefore, stock up on large pots (the root of an adult crop reaches 1 m) for transplanting for wintering. The brandushka is planted in different ways, depending on the type of reproduction.

    seed material

    The main condition is pollinated seeds, which can be collected independently in spring or summer. How to sow them:

  • First prepare the planting material – keep in the refrigerator for 4-5 months. Place the grains in a gauze flap and place on a shelf in the refrigerator.
  • Take a container with holes in the bottom so that the liquid does not stagnate when watering.
  • Lay pebbles (pebbles) at the bottom, fertile soil on top (you can buy a universal substrate or mix perlite and peat in equal proportions).
  • Sow the seeds at a distance of 1-3 cm from each other, deepening into the ground by 1 cm.
  • Moisten the soil.
  • For 6-7 months sprouts are formed. During this period, properly care for planting material. Water as the soil dries out, monitor the temperature (+ 15-22 degrees).
  • When the first 3 leaves appear, dive into separate containers filled with such a composition – 2 parts of river sand, 1 part of soddy and leafy soil.
  • Bulbs

    To obtain individual bulbs, it is necessary to divide the adult onion into parts. Landing method:

    • prepare pots from natural material (clay, peat);
    • pour expanded clay on the bottom;
    • add a substrate of sand, leaf and sod land;
    • make a hole;
    • deepen the bulb;
    • sprinkle with soil;
    • moisturize.


    Children are harvested after the Indian onion has faded. The landing method is identical to the previous one. The term of root formation is 14-16 days.

    Do not forget that the onion grows quickly enough, and the root system develops long. Therefore, periodically dive the bulbs into large pots. Do it boldly, as the root is strong, easily tolerates transplantation.

    Onion babies

    Care instructions

    When growing an Indian bulb crop, follow the basic rules of care:

  • Onions love light, but do not withstand direct sunlight. If you grow it on a windowsill (or in winter), do not put it on the sunny side during the daytime – it is better to provide the plant with artificial lighting (phytolamps, fluorescent devices, etc.).
  • The humidity of the room should not exceed 75-80%, but dry air also harms the plant. To prevent this, spray the feathers with warm water 2-4 times a week. If the onion is near heaters that dry out the air, spraying is carried out more often.
  • The temperature regime in summer is a maximum of 20-22 degrees, in winter – a minimum of + 10-12. The optimum temperature is room temperature.
  • Indian onions are not afraid of drought – it is destroyed by high soil moisture, so there is no need to worry too much about watering. To accurately determine the moisture period, inspect the topsoil – it should not be wet and heavily cracked (a light dry crust is acceptable).
  • Water for irrigation must be rainwater or settled. It is impossible to water from the water supply, since such a liquid contains many substances harmful to the plant (chlorine and the like). It is necessary to defend the water in an open container. The temperature of the liquid should be close to room temperature.
  • It is necessary to loosen the soil, since without oxygen the root system stops development, as a result of which the culture dies. This must be done carefully so as not to hook the roots.
  • To ensure proper gas exchange and photosynthesis, remove dust from the feather part with a soft cloth or special tools.
  • The soil in pots quickly loses its useful properties, so Indian onions must be fed with organic matter and minerals. Brandushka’s favorite fertilizer is wood ash (10%), which is diluted with water. Feeding frequency – every 2 weeks. You can make potassium permanganate in a weak solution. The best option is complex fertilizers purchased at a specialized store.
  • Landing in open ground

    The minimum temperature regime at which the Indian onion develops is +10 degrees, which obliges gardeners to transfer the plant to a warm room for the winter period. Brandushka easily adapts to new conditions, so it is not afraid of picks and transplants.

    Features of planting in the garden:

  • Bulbs should be taken out into open ground at a consistently warm temperature: for the middle regions of Russia, this is mid-late May.
  • The place should be shaded, as the variety does not tolerate exposure to direct sunlight. However, there should be a lot of light.
  • Watering should be moderate – swamping should not be allowed.
  • Before planting in the soil, onions can be grown all winter, but there is a way to allow them to rest. To do this, in the fall, put the pot away from the light and stop watering completely (only occasionally spray with a sprayer). Moisture resumes immediately after transplanting to the garden.
  • It makes no sense to fertilize the soil – onions are unpretentious. The only requirement is moderate acidity.
  • The culture for the summer period can not be transplanted at all, but simply taken out in a pot, but this will not contribute to rapid growth. Why it is advisable to transplant Indian onions into garden beds:

    • there is no need to fertilize often – it is enough to use organic matter once a month;
    • feather development is accelerated;
    • natural pollination is carried out, due to which the number of seeds and children increases;
    • the plant blooms more abundantly and longer.

    Transplant process:

    • carefully remove the root system from the pot;
    • prepare a bed – dig a hole along the length of the root (depending on age);
    • moisten the earth;
    • insert the bulbs at a distance of 2-5 cm from each other;
    • sprinkle with soil, compact, pour water.

    Methods of reproduction

    Indian onions reproduce easily and quickly at home. In addition, there are three ways to do this:

  • Bulb method. Small bulbs are used, which are planted in pots.
  • Seeds. It requires patience and diligence, as the planting material sprouts for several months. Feature – the seeds are formed in the bulbs pollinated by insects, so the plants for the summer period are first taken out into the fresh air (in the absence of pollinating insects, the process is excluded). If there is no possibility of transplanting into the ground, you can pollinate the culture artificially.
  • Children. The most common and convenient way. Babies themselves are released from the bulbs as they grow. It is enough to collect and land them, according to the requirements.
  • How to harvest and store Indian onions?

    If you grow bulbs of this variety for therapeutic purposes, it is enough to trim the leaves as needed.

    If there are too many feathers, and you need to prepare them for future use, you should collect them, put them in a plastic bag and place them in the refrigerator.

    Another way is to squeeze out the juice right away. Bulbs are stored in the same way as regular onions.

    Features of the Indian bow (video story)

    From this video you will learn how to grow Indian onions, as well as what useful properties it has:

    The use of Indian onions has restrictive contraindications, so consult your doctor in advance if you have chronic diseases. And when growing a brandushka at home, follow the agrotechnical requirements.

    Anna Evans


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