How to store onions: preparation and popular methods

After harvesting onions, it is important to keep them as long as possible without losing quality. For this, raw materials must be properly prepared. You can store onions in different ways – about them later in the article.

Onion storage

Preparation for long term storage

An important condition for the long-term preservation of onions is harvesting at the appropriate time – it must ripen, but not sit out in the ground. Unripe fruits are stored less and are more prone to disease, while overripe ones are prone to germination.

Work should be planned for dry weather. The harvested crop requires some preparation:

  1. Cleansing the onion from the ground. No need to rub it too much, everything unnecessary can be removed after drying.
  2. Drying. This stage should last 2 weeks. If the weather is sunny, it is recommended to spread the crop directly on the beds – the process will go much faster. On cloudy or rainy days, onions can be dried in any dry room with good ventilation. Scales and roots should dry completely.
    During drying, the raw materials must be periodically turned over. This is not required when using shell nets. Another option is an electric oven. The temperature must be set to the minimum, preventing the onion from drying out. It is better to dry it with the door open so that excess moisture evaporates faster.
  3. final cleansing. Remains of earth, cracked scales should be removed.
  4. Trimming. The features of this stage depend on the way the crop will be stored. The roots must be completely cut off in any scenario, without touching the bottom. Feathers are usually cut off completely, leaving only a tail of 5 cm. They should be longer for storage with braided braids.
  5. Culling. Such work should overlap with other preparatory stages. Only strong bulbs are suitable for storage without mechanical damage and signs of disease or damage by pests. Instances that do not meet these requirements should be left for food or discarded. When pruning, you need to set aside onions with green necks – they will not be stored for a long time.
  6. Sorting. This stage is also usually combined with one of the previous ones. The crop should be sorted by size into 3 groups.

Burning the roots will help reduce the risk of onion sprouting. It will be unsuitable for planting, so you should immediately set aside the planting material separately. Another option is to treat the cuts with lime paste. Such a bow also cannot be taken for landing.

Onion storage conditions

To prolong the preservation of the collected bow, it is necessary to provide certain conditions. These include temperature and humidity in the room – both indicators are interconnected.

There are 3 options for storing vegetables:

  • Cool way at a temperature of -3-0 degrees. This is the best variant. In such conditions, the crop is stored as long as possible.
  • warm way at a temperature of 18-22 degrees. Humidity in this case should be 60-70%.
  • Combined method. First, the crop is stored at a temperature of 18-22 degrees, and when stable cold weather sets in, it is cooled and transferred to the cold method. In the spring and in the thaw, they return to the warm method again.

When stored cold, do not leave the onion warm for a long time. It is worth taking it for food in small quantities.

When choosing a suitable temperature regime, it is necessary to take into account the variety of onions. With an increase in its severity, a decrease in the recommended storage temperature occurs.

The place for storing onions should be dry and well ventilated. Ventilation can be natural or forced. In the second case, it is important to control the correctness of its work. Heat sources should not be nearby.

It is important to store onions in the right container. It must be breathable. The height of boxes, boxes or baskets should be up to 30 cm. This is also the condition for other containers – the onion layer should also not exceed 30 cm. Small containers should be preferred so that less crop is damaged in case of damage.

When storing onions, it is also important to observe the following conditions:

  • periodic inspection of raw materials with the rejection of damaged specimens – 2-3 such checks are enough for the entire period;
  • exclusion of onion storage along with crops that require higher indoor humidity;
  • when stored in boxes and other containers, they should not be tightly closed – this increases the level of humidity and provokes decay;
  • exclusion of strong and frequent changes in temperature in the room.

Sharp and early ripening onions are best stored. Salad and peninsular varieties have an average keeping quality.

Onions are stored in bags

Ways to store onions in cellars and cellars

Storing onions in a basement or cellar is attractive with cooler temperatures as well as more space. You can store the crop in the following ways:

  • Racks, shelves. Before unfolding the onion, the surface should be covered. You can use paper, burlap, straw. Polyethylene is excluded. If possible, lay the onion in one layer.
  • Wooden crates, paper boxes. Mandatory perforation of such containers. It should be placed on shelves or organize stands. It is impossible to allow containers for storing onions to come into contact not only with the floor, but also with the walls of the room.
    It should be remembered about the optimal thickness of the layer of raw materials – if it is too large, then the bulbs below will rot. Their decay and damage to the rest of the specimens in this container will begin.
  • Linen bags. It is optimal to store up to 5-10 kg of onions in one bag.
  • Nylon stockings. An effective grandmother’s way. Don’t stuff the stockings too much, otherwise they may tear during storage, and all the contents will be on the floor. During the fall, it can be damaged, and before it is discovered, it can also deteriorate. Stockings filled with onions should be hung indoors so that they do not come into contact with anything.
  • egg containers. This method is suitable for those who have a lot of this container, and the bulbs are small. You need to arrange them in containers and place them on shelves. You can stack containers on top of each other. It is better to use cardboard containers.

