How to choose and germinate grain for chickens?

The diet of chickens should not be monotonous. Feeding only compound feed over time will adversely affect the health and egg production of the bird. In the daily diet of chickens, be sure to include grain top dressing. About which grain is better to choose and how to germinate it at home, and will be discussed in this article.

Characteristics of cereals

Most often, not one crop is used to feed poultry, but a do-it-yourself grain mixture. This is the best diet option. All important ingredients should be included in the grain mixture for chickens.

  • Barley. This cereal is very important and useful for poultry. However, chickens do not like it too much due to the fact that the grains have pointed piercing tips. Therefore, it is recommended to add it to other feeds in ground or crushed form.

How to choose and germinate grain for chickens?

  • Corn. In the diet of poultry is a source of carbohydrates and vegetable proteins. However, corn kernels contain a lot of vegetable fatty oils, so it should be given to chickens and other poultry in limited quantities. Whole corn kernels are too large – it is advisable to crush them before adding them to the grain mixture.

How to choose and germinate grain for chickens?

  • Oat. This cereal contains a large amount of easily digestible protein. But chickens hardly digest it because of the coarse fiber. Therefore, the proportion of this component in the feed mixture should be no more than 10%.

How to choose and germinate grain for chickens?

  • Wheat. The regular inclusion of this cereal in the diet of poultry increases egg production. It is especially important to add wheat to chicken feed during the winter.

How to choose and germinate grain for chickens?

  • Rye. The grains of this culture are very rich in vitamins and easily digestible proteins.

How to choose and germinate grain for chickens?

seasonal diet

Changes in temperature regimes and seasons affect the general condition and egg production of poultry. Therefore, chickens should adjust their diet depending on the season.

With the onset of heat and until autumn, the hens have the opportunity to go out into the courtyard and get some food on their own. They feed on plants and insects, replenishing their reserves of protein and fiber. Therefore, in the warm season, it is possible to reduce the proportion of corn and barley grain in the poultry diet. Even a complete transfer to feeding with one wheat is allowed.

In winter, chickens are left without additional independent feeding. At this time, it is important to provide them with a regular and complete supply of vitamins and minerals so that they do not get sick and rush well.

Therefore, in the cold season it is better to give a feed mixture with a maximum set of grain components: rye, oats, corn, barley, wheat.

How to choose and germinate grain for chickens?

How to choose and germinate grain for chickens?

Daily allowance

The amount of feed that needs to be given to 1 chicken depends on its breed and purpose. Also an important role is played by the conditions of detention, the availability of walking and the change of seasons.

Standard rates of consumption of the grain mixture per 1 chicken per day:

  • meat breeds are recommended to give 150 grams of grain mixture;
  • a laying hen needs 100 grams of feed per daily ration, and experts do not recommend exceeding this norm: due to an excess of carbohydrates and proteins, an individual may begin to actively accumulate fat and muscle mass, which will reduce the number of eggs received from it;
  • meat and egg breed hens should be given 120 grams of grain mixture per day.

In the cold season, the norm for one individual should be increased by 30-50 grams. This will help to avoid exhaustion and beriberi in birds. In addition, during the period of lowering the ambient temperature in chickens, the metabolic process is significantly accelerated. This is due to the fact that much more energy is required to warm your own body.

Therefore, chickens simply do not eat up the standard summer norms of the daily diet in winter.

How to choose and germinate grain for chickens?

How to choose and germinate grain for chickens?

Component proportions

In the process of preparing the feed mixture, it is necessary to take into account the useful amount of each cereal. In other words, you should know how much to add grains of one kind or another. The following are the proportions of cereals recommended by specialists for the preparation of grain mixtures for the summer and winter periods:

Sprouted grain for chickens

It is recommended to include sprouted grains of crops in the poultry diet. This component is useful both for the growth of young animals and for adults of all breeds and purposes. Sprouted food is especially valuable in winter, when the bird is not able to get live plant fibers with food.

Dry grain contains coarse fiber and starch, the digestion and breakdown of which in chickens takes a lot of enzymes and energy. During germination, approximately the same processes take place in the grain that should occur in the digestive system of a chicken, that is, the body of a bird with germinated grain receives ready-made, easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates.

How to choose and germinate grain for chickens?

In addition, developing sprouts actively accumulate microelements and amino acids in themselves. Therefore, adding germinated grains to the main bird feed brings many benefits:

  • the bird’s immunity is strengthened;
  • metabolic processes are accelerated;
  • digestion improves;
  • the load on the digestive organs is reduced;
  • egg production increases;
  • trace elements in sprouted grains have a positive effect on strengthening bones and developing muscles;
  • laying hens regulate hormonal levels;
  • in a bird, the intestines are naturally cleansed of toxins and decay products.

It is worth mentioning right away that germinated grains should be included only as an additional component to the feed mixture. If the bird is fed only with them, it will lose a lot of other trace elements. Overfeeding grains with sprouts can lead to an overabundance of iron intake in the bird’s body.

Experts recommend not to exceed the norm of 30% of the daily diet of an individual.

How to choose and germinate grain for chickens?

How to choose and germinate grain for chickens?

How to germinate?

Wheat is the most suitable for germination. It contains the optimal amount of trace elements and vitamins. Sprouts appear in a short time, and the bird willingly consumes this cereal.

The germination process is easy to carry out at home.

  • Only high-quality wheat germinates well. Carefully inspect the grains, remove damaged and rotten ones. A good bean is light golden in color and free from stains, mold, or insect infestation.
  • Place the grain in any non-metallic container of sufficient capacity. Pour the grains with warm water. It is recommended to keep the water temperature at 40–45°C. If the grain has been stored in the cold for a long time, it should be filled with hot water, but not boiling water.
  • Remove the container with the grain filled with water in a dark place. Wheat should be germinated at room temperature. Under these conditions, the grains need to be kept for 12-15 hours.
  • After the specified time, sprouts 2-3 mm long should appear in wheat. After that, the water must be drained, and the wet grains should be scattered on a baking sheet or tray.
  • Wheat with sprouts can be fed to chickens for the next 2 days. During this period, sprouted grains should be sprinkled with warm water to keep them moist.

There is also an alternative way.

  • Spread the grain in an even layer on a wooden or plastic pallet.
  • Spray generously with water from a spray bottle.
  • Cover the top of the wheat with a cotton cloth soaked in water or gauze folded in several layers.
  • Place polyethylene or oilcloth on top of the wet material.
  • Wheat grain is aged in a warm room for 15 hours. If necessary, periodically additionally spray the grains with warm water.
  • After the emergence of sprouts, wheat can be added to the feed mixture.

For information on how to choose and germinate grain for chickens, see the following video.

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Anna Evans


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