How to process the skin of a ram, sheep wool: features, steps, application

The processing of sheepskin is a lengthy process that requires a significant investment of time and labor resources. To get high-quality wool and sheepskin, you need to strictly follow a certain sequence of actions. It is necessary to process the skin with the utmost care in order to protect it from mechanical damage and prevent coarsening. Read more about the preparation of raw materials for processing, a description of the main methods of conservation, as well as a description of each stage of sheepskin dressing and self-processing of wool – later in the article.

Preparation for dressing sheepskin

Before dressing a sheepskin, it must be properly removed. In order not to violate the integrity of the sheepskin, this procedure must be performed carefully, following the following sequence of actions:

  1. Make a small incision in the neck area, and then draw a knife to the root of the tail along the entire abdomen.
  2. Make circular incisions along the carpal joints of the front legs. On the hind limbs, make the same incisions near the hocks.
  3. Remove the skin from the carcass carefully, making small cuts along its inner surface. It is impossible to allow violations of the integrity of the sheepskin.
  4. Remove all debris from the surface of the skin. Gently scrape off the remnants of the tendons and meat from the mezdra.
  5. Bend the sheepskin in half so that the mezdra (not the front side of the skin) is inside. Leave it in a cool room for 2 hours to cool.

Did you know? Felt is made from sheep wool, which absorbs noise well and is used in construction and aircraft manufacturing.

Tools and equipment

To quickly and efficiently mend sheepskin, you will need special equipment. On large livestock farms, additional equipment is used to clean and dry the sheepskin with high quality.

A list of the main tools and fixtures used during dressing is presented below:

  1. A sharp knife is used to separate the sheepskin from the body of the sheep.
  2. A wooden deck with a perfectly smooth and even surface – designed for spreading skins on it.
  3. Pallet for collecting cut off sections of the core.
  4. Mezdryak – a special knife with a curved smooth or serrated blade and two handles. It is intended for cutting off the remnants of meat and fat on the wrong side of the sheepskin, and on large farms it is replaced with a meat machine.
  5. Capacious containers for soaking skins in solutions at different stages of dressing.
  6. Centrifuge – designed for accelerated extraction of wet sheepskins, which contributes to their quick drying.

Raw materials

The technology of sheepskin dressing depends on the type of raw material used and is selected taking into account the purpose for which the finished product will be used. At the same time, the quality of the dressed skin depends on how carefully and accurately it was processed, and the best result can be achieved only in production conditions.

There are several types of raw materials for sheepskin:

  1. Fur – its source is fine-fleeced and semi-fine-fleeced sheep, which have thick and fluffy fur with a uniform structure. Such skins contain an increased amount of fat and are intended for the manufacture of things that are worn with fur outside. The dressing of fur sheepskin is the most time-consuming and consists of the largest number of stages.
  2. Fur – such skins are removed from coarse-wooled sheep, under the skin of which there is a relatively small layer of fat. The resulting sheepskins are used to make durable products that are resistant to moisture. In order for the finished material to acquire such characteristics, during dressing, special attention must be paid to the processing of the mezra.
  3. Tannery – according to the quality of the fur, such skins are not suitable for the production of fur clothes, therefore suede and leather products are made from them.

Raw materials for sheepskin

Skin preservation methods

Sometimes sheep skins begin to be dressed immediately after they are removed from the carcass, but most often a certain period of time passes between these two stages. Small fragments of muscle and adipose tissue remain on fresh sheepskin, which quickly decompose upon contact with air and spoil the finished product, causing hair loss, therefore skins removed must be preserved.

This procedure can be carried out in several ways, each of which further allows you to get a product of a certain quality and softness. The main preservation methods are listed below.

Did you know? About 4600 years ago, the first teddy bear was made from sheep’s wool.


This method of preservation is used in the cold season, when there is no possibility of drying fresh skins. In order for the salt to be well absorbed into the mezra, no more than 2 hours should pass from the moment the animal is slaughtered to the start of canning. The resulting canned sheepskins are considered the highest quality after freshly shed skins.

Step-by-step algorithm of actions for wet-salted canning:

  1. Spread the fresh skins skin side up in a dry and cool place, protected from sunlight. It is recommended to put a fabric lining under the sheepskin to absorb the released liquid.
  2. Carefully spread the surface of the sheepskins and generously sprinkle them with salt, spending at least 800 g of the product on each sheepskin.
  3. Leave the skins for a week for salting. For storage, roll each sheepskin into a roll and store in a cool place.

Wet-salted skin preservationTo properly fold the canned sheepskin, you need to bend its upper part by a quarter with the mezra inward, fold the side parts towards each other towards the middle, and then bend the skin in half along the spine line and roll it into a roll


This method is used to store sheepskins for personal needs for a long period of time.

