Gogol duck breed description of females and males, habitat and nutrition

The Gogol duck is a bird that lives not only in Eurasia, but also in North America. Generally speaking, this breed is quite rare, but in those areas where it is found, the bird is not considered exotic. What are the distinctive features of this breed, where does it live, what does it eat and how does the goldeneye duck breed? You will find answers to these and some other questions in our material.

Features of the species and history of appearance

It is believed that the goldeneye duck is a bird native to North America. However, this fact cannot be established for certain. The thing is that, thanks to the chronicle records, it can be established that the goldeneye birds were also bred on the territory of the once existing Kievan Rus. They were valued for their fluff and were bred almost everywhere.

Gogol duck breed description of females and males, habitat and nutrition

Already in the 80s of the XX century, the goldeneye duck became a rather rare breed due to its small number. This species was listed in the Red Book. At this point, an important role was played by the works of breeders, who did a fairly large-scale work aimed at increasing the population of birds. It is thanks to this that today we can see goldeneye ducks in many Russian reservoirs.

Gogol duck breed description of females and males, habitat and nutrition

As for the external description of the bird, it should be noted that it may vary depending on the duck subspecies. The Gogol breed is usually divided into 2 smaller varieties: Eurasian and American.

These subspecies differ not only in their halo, but also in some other features, in particular, in size: the American subspecies is much larger than its Eurasian counterpart.

In addition to conditions and habitat, the size of birds may depend on some other factors, such as the time of year. Females and males also differ in weight: the former are much smaller in terms of mass. In general, the body of the gogol is quite small and can be about 50 centimeters long (the minimum figure is 30 centimeters). The wings are quite large and can span up to 90 centimeters.

If we compare the weight of the Eurasian and American subspecies, then the following indicators can be given: in the fall, the Eurasian does not exceed 900 grams in its weight, while the American can weigh more than 1,2 kilograms.

Gogol duck breed description of females and males, habitat and nutrition

Gogol duck breed description of females and males, habitat and nutrition

The shape of the head of a bird of the Gogol breed is round and pointed, in terms of its dimensions it is quite proportional. The neck is not too long, and the beak is quite wide and short. Usually it is painted black and has an unusual overflow. In addition, the beak is bent down. The legs are quite short, on the paws there are leathery membranes, which are painted in yellow and orange shades.

Gogol duck breed description of females and males, habitat and nutrition

Gogol duck breed description of females and males, habitat and nutrition

It is impossible not to mention the amazing color of these birds. The goldeneye breed is distinguished by unusually colorful plumage colors. This characteristic is especially pronounced during the mating season.

An interesting fact: the well-known phrase “gogol”, which has already become a phraseological unit, occurred in connection with the behavioral manners of a duck of this breed. The thing is that the bird has an unusual manner of movement on land – the duck throws its head back and walks slowly and waddling.

Gogol duck breed description of females and males, habitat and nutrition


If we turn to historical sources, we can conclude that for the first time birds of the goldeneye breed, as mentioned above, were found in North America. However, they gradually migrated and expanded their habitat. So, ducks could be found along the Asian coasts, as well as in the territory of forest zones in Eurasia.

Speaking of statistics, one cannot fail to note the fact that as of 2000, more than 700 pairs of goldeneye ducks were recorded on the territory of Eurasia.

Gogol duck breed description of females and males, habitat and nutrition

If we talk about the territory of our country, then the population of goldeneye birds can be seen in such areas:

  • center of the Russian Federation;
  • Moscow region;
  • Kuriles;
  • Kola Peninsula;
  • Siberia;
  • Kamchatka

However, these ducks do not permanently live in the same territory; on the contrary, birds are prone to migration. In the cold season, they usually go south or west. In particular, they can be found in the water bodies of countries such as Denmark, Holland, Great Britain, etc.

The period of such “resettlement” usually falls on August-October, and the birds return to their usual habitats in early spring.

Gogol duck breed description of females and males, habitat and nutrition


One of the main distinguishing features of ducks of the goldeneye breed is their ability to dive. Thus, it has been scientifically established that birds have the ability to dive to a depth of up to 4 meters, and without access to oxygen, they can hold out for almost half a minute.

It is due to the fact that these birds are excellent divers that they have the opportunity to feed on a variety of marine life.

