Hens Ayam Tsemani

It is unlikely that any of the poultry farmers, lovers of exotic, truly unusual and unique birds will be left indifferent by Ayam Tsemani chickens. The birthplace of these feathered pets is Indonesia, and the ancestors are banking chickens. The main feature of this breed is an absolutely incredible, individual, excellent color not only of plumage, but of the whole body. Ayam Tsemani is an exclusively black breed. In addition to jet black plumage, the same color of the head, legs and even the crest of chickens.

At present, according to professional breeders of exotic birds, there are no original Ayam Tsemani in nature, there are only hybrids of this breed.

On average, in the first year, Ayam Tsemani laying hens lay about 100 eggs. Their weight is about 50 grams. The color of the shell is dark, the color of the plumage of a bird. The safety of young animals is about 95%. These birds are small in size. Laying hens reach a weight of one kilogram two hundred grams, and roosters gain a live weight of one kilogram eight hundred grams.

In addition to the unique black color, Ayam Tsemani chickens are characterized by good egg productivity and excellent meat taste. However, it is almost impossible to find these birds for sale. And those who breed them are unlikely to be able to offer the buyer a pure breed.

Wanting to breed Ayam Tsemani chickens, poultry farmers need to take into account that they fly well, so the paddock must be highly fenced, and a canopy must be built above it. Also, these feathered pets are very distrustful of people, they make poor contact with a person, avoiding him. And the cost of such birds is very high due to the low prevalence of the breed.

Chickens of the Ayam Tsemani breed are heat-loving individuals that do not tolerate cold and frost very well. Therefore, they must be kept in well-insulated chicken coops with a stove in them, in order to heat them indoors from time to time, and it is imperative to lay a litter on the floor, at least five centimeters thick. As a bedding material, it is best to use peat mixed with hay.

These birds definitely need regular walking on green lawns, where they will look for insects, grass, plant seeds, small pebbles. Fortified feed should be included in the diet of Ayam Tsemani chickens, which will strengthen the immunity of feathered pets and make it easier to endure harsh climatic conditions. A good addition to the main feed will be mineral supplements, eggshells.

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Anna Evans


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