Homemade hydroponics: how it works + how to make a grow plant

A hundred years ago, the statement that a rich harvest can be obtained only on fertile soil was considered an axiom. Modern cultivation technologies based on the use of a special base instead of the soil composition make it possible to create more favorable conditions for the cultivation of any crops. Hydroponics is one of the directions of plant cultivation, in which all nutrients are obtained through special solutions. This technology is actively used in greenhouses in many countries. Do-it-yourself hydroponics – the ability to create lush flower beds at home, as well as quickly get a rich and environmentally friendly harvest.

Among the main advantages of hydroponics over other breeding technologies are:

  • Minimum labor intensity. Since with this approach the plants grow without the involvement of the soil, the work on the care of the crops is limited only to the control of the presence of water in the tanks and the removal of dried stems and roots. By setting up a homemade hydroponic plant, you get rid of problems such as removing weeds, loosening the soil, and controlling harmful insects. When transplanting perennial plants, the need to clean the roots of old depleted soil is eliminated, thereby injuring them. It is enough to transfer the plant into a larger container, adding a new substrate.
  • Saving space. To create optimal conditions and maintain the viability of the roots of non-plantings, a minimum of space is required. You can grow hydroponics on a windowsill or in a regular greenhouse.
  • High productivity and environmental friendliness. Thanks to the simple, but at the same time quite effective technology, the roots of flowers are supplied with all the necessary substances. A hydroponically grown crop has a medium-sized but strong root system and a well-developed aerial part. This allows for higher yields to be harvested than when grown on soil. During the growing season, plants do not accumulate harmful substances that are often present in the soil: heavy metals, radionuclides, organic toxic compounds.

Plants grown in hydroponics are no different from their counterparts grown on soil: neither taste nor aroma. They differ only in greater intensity of vegetation and higher volumes of fruiting.

Nutrient base for planting crops

As a nutrient medium for forcing plants can be: water (hydroponics), substrate (soil mixture), air (aeroponics)

Comparison of tomatoes grown in soil and hydroponics

Hydroponics is widely used for forcing flowers and seedlings of vegetable crops before selling

For the arrangement of the hydroponic system, solutions are used, which include all the necessary trace elements and nutrients. The main ones among them are phosphorus (accelerating growth and improving flowering), potassium (contributing to the intensity of color of flowers and ripening of shoots), calcium and magnesium (stimulating the development of the root system), as well as other components necessary for building a plant organism.

Often, special formulations are used as a nutrient medium for arranging hydroponics for flowers, a characteristic feature of which is sufficient friability and high moisture absorption.

Flower Nutrients

Balanced nutrient solutions that are in optimal proportions are available at gardening stores.

Hydroponic substrate options

The basis of hydroponic substrates are: moss, PAA-gels, gravel, expanded clay, mineral wool and other disintegrants (vermiculite, perlite)

To arrange a problem-free moisture supply for plants at home, you can use a simple hydroponic installation, which anyone can assemble.

To manufacture the installation, you need to prepare:

  • Air aquarium compressor;
  • Plastic container;
  • Styrofoam sheet.

The bottom and sides of the container should be made of opaque plastic that does not let the sun through. Containers made of translucent plastic should be shaded by wrapping the outer walls with cling foil or painting with dark paint.

Hydroponic plant design

The plant pots will be placed on a foam sheet that covers a plastic container one-third filled with a special solution.

Holes should be cut in the foam sheet to accommodate the cups with plants. The holes should be made at an equidistant distance so that neighboring plants do not interfere with each other as they grow.

Pots for plants can be made from ordinary plastic cups, small holes in the bottom and walls of the products. Thanks to the many holes, the nutrient medium will be constantly moist.

Preparing the base for placing the pots

The size of the holes should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the upper part of the pots, so that they do not fail completely, but only slightly “drown”

Planting containers for plants

You can purchase ready-made planting containers that look like miniature plastic baskets

Arrangement of the air supply system

Since the root system of plants especially needs oxygen, an aquarium air compressor is used when arranging hydroponics.

For even distribution of the liquid, you can additionally place sprayers – aquarium stones – on the bottom of the tank.

The installation is now ready for operation. It remains to fill the cups with the substrate and plant the plants in them.

Planting plants in containers

The container is filled with nutrient liquid so that a third of the pots are immersed in the solution. Further care consists in adding fluid to the required level and monthly full renewal of the solution.

Hydroponic plant manufacturing options:

Anna Evans


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