However, underwater small animals and plants are not the only components of the birds’ diet. In addition to water, ducks also eat coastal animals. Among them, insects and caddis larvae, midges, mosquitoes, bugs, dragonflies, moths, swimming beetles, crustaceans, fry, earthworms, amphibian tadpoles, molluscs, etc. are usually distinguished.

In addition, it should be noted that the diet of ducks may include animal and plant foods.

So, for example, a duck of the Gogol breed eats a variety of underwater plants, roots, as well as cereals, grain, etc.

Gogol duck breed description of females and males, habitat and nutrition

Gogol duck breed description of females and males, habitat and nutrition


The process of breeding birds is very interesting not only from a scientific, but also from a practical point of view. First of all, it should be said that the duck reaches the moment of puberty by the age of 2 years. Upon reaching this mark, the duck and drake can create a pair, and it is important to note that this process occurs in the autumn or spring. The initiator of creating a pair is the drake, it is he who attracts the attention of the female. It stretches its neck, glides on the water, flaps its wings and makes characteristic sounds.

Gogol duck breed description of females and males, habitat and nutrition

After the couple has formed, the process of fertilization begins. One female, belonging to this breed of ducks, is able to lay from 5 to 13 eggs at a time. The egg shell has an unusual shade: it can be green, brown or even blue.

It should be noted that the eggs of these ducks are quite large in size: they reach 60 grams in weight, 60 millimeters in length and 45 millimeters in width.

Gogol duck breed description of females and males, habitat and nutrition

When the eggs are already laid, the duck is incubating them. During this period, she also pays special attention to the nest, warming it with straw, twigs and other improvised materials. The hatching process lasts a little over a month. And at first, the female can leave the nest to eat. However, in the last week, she sits on her eggs around the clock – it is this behavior that will tell you that very soon you should expect the appearance of chicks.

It is also important to know that the male is absolutely not involved in the hatching process.

Newly born chicks have a two-color color: they have a black back and a white belly. On the second day after their birth, the birds fly out of their nest, after 2 weeks they can already dive and get their own food on their own.

Gogol duck breed description of females and males, habitat and nutrition

Gogol duck breed description of females and males, habitat and nutrition

Homemade content

To begin with, it should be noted that ducks of the goldeneye breed are usually not kept at home. However, if you decide to breed and keep this particular bird, it is important to remember a few simple rules.

Gogol duck breed description of females and males, habitat and nutrition

  • First of all, you should ensure the presence of a reservoir for the duck. Gogol is a waterfowl, so being constantly on land, it will not survive. If you cannot provide the bird with a natural reservoir, then you should definitely create an artificial one. In addition to the reservoir, it is necessary to arrange for birds and nests. Hollow nests should be placed in trees at a height of about 4 meters.
  • In order to provide a comfortable habitat for birds, it is necessary to create canopies over water bodies in the warm season (such canopies will save birds from the harmful effects of direct sunlight). In winter, as well as during the period of cold weather, ducks must be kept in poultry houses specially designed for this purpose.
  • Representatives of the breed tolerate cold and harsh climate well, so it is not necessary to heat the house. At the same time, it is important to provide the birds with a long daylight hours. According to all the rules, it should be at least 14 hours a day. If such conditions cannot be provided in a natural way, then they resort to lamps and other artificial light sources.
  • Among other things, do not forget to constantly ventilate the room in which the birds are kept. Such activities will provide access to fresh and clean air. Also, do not forget about hygiene – clean the house, wash the feeders and drinkers, because it is on them that pathogenic bacteria most often accumulate.
  • As for nutrition, in the conditions of keeping in the household, it needs to be given especially close attention. The ratio of plant and animal food in the diet should be as close as possible to nutrition in natural habitats and be approximately 30% to 70% (the advantage is animal nutrition). The diet usually includes buckwheat and barley, chopped fresh fish and crustaceans. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the birds have constant free access to clean fresh water, which should be changed regularly.

Gogol ducks prefer to live in natural conditions and do not tolerate home keeping. Therefore, preference should be given to other types of birds. However, if you are determined to breed this particular breed, try to recreate such conditions for keeping birds that will be as close as possible to natural ones.

You can look at the gogol duck in the next video.

Anna Evans


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