Hens Lutticher

Good, hardy sports birds are the Lütticher breed of chickens. The birthplace of these feathered pets is Belgium, where breeders tried to breed large and hardy individuals, in terms of their physical data, they are in no way inferior to many other fighting chickens. And they got their way.

Lutticher chickens can lay up to 120 eggs per year, weighing up to 60 grams. Shell color is white. The live weight of laying hens reaches four kilograms, and roosters are able to gain weight up to five kilograms.

Lütticher chickens quickly get used to any climatic conditions, they endure severe frosts, cold and exhausting heat equally well. They, like most fighting chickens, have a rather aggressive character. Feathered pets love to excite poultry, to conflict with birds of other breeds. Therefore, poultry farmers are advised to keep Lutticher individuals in cages, separately from the rest of the livestock.

One of the main advantages of this breed of fighting chickens is that the laying hens have a well-developed maternal instinct. They become caring mothers who carefully monitor their offspring. Therefore, the owner does not have to use incubators at all. The mother hen is able to bring out the chickens herself.

When breeding and raising Lütticher chickens, it must be remembered that they love space. This bird is distinguished by mobility, activity, and therefore there is a need for a good walk so that feathered pets can waste their energy there. Among other things, with pasture, individuals will receive many useful and necessary mineral elements and vitamins. You can let out the Lutticher chickens for a walk at any time of the year, both in summer and in winter, when it is quite cold outside. These birds are hardy and are not afraid of frost.

The sale of purebred Lütticher chickens is currently not very common and the poultry farmer will have to work hard if he wants to get good individuals to prepare them for cockfights. But if this happens, the new owner will get strong, hardy, strong fighters with good muscles, strong legs and a grumpy character.

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Anna Evans


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