In the process of canning, the following algorithm of actions is followed:

  1. Spread the pre-cleaned skins on a flat surface with the skin side up.
  2. Sprinkle the upper surface of the sheepskin liberally with fine table salt so that it completely covers all areas of the material. The amount of salt consumed should be about 30-50% by weight of the raw material.
  3. Fold the skins in a stack with the skin to the skin, covering them from above with clean burlap.
  4. Put the resulting stack on a wooden pallet or an inverted trough to drain the brine. The bottom sheepskins in the stack should not get wet.
  5. After 2–3 days, when the brine stops oozing out of the salted skin, shake off the skins a little from the salt crystals, and then dry them in a straightened state at a temperature of +20°C.
  6. Sheepskins preserved by the dry-salted method are stored in a dry and cool room, protected from sunlight. Periodically carry out treatment with moth remedies.

Salted sheep skin


This method of preserving sheep skins is one of the best, because it is based on the use of a special acid-salt mixture. It allows you to effectively disinfect the sheepskin and remove excess liquid from it, contributing to the long-term storage of the skin even in the warm summer months.

Important! To protect the skins from insect damage, it is possible to add naphthalene along with salt during canning in an amount of about 0,8% of the total weight of the raw material.

Step-by-step algorithm of the acid-salt canning method:

  1. Spread the sheepskins on a flat horizontal surface, skin side up.
  2. Prepare an acid-salt mixture consisting of 85% sodium chloride, 7,5% aluminum-potassium alum and 7,5% ammonium chloride.
  3. Thoroughly rub the resulting mixture into the skin, spending about 1,5 kg of the product on each skin. There should be no unsalted areas on the sheepskin.
  4. Leave the skins for 5-7 days in a cool and shady room for salting.
  5. After the specified time, shake the sheepskin to remove the remnants of the mixture and dry.

Acid-salt preservation of sheepskin


This method of preserving sheep skins is the simplest, but the finished product is characterized by low quality, since it can coarsen and become brittle. The fresh-dry method is usually used in regions with cold climates and is performed without salt.

Important! Sheepskins should not be dried in the sun and near heat sources, as they can become brittle, and when they are in a damp and cold room, the sheepskins begin to warm up and deteriorate.

When choosing this method of canning, the following sequence of actions is followed:

  1. Rinse the skins in clean, cool water to remove stains and dirt.
  2. Put the sheepskins on wooden frames of a suitable size, placing them with the hair inside. At the same time, there should not be wrinkles or too much tension on the surface.
  3. Place the straightened skins in a shaded room and dry them at an air temperature of up to +30 ° C and a relative humidity of not more than 60%.
  4. After there are no wet areas left on the surface of the sheepskin, wipe the sheepskin with dry sawdust from deciduous trees. Add a little turpentine or ammonia to them for better degreasing of sheepskin.

Fresh-dry sheep skin

Dressing stages

It is necessary to dress the sheepskin in several stages, each of which performs its function. It is recommended to start this procedure as soon as possible after removing the sheepskin, so that the finished products are of high quality and have an attractive appearance.

A description of the main stages of sheepskin dressing is presented later in the article.


This procedure is carried out in order to soften the rough sheepskin. It is recommended to carry it out immediately after removing the sheepskin, adhering to the following sequence of actions:

  1. Prepare a deep container of suitable size and fill it with water with a temperature of about + 18 … + 20 ° С.
  2. Add salt to the water (40–50 g per 1 liter of liquid), 1 tablet of furacilin and about 2 g of any washing powder.
  3. Soak freshly skinned skins in the prepared solution for 12 hours so that they are completely covered with liquid.
  4. After a specified period of time, check the readiness of the skin for the next step. If the sheepskin has not softened, and the mezra is not scraped off, then the described sequence of actions is repeated again.

Sheepskin soaking


After soaking, the softened sheepskin is laid out on a flat and dry surface with the fur down and the skinning procedure is carried out. To do this, the smooth surface of the skin is treated with a scraper or a blunt knife, removing all remnants of meat, fat and films. In the process of processing, it is recommended to move in the direction from the back of the sheepskin to its head.

Sheep skin skin


The purpose of this procedure is the final removal of the remnants of fat located under the skin of the animal. To degrease the skins, a special solution is prepared, the composition of which depends on the degree of fattening of the animal and the thickness of the fat layer on the sheepskin.

Did you know? Wool fibers have a special scaly structure that allows them to effectively repel dirt, keeping them clean.

