How to properly design and equip a garden alley

The combination of various landscape objects allows you to effectively use each square meter of the suburban area, while maintaining their aesthetic appeal. For example, having successfully assembled a small garden of fruit trees and a comfortable walking path, we will get a new fresh solution – the device of a shady alley. At the dacha, a garden alley can be anything: an area for walking, children’s games, friendly gatherings and tea parties, and even a place for an afternoon rest in a hammock or a comfortable armchair.

The arrangement of any suburban area involves the planting of green spaces – fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, flower beds. Arranging complex alpine slides, rockeries and columbariums, we often forget about simpler landscape design solutions, such as comfortable, cozy, low-maintenance alleys.

Suburban area scheme

Designing a suburban area implies the designation of all significant objects, including garden paths. As you can see, paths connect the house with the bathhouse and the veranda, and one of them leads to the exit. Any of the marked paths can be turned into an alley by choosing suitable trees or shrubs.

The easiest way to plan an alley is at the design stage of the entire garden plot. However, if the project has already been implemented, and there is practically no free space left, we use a fallback: we turn one of the garden paths into an alley.

Thus, we will kill two birds with one stone: we will competently organize the planting of the necessary plants and save the pedestrian or transport communication that is important for the dacha.


The question often arises: how to designate green plantings on plans or diagrams? There are several ways – using pictures or legends. For example, in this diagram, all plants are marked with green circles of various shades.

To present the project visually, you can draw a few sketches or draw a simple diagram.

Even at the design stage, you should decide on the type of planting. Considering that suburban areas have a different area, relief, style, we will consider the features of the alleys, which differ in both length and design.

An important role is played by the purpose of all summer cottages, therefore, based on the functional features, two types of alleys are distinguished: main and secondary; the latter, in turn, are divided into driveways and promenades. The main alleys are characteristic of the palace and park landscape, therefore, it is inappropriate to consider them within the framework of the dacha theme, but the access and pedestrian options are good for territories of any area, even the smallest 6 acres.

Suppose a small orchard, even consisting of 10 apple or cherry trees, can be arranged in the form of a short cozy alley from the gate to the house or from the house to the gazebo. With laconic pergolas it is even easier – they can be placed anywhere on the garden path.

Alley in the garden

Fruit trees in large country gardens are usually planted in even rows. If the garden is already an adult, you can use one row (for example, the central one) to create a beautiful flowering alley – it is enough to lay an easy path for walking

Complex structural combinations are more suitable for spacious areas, while at the dacha, a simple alley consisting of two rows of plants on both sides of the path is the best solution. The width depends on the purpose of use: the driveway for transport should be 2 times wider than the walking version, for which 1,5-2 meters is enough.

The order of planting trees along the edges of the path may also differ. There are two types of plant arrangement: symmetrical and checkerboard. The amount of light and the visibility of the surrounding landscape depends on the planting intervals. For example, the Russian estate landscape is characterized by a dense planting of trees and shrubs, forming real green fences along the edges of the path.

Rarely located trees are not suitable for a limited area, while in a spacious area they will look appropriate without blocking the surrounding landscape.

Park alley

If the size of the site allows, and the gate is on the opposite side from the house, you can create an extended park alley in a free style

If the width of the pedestrian (carriageway) allows, it is worth thinking about a two- or three-tiered arrangement of plants. For the outer row, large trees are used, for the middle row, undersized trees or lush shrubs, for the inner row, low shrubs, dense greenery or flowers.

When choosing this or that type of alley in the country, observe the stylistic nuances. For example, for a landscape in the Russian rustic style, spreading birches, cedar pines, dense thickets of rose hips or berry bushes – raspberries, currants, gooseberries are suitable. Slender geometric shapes are good for a regular garden – pyramidal cypresses, larch trees, poplars.

The same principle applies to the shape of the alley itself. It does not have to be straightforward, connecting, like a string, two summer cottage objects. There are curved, winding, zigzag, arched alleys, as well as those located around the circumference or along the perimeter of the suburban area.

