Highlander avian benefits and harms

Highlander avian benefits and harms

Highlander bird, the Latin name Polygonum aviculare L., also known to us under the names knotweed, ants, bird buckwheat, is a short herbaceous annual plant with branching stems and small grayish-green leaves. Where does the bird’s mountaineer grow? It is found almost everywhere – throughout Russia and the CIS, from the Kola Peninsula to the Central Asian steppes. It grows along roads, on wastelands, slopes, overpowers any gardens and vegetable gardens, often found in cities. The medicinal plant Knotweed, the use of which is widespread almost everywhere, is unusually tenacious and resistant to trampling.

Medicinal properties

The chemical composition of Knotweed makes this plant popular in traditional and folk medicine along with herbs such as St. John’s wort and plantain. In the composition of the herb Knotweed contains silicon compounds, bioflavonoids, tannins and astringents. Due to the compounds contained in this herb, when using preparations from the mountaineer, diuresis increases, excess chlorine and sodium are excreted, and filtration in the renal tubules and glomeruli increases.

Anna Evans


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