The main features of degreasing sheepskins are listed below:

  • to prepare the solution, use moderately warm water (about + 18 … + 20 ° С);
  • degrease thin sheepskins with a small fat layer with a solution of washing powder or laundry soap, spending about 3,5 g of the product per 1 liter of water;
  • for degreasing skins with a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, use a solution of 3 g of oleic acid and 12 g of soda ash dissolved in 1 liter of water;
  • place the prepared sheepskins in a container of a suitable size and pour the solution for 30 minutes, stirring the sheepskins throughout this time;
  • rinse defatted sheepskins in cool water and squeeze thoroughly, and then beat out with a wooden stick from the side of the fur;
  • after that, the surface of the mezra is wiped dry with a soft, clean rag.

Degreasing sheepskin


This stage is called so because the word “picking” comes from the English word “pickle”, and the procedure itself allows you to make the sheepskin more plastic and soft. Thanks to this, the skin can later be used for sewing fur clothes, carpets and bedspreads.

Step-by-step pickling algorithm:

  1. Prepare a solution of 9% table vinegar and water, mixed in a ratio of 1:2. For each liter of the resulting mixture, add 40 g of salt.
  2. Fill the resulting solution with a capacious container of a suitable size. Dip the skins into the mixture for 5-12 hours so that it is completely covered with the solution.
  3. Pull the sheepskin out of the container with the mixture 5 hours after soaking, fold it four times and sharply squeeze along the fold lines. If, after unfolding the skin, a clearly visible light cross appears at the folds, then the procedure is considered successful. In the absence of traces at the places of folds, continue pickling.
  4. To neutralize the acetic solution that the sheepskin has been saturated with, you need to soak it in a soda solution for 1 hour (10 g of the substance per 10 liters of water).
  5. At the end of pickling, rinse the skin in clean water, washing out the remnants of all solutions.

Hide picklingSoaking in a soda solution reduces the strength of the skin, but as a result of this procedure, the sheepskin becomes hypoallergenic


Unlike pickling, this procedure is carried out to strengthen the strength of the sheepskin. To achieve the desired effect, the sheepskin must be treated with a solution that contains a natural fertilizer for the skin – tannin. This substance has a good tanning effect and makes the sheepskin resistant to damage.

Important! To neutralize the unpleasant smell emanating from the sheepskin, alum must be added to the tanning solution (7 g per 1 liter of the mixture).

The step-by-step mechanism for carrying out the tanning procedure is described below:

  1. Place in a container with 2 liters of water 500 g of oak or willow bark. Bring the mixture to a boil on the stove, and then boil the solution over low heat for half an hour.
  2. Remove hot mixture from heat. Leave it to settle for 24 hours, and then strain, adding 8 liters of water and 0,5 kg of salt.
  3. Sheep skins are placed in the prepared tanning solution for 1-2 days. You can also apply the mixture to the surface of the mezra with a brush.
  4. After 48 hours, cut off a piece from the sheepskin and examine the color of the cut through a magnifying glass – it should be uniform.
  5. Dry the skin for 1-2 days, and then treat it with a soda solution (as in pickling) to neutralize the effect of the salt mixture.
  6. Rinse the sheepskin in clean water. To make the fur softer, you can apply a little shampoo to the outer surface of the skin, and then rinse it thoroughly with water.

Tannin for skin processing


To make the sheepskin soft and elastic, it should be impregnated with a special fat emulsion. You can prepare the mixture for fattening in various ways, and you need to apply it only on the core with a cotton swab or brush.

Step-by-step recipe for making a fat emulsion:

  1. Grate 100 g of laundry soap and place it in a bowl of a suitable size.
  2. Pour 1 liter of water into a container with soap and boil the solution over low heat until the soap is completely dissolved in the liquid.
  3. Dissolve 1 kg of pork fat in a hot mixture. After boiling the mixture, remove the container with the solution from the heat.
  4. Add 10 ml of ammonia to the hot mixture. The emulsion is ready.

Skin fatteningIf in the process of fattening the emulsion gets on the fur, then the soiled area must be immediately cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in gasoline


The final step in the manufacture of sheepskin is its drying. This procedure takes about 3 days, and the optimum temperature for drying the sheepskin is approximately +30°C. During the drying process, the skin should be periodically kneaded with your hands and slightly stretched so that it is softer. If white dry spots appear on the surface of the mezra, then they must be treated with a scraper.

Drying sheepskin

What can be made from sheepskin

Sheepskin is a natural material with an attractive appearance, antiseptic composition and hypoallergenic properties. It retains heat well and is easy to dye, so dressed sheepskins are used for a variety of purposes:

  • tailoring of fur clothes;
  • production of rugs and floor coverings;
  • production of car covers;
  • shoe making;
  • production of souvenirs for interior decoration.

Did you know? Fire-resistant clothes are made from sheep’s wool, since this wool belongs to materials with increased fire resistance.

