Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationThe variety of plants in the forest zone allows you to choose for your garden of the site those flowers or herbs that will ideally match the conditions of your site. As a rule, forest grasses and flowering plants are unpretentious, because in nature they are content with the shade of tall trees and are forced to survive, despite the shrubs surrounding them on all sides. Check out the photos of forest flowers and their names below to choose the most suitable for your garden.

Perennial plants for the forest area

Adiantum (ADIANTUM). A family of adintovye.

Maidenhair foot (A. pedatum) Is a beautiful, resilient perennial fern from the forests of the Far East and North America. This herbaceous forest plant is a spherical shrub 40-50 cm high, consisting of delicate, rounded, light green, dissected leaves. They rise above the ground on thin shiny dark petioles, lying horizontally.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

The plant is decorative throughout the season, from May (the time of regrowth of the leaves) until the first frost, when the leaves die off.

Growing conditions. Shady areas with well-drained forest soils, moderately moist. Cover with leaf litter for the winter.

Breeding. By dividing the bush in early spring and late summer. Planting density – 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Aposeris (APOSERIS). Aster family (Compositae).

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Aposeris smelly (A. foetidus) – the only species used in culture grows in the forests of the Carpathians. It is a low plant (20 cm) with a rosette of dark green wintering leaves. The leaves are graceful, pinnately-spaced, pressed to the ground. During flowering, low peduncles rise above the rosette, ending in bright yellow baskets, similar to a dandelion.

Growing conditions. Shaded areas with any well-drained soil.

Breeding. Seeds (sowing before winter). Under suitable conditions, the plant forms abundant self-seeding. Young plants are easily transplanted. Planting density – 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Astilboides (ASTILBOIDES). Family of saxifrage.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

If you do not know which forest plants to choose for your garden, pay attention to Astilboids lamellar (A. tabu laris = Rodgersia tabularis) – a perennial from the forests of Northeast China with a short rhizome and large, petioled, rounded hard leaves forming a low (30-40 cm) bush, above which in July rises a peduncle up to 100 cm high, bearing a cluster of small purple flowers.

Growing conditions. Semi-shaded, well-moistened areas with fertile soils.

Breeding. By dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Stocking density – single.

Forest flowering plants and their photos

Below are the flowers of the forest, their photos and names, as well as the conditions for growing and reproduction.

Amsonia (AMSONIA). Kutrov family.

Amsonia willow (A. amsonia = A. salicifolia = A. tabernae montana) – plants of the forest glades of North America.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

As you can see in the photo, these forest flowers form a tall (up to 90 cm) bush of rigid stems covered with narrow lanceolate greenish-silvery leaves with apical inflorescences of small gray-blue flowers.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with moist soils.

Breeding. By dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). A real perennial, living without transplanting and dividing for 10-15 years. Planting density – 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Astrantia, star (ASTRANTIA). Celery family (umbrella).

It is an ideal plant for a forest plot, growing naturally in forests and forest glades of Western Europe and the Caucasus. The leaves of this original perennial are deeply incised three to five times, flowers in simple umbrellas. The most beautiful are the leaves of the wrapper – they are large, colored, ciliated, white or pink inside, speckled.

Types and varieties:

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Astrantia is large (A. major) forms bushes up to 80 cm high. Leaves are three to seven separate, on petioles in a basal rosette. The leaves are green or pale pink.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Sorts “Rubra”, “Lars” with bright red inflorescences.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Astrantia is the largest (A. maxima) it stands out for its ability to grow rapidly due to long rhizomes and form a dense cover 30-40 cm high from light green leaves; inflorescences are light pink.

Growing conditions. Under a sparse canopy of trees on loose, rich, medium-moist soils.

Breeding. Seeds (sowing before winter), dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density – 7-12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Butterbur (PETASITES). Aster family (Compositae).