Two-tiered alley

An absolutely summer cottage option, suitable for a plot of any size – a two-tiered alley of rarely planted, decoratively cut poplars and lush flower beds

The creation of a shady closed-type alley requires special art: trees with dense foliage must be planted at intervals of no more than 3-4 meters, and dense thickets must be used for the lower tier.

Sometimes it is necessary to build frames to create a darkened corner, and the result is magnificent arched bersot or pergolas with flat ceilings. For the north, they are less typical, and in the southern regions they are life-saving islands in extreme heat. For the picturesque design of arched and rectangular ceilings, grapes, clematis, woodworm, honeysuckle or fragrant climbing roses are ideal.

Blooming alley

Such a kind of mini-alley can be created by using several arches instead of trees and by planting lush flowering ampelous plants: petunia, begonia, lobelia, viola, diastia, climbing roses

Suppose that our beloved, but too “bare” summer cottage does not have enough green spaces. You can plant trees around the perimeter, as most conservative summer residents do, but we will be smart and act in an original way – we will turn a boring, naturally trodden path into a picturesque and functional alley. Its functionality lies in the fact that we will not plant simple poplars and birches, but useful fruit plants – apple, pear and plum.

Stage # 1 – drafting

The main thing in any planned event is the right start, and in our case, the preparation of the project. It is not worth arranging an alley in any ill-conceived place, because in a few years the trees will grow and create a lot of problems: they will close sunny areas with flower beds, violate the waterproofing of the pond with their roots, or divide the territory into inconvenient zones. It is necessary to choose a place that is comfortable both for plants and for the owners of suburban areas.

Nuances of the project

Making preliminary calculations, carefully study the nuances of planting and growth of all trees. The depth of the fossa, optimal planting intervals, average height depend on their individual characteristics – and as a result, the appearance of the future alley

Perhaps a path leading to a garden or a bathhouse is suitable for arranging an alley – it is nice to walk in the shade after working in the beds or a hot steam room. Another winning option is the path leading to the gate. Guests visiting the dacha will be pleasantly surprised by the unusual organization of a kind of garden.

Track material

When choosing fruit or ornamental plants, do not forget to include in the project and material for arranging a comfortable garden path in advance, especially if it is used daily

Stage # 2 – marking on the ground

Having drawn up a project, having chosen plants and material, you can start land work. They will consist of two parts: the construction of the path and the planting of green spaces. But first, it is necessary to make markings so that both the landings and the pedestrian zone occupy strictly designated places and look harmonious. Places of holes for seedlings can be marked with pegs, and the boundaries of the pathway – with a construction cord.

Alley markings

Park option, suitable for a spacious suburban area. Along the edges of the alley, birch trees are planted – rather tall and spreading trees, which mainly bear an aesthetic load. Get ready that you will see a similar picture only 10 years later, when the trees grow

At this stage, you can bring up the necessary materials – tiles, bricks, paving stones for the path. Perhaps it will be just sandy or pebble, but in this case, you should think about such nuances as a drain for rainwater or a low curb.

Stage # 3 – design of the pedestrian zone

To make it pleasant to move along the alley in any weather, it is necessary to take care of a comfortable flat canvas that would maintain relative dryness even in rainy weather.

The ideal option is a paved surface – the most expensive and time consuming, but surprisingly durable and aesthetically flawless. For its design, paving stones, bricks, paving slabs, homemade concrete blocks, natural stone are suitable. Elements of different colors can be used to create beautiful geometric patterns and ornaments that will create an interesting combination with blooming greenery.

Material combination

Make sure that the material of the tracks matches the surrounding objects and does not get out of style. Suppose gray and red paving stones are in perfect harmony with green spaces and with a wrought-iron fence on brick supports

The tree must be used with extreme caution, since the walkways are not entirely appropriate for the alleys, moreover, during the rain they get wet and become slippery. If you still like wood flooring, pay attention to garden parquet – a decking created especially for suburban outdoor use.