How much wool does a sheep produce per year

When breeding sheep and rams, the farmer annually shears animals in order to obtain natural wool. The amount of fleece obtained depends on the breed, age and sex of the individual, as well as on the conditions of the livestock and the quality of the feed.

sheep shearingOn average, from 2,5 to 7 kg of high-quality wool can be obtained from one sheep, and shearing a lamb brings about 3,5–11 kg of natural fleece to the breeder

Stages of independent processing

Many farmers raise sheep in order to obtain thick wool, from which high-quality yarn is later made. This process is carried out mainly in industrial factories, but if you wish, you can process sheep wool at home.. To do this, you need to know the main stages of this procedure and strictly follow their sequence.


Experienced farmers understand that sheep of different breeds produce wool of different quality. But even in individuals belonging to the same breed, fur can vary in density or length. Therefore, the first stage of processing is the mandatory sorting of the obtained raw materials.

When performing this procedure, the following wool characteristics are taken into account:

  • the breed of sheep from which the fleece was obtained;
  • fiber length;
  • the density of the coat;
  • from which part of the body the wool was sheared;
  • the degree of contamination of the rune;
  • thickness and density of wool;
  • the age of the sheep at the time of shearing (shearing the lamb gives the softest wool);
  • time of grooming.

Sheep wool sorting

Wool is recommended to be sorted in a dry room with good lighting and ventilation. It is laid out on the table and sorted into separate portions, guided by the listed criteria. Heavily soiled portions are recommended to be thrown away, as they are not suitable for processing.


This stage of processing is the most difficult and painstaking.. The thick sheep’s wool accumulates over time the remnants of grass and other debris, as well as dust and dirt. To obtain high-quality mutton fleece, the wool is thoroughly cleaned by hand, choosing from it all the listed impurities.

Sheep wool cleaningIt is also necessary to eliminate all existing fallen areas that spoil the appearance of the rune and make its surface heterogeneous


Sheep wool is contaminated not only as a result of contact with the ground, plant debris and feces, but also from sweat and fat excreted by animals. As a result of this, the fleece becomes unpresentable and acquires a rigid structure, therefore, it needs mandatory washing.

The step-by-step algorithm for performing this procedure is presented below:

  1. Prepare a deep container of a suitable size and fill it with hot water at a temperature of about +50°C.
  2. Dissolve washing powder for woolen fabrics in water, spending 250–300 g of the product per 1 kg of dry wool.
  3. Soak the fleece in the resulting mixture for 1,5–2 hours. In the process of soaking, it is recommended to knead the wool with your hands, paying special attention to contaminated and stuck together areas.
  4. Rinse the washed wool thoroughly in clean hot water to completely wash off the remnants of washing powder from it.

Washing sheep's woolIf, after washing, dirty or greasy areas remain on the sheep’s wool, then this procedure must be repeated (up to 4-5 times)


After washing, sheep’s wool must be dried. To do this, it is hung on a stretched fishing line in a straightened state or laid out on horizontal gratings with a layer of about 1,5 cm. In this position, uniform air access to all sections of the fleece is ensured.

You can dry wool in the open air under a canopy, the chosen place should be well ventilated. The next stage of processing is started only after the fleece is completely dry.

Drying sheep wool

combing out

During the washing and drying process, the wool fibers can be crushed and tangled with each other, which worsens the appearance of the finished product. Therefore, after drying, the fleece must be carefully combed out by hand.

Important! For wool of small and medium length, the combing procedure can be carried out using a card – a special brush made of thin and hard metal wire.

During the initial combing, wooden combs with sparse teeth are used to separate the crumpled strands without breaking the fibers. The wool is then combed with a fine-toothed comb, which straightens the individual fibers, giving the fleece a voluminous, soft and fluffy texture.

Combing sheep wool


The clean and combed wool is then used to make wool yarn. You can independently perform this stage of processing the rune using a conventional spindle or a modern mechanical spinning wheel. If it is not possible to spin it yourself, then there is another way out – to hand over the processed sheep’s wool to wholesale yarn manufacturers.

Sheep wool spinning

Where and what is sheep wool used for?

The yarn obtained as a result of processing sheep’s wool is used for the manufacture of warm woolen clothes, carpets and floor coverings, as well as raw materials for the production of blankets, bedspreads, pillowcases and blankets, and decorative interior decoration.

  • Products obtained from the rune have many positive properties:
  • prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • eliminate weakness and increase immunity;
  • contribute to the normalization of blood pressure;
  • help eliminate pain in the joints;
  • have hypoallergenic properties;
  • have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin;
  • promote the elimination of toxins along with sweat;
  • well protect the body from cold and dampness.

Self-processing of sheepskin is a long and painstaking work, consisting of a clear sequence of important steps. It requires a significant investment of time and effort, and the recommendations listed will help you harvest and process raw materials correctly. As a result, you can get high-quality sheepskin and yarn at home, and then use them for the production of various leather and fur products.

Anna Evans


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