Speaking about what plants are in the forest zone, one cannot but recall these large perennials with a long branched rhizome and rounded, powerful (up to 80 cm in diameter) leaves (pubescent from below) on high (up to 150 cm) petioles. Under suitable conditions, they quickly form thickets, bloom until the leaves grow back, small baskets in the capitate inflorescence. They grow in the humid forests of Europe and the Far East.

Types and varieties:

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Butterbur white (P. albus) – from Europe and wide (P. amplus) – from the Far East.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Butterbur fingered (P. palmatus) – from Sakhalin, palm leaves; in these species, the inflorescences are whitish-yellow.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Hybrid butterbur (P. hybridus) – pink flowers, leaves with a jagged edge.

Growing conditions. Shaded and semi-shaded areas with loose, wet clayey soils.

Breeding. Sections of rhizomes with a bud of renewal (in spring and late summer). Planting density – 3 pcs. per 1 m2.

Raven, actea (ACTAEA). Buttercup family.

Vorontsov grow in deciduous forests of Europe, the Far East and North America. They have a short rhizome, from which numerous large dissected leaves extend, peduncles with a cluster of small white flowers rise above them to a height of 50-70 cm. And these plants are most interesting in autumn, when the fruits ripen. It is because of the fruits that the name of this forest plant is popularly called “doll eyes”. The fruits really resemble porcelain doll eyes with black pupils.

Types and varieties:

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

White raven (A. alba) – the fruits are white.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Spiky raven (A. spicata) – fruits are black.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Crow red (A. rubra) – fruits are dark red.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Voronove krasnoplodny (A. erythrocarpa) – fruits are bright red, sometimes white.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Thick-peaked raven (A. pachypoda) – white fruits are located on a thickened red stalk.

Growing conditions. Shaded and semi-shaded areas under the canopy of trees, forest soils with normal moisture.

Breeding. Seeds (sowing in spring and autumn), dividing the bush (at the end of summer). Seedlings bloom in the 2-3rd year. Forms samosa c. Planting density 7 pcs. per 1 m2.

Volzhanka, aruncus (ARUNCUS). Family of Rosaceae.

Speaking about what kind of forest plants there are, Volzhanka is rarely mentioned, since it is too small a genus, all representatives of which grow in the deciduous forests of Europe, the Far East, and North America. Rhizome perennials with beautiful triple-plumose complex leaves, over which towering powerful clusters of small white flowers.

Types and varieties:

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Volzhanka asiatic (A. asiaticus = A. americanus) – 70-90 cm high, has a long rhizome, therefore forms slowly growing thickets.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Volzhanka ordinary (A. vulgaris = A. dioicus = A. sylvester) forms a large, long-living (up to 30 years), slowly growing bush up to 180 cm high. If there are male and female specimens on the site, self-seeding is often formed. There is a form “Kneiffii” 50 cm high with leaves dissected into small lobes.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Volzhanka kokoryshelistnaya (A. aethusifolius) – 20 cm high, strongly cut leaves.

Growing conditions. Shaded areas with rich, deep soils and normal moisture.

Breeding. By dividing the bush (in spring and late summer) and seeds. Seedlings bloom in the 3-4th year. Planting density – 1-2 pcs. per 1 m2.

What flowers grow in the forest: photos and names of forest flowers

Further you can see the photos and names of forest plants common on the European and American continents.

Lysichiton (LYSICHITON). Aroid family.

The genus contains only two species growing in the damp forests of the Far East (L. Kamchatka) and western North America (L. American). An original spring-flowering plant with a large veil and large leaves that develop after flowering.

Types and varieties:

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Lizichiton American (L. americanum) – blanket yellow.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Lizikhiton Kamchatka (L. camtschatcense) – white blanket.

Growing conditions. Shady areas with moist peaty soils.

Breeding. Only freshly harvested seeds. Seedlings bloom in the 4-5th year. Transplant into place at the age of 2-3 years. They grow in one place for up to 30 years, form self-seeding. Planting density – 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Lunar (LUNARIA). Cabbage family (cruciferous).