Bulk paths made of sand, pebbles or gravel look natural and at ease, and their cost is also minimal.

Wooden walkway

An unusual design option for the descent, lined with wooden steps. You can beat it by planting the same green spaces on both sides – dense shrubs or tall slender trees to get a shady alley leading down

Stage # 4 – planting trees and shrubs

Trees can be planted both before and after the construction of the path, focusing on the more successful, recommended planting period. If you have chosen seedlings of fruit trees, pay special attention to their purchase: they must be healthy and equally developed. Choose a cultivar that thrives in your area and a type of rootstock that is drought tolerant.

Tree planting

Fruit plants for the alley are planted in the same order as for a normal garden planting. The main thing is to observe the size of the holes and the intervals that affect the light transmission capacity of the trees.

Apple trees, plums and pears can be planted both in spring and autumn, while cherries, peaches and apricots take root much better with early spring planting. All berry bushes perfectly tolerate spring planting, from autumn they can freeze. Many ornamental plants, such as the pyramidal poplar, are planted during one of the growing seasons, that is, in autumn or spring.

Plant Care

When planting fruit trees, do not forget that they require more attention than maples, birches and spruces, which do not need to be regularly looked after.

Depending on the type of trees and their growing conditions, dig holes in a symmetrical or checkerboard pattern, plant seedlings, not forgetting to fertilize them, and wait patiently for them to grow. The regrown branches can be cut off, forming slender figures, balls or spreading crowns.

The suite of pergolas entwined with hops, roses or grapes looks just magical and is a kind of shady alley, ideal for small summer cottages. By installing a comfortable bench on the edge, you will also get a wonderful place to relax.

Pergola sample

The size and shape of the pergola may be different, however, calculate the height of the building so that a person can easily walk inside it without bending down

From the bars, we collect a couple of buildings, reminiscent of horizontal bars, installed along the path opposite each other. First, we dig in the pillars, then with the help of metal corners we mount the upper crossbars. The top can be designed in different ways: in the form of gentle slopes or just a perpendicular panel.

We decorate the sides of the pergola with a lattice assembled from thin strips. At the base of the pillars, we install flower pots with climbing crops.

For about 2-3 years, perennials will grow, cover the entire surface of the pergola with foliage and flowers, forming a cozy shady corner.

Pergola for giving

Light trellis structures with curly flowers do not “load” the territory of the site, unlike the heavier oak alleys or dense green fences, so they are good on miniature sites

Trees, bushes and flowering crops are chosen based on climatic conditions, soil acidity, degree of illumination, relief features, etc. For example, in the northern latitudes, birches, maples, oaks, pines, spruces, bird cherry trees, hawthorns perfectly take root – frost-resistant trees that are not afraid of the harsh climate. In the middle lane, you can safely plant apple trees, pears, plums, cherries, which will decorate the country landscape with spring color, and by autumn they will bring a wonderful harvest.

Linden Alley

The shady linden alley looks great, but it is more suitable for extensive countryside. Linden trees should be paid attention to summer residents-beekeepers, since linden honey is considered one of the most useful

In the southern regions, any fruit trees, shrubs and almost all types of flowering plants grow, so you can create a beautiful multi-tiered fruit-bearing alley – just one that will satisfy thrifty summer residents.

If the territory allows, feel free to experiment with decorative exotic plants and flowers, which usually decorate flower beds or mask fences.


Boxwood, which is often used for hedges or figurines, can form a beautiful classic English-style alley.

Try planting a low Daurian juniper, a warty birch with graceful hanging branches, or a beautifully blooming spiny hawthorn. The green-barked maple with striped bark and the long-lived thuja tree look unusual. The common mountain ash will decorate your alley in any season: in the spring – in white, in the summer – with dense green foliage, in the fall – with a fire of orange-red leaves, in the winter – with a scattering of scarlet berries.

With the help of the alley, you can profitably change the suburban area, divide it into zones or simply refine it, so do not give up this simple and useful landscape element.

Anna Evans


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