It is useful to use lime in the cellar or basement. You can treat it with the walls and floor of the room, or place it in containers and place it in the corners or along the walls. Lime perfectly absorbs moisture.

For better preservation of the crop, it is effective to use crushed chalk. Enough 0,2 kg of powder for 10 kg of onions. It is necessary to process each bulb evenly on all sides, but do not make too thick a layer. Chalk during storage will absorb excess moisture, prevent a number of diseases.

Ash or wood shavings can also be used to absorb excess moisture. If the room is too dry, then it is useful to leave the husk from it when taking part of the crop and sprinkle the remaining raw materials with it.

Ways to store onions at home

Not everyone has cellars and cellars, so the issue of storing onions in an apartment is relevant. It is also convenient to store part of the crop for food if the main storage location is far from home.

Weaving braids

One of the popular ways is braiding. It should be planned in advance, because it is necessary to leave tails of 12 cm. You need to act according to the following algorithm:

  1. Sorting raw materials by size. This allows you to make braids stronger and smoother.
  2. Preparing a strong and long enough rope – its length will correspond to the length of the braid. One end is more convenient to immediately tie in the storage location.
  3. Weaving. At the lower end of the rope, fasten 2-3 bulbs to the ponytails; you can make a loop for this in advance. Then take 2 onions, twist the tails with each other, place on top of the already suspended bulbs and twist 1-2 more times. You can take one bulb at a time, wrapping its tail around the rope twice.

Finished braids can be hung in a closet, pantry or kitchen. If you carefully weave them using bulbs of the same size, they will perfectly complement the interior.

Bow braids

Onion storage container

At home, onions can be stored in such containers:

  • wooden boxes;
  • perforated cardboard boxes;
  • wicker baskets;
  • fabric bags;
  • kapron stockings;
  • special vegetable nets made of polypropylene.

Storage in baskets

Balcony storage

In the apartment, onions can be stored on the balcony if it is closed. If the balcony is cold, then it is allowed to store the crop on it up to a temperature of -6 degrees. In this case, it is worth considering the night temperature.

If the balcony is warm, then you can store onions on it all winter. To do this, you can use a suitable container or hang it in stockings or braids. It should be remembered that a temperature drop for onions is undesirable. Under such conditions, the risk of spoilage and germination increases.

Storage in stockings

Storage in the refrigerator and freezer

One of the places to store onions in the apartment is the refrigerator. The product can lie in it for up to a month.

One of the options for storing onions in an apartment is freezing. Raw materials must be cleaned, cut and frozen. It is better to spread the onions immediately in portions in small containers or tight bags. You can make various vegetable mixtures.

At a temperature of -18 degrees, frozen onions can be stored for up to six months. If the temperature in the freezer is about -8 degrees, then the shelf life is halved.

Other places to store onions

The onion placed in any chosen container can also be stored in the pantry, on the mezzanine or in the closet. Drawers and boxes can be placed under a bed or closet if there is no radiator or other heat source nearby. Effectively process raw materials with crushed chalk.

Onion conservation

To store onions at home, they also resort to preservation. It is best suited for pickling – this preparation has a special taste, you can add it to salads and snacks.

Onion conservation

Onions can be preserved both separately and with other vegetables – tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers. Red onions are good to harvest in a balsamic bite – small onions do not even need to be chopped.

Drying onions

A good harvesting method is drying. In this case, it is enough to add the workpiece at the end of cooking, it will give the dish both taste and aroma.

Drying onions

Dry onions cut into rings. Enough 3 hours at a temperature of 60 degrees. Store dried onions in a tightly closed container. You can keep it on its own or mix it with other dried vegetables and herbs.

Possible causes of damage to onions during storage, preventive measures

Onion spoilage during storage usually implies rotting. The reasons may be different:

  • disease – more often it is a fungal or bacterial lesion, the signs of which appear during storage;
  • high humidity in the room;
  • improper packaging – tightly closed containers, the use of polyethylene;
  • abuse of nitrogen-containing fertilizers – this brings the harvest time closer, but it negatively affects the duration of its storage.

The following measures will help to avoid damage to the crop during storage:

  • processing of planting material in the spring – it is optimal to use a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • moderate use of fertilizers, proper potash top dressing – they increase the keeping quality of the crop;
  • accuracy when harvesting – infection often occurs due to mechanical damage;
  • careful rejection and elimination of damaged specimens;
  • complete drying of the crop;
  • preparation of premises for storage of crops – its complete drying, disinfection;
  • ensuring good ventilation;
  • maintaining the recommended temperature and humidity levels;
  • use of air-permeable storage containers;
  • periodic inspection of the stored crop with the culling of spoiled specimens. Compliance with all the rules for storing onions will allow them to be kept in good condition for the longest possible time. This can be done both in the conditions of an apartment, and in the presence of a basement or cellar. It is especially important to preserve the crop if part of it is intended for planting next year.

Anna Evans


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