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

The lunar reviving (L. rediviva) – perennial from the forests of Central Europe with high (up to 100 cm) peduncles branched at the top. The inflorescence of these forest flowers is terminal, paniculate, of fragrant purple flowers. The fruits are oval pods, sharp on both sides. In dry bouquets, a peduncle with fruits is used, in which only a filmy, silvery-nacreous partition is preserved.

Growing conditions. Any shaded areas with loose soil.

Breeding. Only by seeds, sown in spring or autumn, seedlings bloom in the same year. They are planted with 1-2-year-old seedlings, since the plant is a young one and ages quickly. Weed-capable. Planting density – 16 pcs. per 1 m2.

Two-leaved, diphylaea (DIPHYLLEIA). The barberry family.

Original exotic rhizome perennials from the shady forests of the Far East and North America. Large, rounded leaves on long petioles, cut along the edge and deeply divided in the center, clear venation, soft green color make them decorative all summer long. The flowers are white, small, not expressive, but the fruits are decorative in autumn.

Types and varieties:

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Bifolia semi-umbilical (D. cymosa) – plant of the forests of North America, height 50-60 cm.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Two-leafed gray (D. grayi) – grows in the forests of the Far East, height 50 cm, blooms earlier.

Growing conditions. Shady places under the canopy of trees with forest soils.

Breeding. This plant of the forest belt reproduces by dividing the bush (at the end of summer), seed reproduction is difficult, but sometimes self-seeding appears under suitable conditions. Grows in slowly growing bushes.

Dodecateon, drukvennik (DODECATHEON). Family of primroses.

Perennial from the deciduous forests of North America. Low bushes (25-30 cm high) with a rosette of dense oval light green leaves.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Pay attention to the photo of these forest flowers: in May-June, peduncles rise, bearing original, with petals bent back, lilac-pink flowers in an umbrella-shaped inflorescence.

Bear fruit.

Types and varieties. More often than others are grown:

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Common dodecateon (D. meadia) и pretty (D. puicheiium).

Growing conditions. Semi-shaded areas with rich forest soils.

Breeding. Seeds (sowing in spring), seedlings bloom in the second year, and by dividing the bush (at the end of summer). Planting density – 16 pcs. per 1 m2.

Censer (MELITTIS). The family of lamellar (labiate).

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

If you ask the residents of Moldova what flowers can be found most often in their forests, they will immediately name the melissolist censer (M. melissophyllum) – a decorative species from the Carpathian forests, which is a low (25-40 cm) bush with bright green crenate leaves and large flowers in whorls. The name of these forest flowers fully corresponds to their appearance – the flowers are very reminiscent of small censer.

Growing conditions. Shady areas under the canopy of trees, forest soils, moderately moist.

Breeding. Seeds (sowing before winter), dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density – 16 pcs. per 1 m2.

Pachisandra (PACHYSANDRA). The family is boxwood.

Evergreen long-rhizome semi-shrubs from the shady forests of East Asia and North America. Stems 15-20 cm high, with three tiers of leathery shiny dark green leaves.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Look at the photo: these flowers are hardly noticeable in the forest, but the plants grow rapidly, since the branched rhizomes grow by 35-40 cm annually.


Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Apical pachisandra (P. terminaiis) – from the forests of East Asia, pachisandra recumbent (P. procumbens) – from the forests of North America, leaves are soft light green, less decorative, not overwintering.


Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

“Variegata” – leaves with yellow edging, height 15 cm; “Green Carpet” – leaves are light green;

Growing conditions. Shady areas under the canopy of trees with loose forest, well-drained soils.

Breeding. Sections of rhizomes with renewal buds only at the end of summer; cuttings. Planting density – 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

They are used to decorate tree trunks, near reservoirs in the shade, with separate spots against the background of ground cover plants.

Perennial flowers of the forest with photos and names

Look at the photos of forest flowers with names presented in this part of the review.

Smilacin (SMILACINA). Lily of the valley (liliaceae) family.

Long-rhizome perennials from the forests of North America. They look like kupena, but the flowers are small, collected in a terminal raceme. The fruits are beautiful, red, speckled.

Types and varieties:

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Smilacin racemose (S. racemosa) – 50 cm high, slowly growing overgrowth of shoots with oval 2PHOTO leaves.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Smilacin star-shaped (S. stellata) – 30 cm high, white flowers, forms a thicket of shoots with narrow, lanceolate leaves.

Growing conditions. Shady areas under the canopy of trees with loose forest soils.

Breeding. Seeds (difficult), pieces of rhizome with a bud of renewal (only at the end of summer). Planting density – 5-12 pcs. per 1 m2.

The hellebore (HELLEBORUS). Buttercup family.

Perennials from Mediterranean forests. This name is given to these forest flowers because they bloom immediately after the snow melts. They form a bush 30-40 cm high from dense leathery, mostly hibernating, palmate leaves on long petioles. The rhizome is short and dense. The flowers are large (4-6 cm in diameter), light. Stably decorative throughout the season.

Types and varieties:

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Hellebore abkhaz (H. abchasis) – flowers are reddish and Caucasian (H. caucasicus) – flowers are whitish-green.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Frost-Black (H. niger) – leaves are rounded-palmate, white flowers.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Hellebore green (H. viridis) – the flowers are greenish.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

The frostbite is smelly (H. foetidus) – flowers are small, light.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Frozen reddish (N. purpurascens) – with non-wintering leaves.

Growing conditions. Shaded areas with rich forest, lime-rich, well-drained soils.

Breeding. Sowing in July with freshly harvested seeds, seedlings bloom in the 3-4th year. It is possible to divide the bush in late summer. Without transplantation and division, it can grow up to 20 years. Planting density – 1-7 pcs. per 1 m2.

A strict, spectacular plant, suitable both for rockeries in the shade and for planting in flower beds and mixborders. Delivers a pleasant aroma. Stands in the cut.

Tricyrtis (TRICYRTIS). Family of uvulariaceae (liliaceae).

When asked what flowers grow in the forests of Asia, they are primarily called tricyrtos. This bush of straight (5060 cm) leafy stems is very beautiful. Leaves are sessile, ovate, often spotted. The flowers are wide-open, of the original shape, in bunches, spotted, up to 4 cm in diameter.

Types and varieties:

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Tricirtis short-haired (T. hirta) – blooms in late summer, white spotted flowers.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Escaping tricirtis (T. stolonifera) – the flowers are light, with purple spots, forms a thicket up to 80 cm high.

Growing conditions. Shady places with loose forest, well-moistened soils under the canopy of broad-leaved trees, giving leaf litter in autumn.

Breeding. This flowering forest plant propagates by seed (sowing before winter or stratification). Seedlings bloom in the 2-3rd year. By dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density – 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Physalis (PHYSALIS). The nightshade family.

Rhizome perennials from light forests, from the edges of Europe and the Far East. Bush 50-70 cm tall, branched stems, oval leaves; flowers are axillary, drooping, white.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

As you can see in the photo, this forest plant has a calyx, which, when fruit is swollen, yellow or bright orange, covers the fruit like a ribbed paper lantern. The plant forms thickets.

Types and varieties:

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Physalis ordinary (P. alkekengii) – from Europe.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Physalis Franchet (P. franchetii) – from Japan.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas or partial shade, fertile soils, calcareous.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring), dividing the bush (spring or late summer). Planting density -16 pcs. per 1 m2.

Ash, burning bush (DICTAMNUS). Root family.

A short-rhizome perennial from the forests of the Mediterranean (6 species are known, one of them grows in the dry forests of the Far East). It forms a bush up to 80 cm high, the stems are strong, covered with large feathery leaves, similar to ash leaves (hence the name – ash tree). The flowers are collected in a dense large brush, they emit essential oils.

Types and varieties:

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Dittany (D. albus) – plant of the mountains of Southern Europe, height 80 cm.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Hollow-columnar ash (D. gymnostylis) – plant of dry forests of Crimea, height 40-50 cm, pink flowers in a loose brush.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Caucasian ash (D. caucasicus) – grows in the Caucasus, bush height up to 80 cm, pinkish-lilac flowers, in a dense large brush.

Growing conditions. Sunny or slightly shaded areas with drained rocky poor neutral soil. They do not tolerate clogging and acidic soils.

Breeding. Like many other herbs, these forest flowers reproduce by seed (sowing before winter) and by dividing the bush in late summer. Division and transplantation are poorly tolerated. In one place they can grow up to 20 years. Planting density -5-9 pcs. per 1 m2.

White flower (LEUCOJUM). Amaryllis family.

Small bulbous early spring plant. The largest (up to 30 cm) “snowdrop”. The leaves are lanceolate, shiny, bright green. The flowers are white, drooping, with a green spot at the top.

Species and varieties. In central Russia, the following are most often cultivated:

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

White spring flower (L. vernum) – 2 flowers on its peduncle, blooms in April.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

White-flower summer (L. aestivum) – up to 40 cm high, has a lush inflorescence of 5-6 flowers, blooms in May-June, leaves – until July.

Growing conditions. Light and semi-shaded areas with moist, loose soils.

Breeding. Seeds (sowing freshly harvested) and baby bulbs.

Planting to a depth of 5-10 cm. Old “nests” are planted at the age of 5-7 years.

Planting density – 40-50 pcs. per 1 m2.

Centipede (POLYPODIUM). Family of centipedes.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Common centipede (P. vulgare) – this species is widespread in the southern forests of Europe, East Asia, North Africa. This is the only epiphytic fern that grows normally in central Russia. Like any epiphyte (that is, a plant that lives not on the soil, but on tree trunks, stone walls of houses, etc.), it prefers shady places protected from the wind. Its leathery single evergreen leaves are located on a thin rhizome creeping over the surface of the substrate and form small spots.

Growing conditions. Shady, wind-sheltered areas with good moisture. The centipede is planted on old stumps, on stone placers, on the trunks of lying trees. Fertilization is not recommended, watering is carried out using sprinklers.

Breeding. Sections of rhizomes with a bud of renewal in spring or late summer. Planting density – 25 pcs. per 1 m2.

Used on shady rockeries, near water bodies, in separate spots. Do not plant next to other plants, as the centipede is quickly displaced by them.

Siberian forest flowers

Kandyk, erythronium (ERYTHRONIUM). Liliaceae family.

A bulbous plant (25 species are known in the forests of Europe, Siberia and North America) with fragile elongated bulbs, two basal oval spotted leaves and a low (10-20 cm) peduncle bearing a drooping single flower with leaves bent to the sides and up. Typical ephemeroid, blooming in spring and shedding leaves in late spring.

Species and varieties. More often than others are grown:

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

American Kandyk (E. americanum) – with small whitish flowers.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Kandyk the caucasian (E. caucasicum) – flowers are creamy with red spots inside, large.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Kandyk the Siberian (E. sibiricum) -the flowers are pinkish-purple.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Kandyk dog tooth or European (E. denscanis) – pink flowers, 20 cm in diameter.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Japanese Kandyk (E. japonicum) – the flower is pink-lilac, narrow.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Kandyk hybrid (E. x hybridum) – wonderful variety “Pagoda” – flower diameter 30 cm.

Growing conditions. Shaded and semi-shaded areas with rich, moderately moist, loose soils.

Breeding. Seeds (sowing in June-July only with freshly harvested seeds), baby bulbs (at the end of August). Planting density – 25 pcs. per 1 m2.

Badan (BERGENIA). Family of saxifrage.

A wonderful decorative deciduous plant, about 10 species of which grow on rocks in the forest belt of the mountains of Siberia and East Asia. These are low-growing (25-35 cm) herbs with a thick rhizome and dense, leathery, usually evergreen leaves. They bloom in early spring, flowers are small, bell-shaped, in a dense racemose inflorescence.

Types and varieties:

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Badan hearty (B. cordifolia) – height 40 cm and thick-leaved (B. crassifolia) – height 30 cm.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Badan Delaway (B. delavayi) – height 20 cm and Himalayan (B. hymalaica = B. ligulata) – height 30 cm, the leaves are smaller.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Badan pacific (B. pacifica) – leaves do not hibernate.

There is a group of hybrids with flowers ranging from white to dark red and leaves of different sizes:

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

“Abendglut” – the leaves turn bronze; “Silberlicht” – leaves with silvery spots, white flowers.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

“Purpurea” -leaves are dark purple.

Growing conditions. Semi-shaded and shady areas with loose, stony, well-drained poor soils. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture, reacts well to mulching with an inert layer.

Breeding. Seeds (sowing before winter) and segments of rhizomes (at the end of summer). Planting density – 7 pcs. per 1 m2.

This beautiful, undemanding plant can be used in flower beds of a wide variety of styles – in group plantings, mixborders, large arrays, in curbs, on rockeries.

The thick dark brown rhizome of badan should be located close to the soil surface; when deepened, rotting is possible.

These forest flowers of Siberia and East Asia are used in mixed flower beds and mixborders in the foreground in combination with other drought-resistant plants (wormwood, monarda, coreopsis, geychera, etc.). In rockeries and single plantings against the background of an inert layer.

What are forest grasses and herbaceous plants

Below are the names of forest herbs with photos and descriptions.

Tellima (TELLIMA). Family of saxifrage.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Tallim large-flowered (T. grandiflora) – low (3040 cm) herbaceous plants from the shady cliffs of North America. The rhizome is short, the leaves in the root rosette are rounded, dense, overwintering. The flowers are small, expressionless, in a spike-shaped inflorescence. The plant is stably decorative, resistant, the leaves turn bronze in winter. Varieties “Rubra” – red leaf edge, “Purpurteppich” – leaves with prominent red veins.

Growing conditions. Shady areas with moderately moist forest soils.

Breeding. By dividing the bush (at any time of the season), by seeds (sowing in spring and before winter). Able to form mass self-seeding. Planting density – 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Basil (THALICTRUM). Buttercup family.

Perennial grasses, rhizome or with a brush of roots, grow in forests, in clearings of the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Leaves in a basal rosette and on a branched stem, beautiful, glaucous, pinnately-separated, rounded. Inflorescences are paniculate or corymbose, from numerous small flowers.

Types and varieties:

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Vassilistnik water-collecting (T. aquilegifo-Uum) – 100-150 cm high, the leaves are large, triangular in shape, the inflorescence is openwork, pink, varieties: “Dwarf Purple”, “Album”.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Basil dipteran (T. dipterocarpum) – lilac flowers with yellow anthers, grade “Hewitt” s Double “.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Small basil (T. minus) – 3040 cm high, yellow flowers, the most drought-resistant.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Basil yellow(T. flavum) – moisture-loving, height 100-120 cm, yellow flowers.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Basil filamentous(T. filamentosum) – low, 15-25 cm high, with a long rhizome, forms a thicket of pale green leaves, white flowers, in an openwork inflorescence, grows in the shade.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Delaway Basil (T. delavayi) – 100 cm high, a magnificent large pink or red inflorescence.

Growing conditions. Sunny or semi-shaded places with loose, moist soils (except for the small plant, which prefers dry soils).

Breeding. Seeds (sowing in spring or before winter), dividing the bush (in spring or late summer). Able to weed. Planting density – 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Black cohosh, cimicifuga (CIMICIFUGA). Buttercup family.

Tall grasses (up to 200 cm), blooming from the end of summer all autumn. About 20 species are known to grow in the forests of the Far East and North America. The rhizome is dense, short, and forms a powerful root system. The leaves are large, trifoliate, rise high on a long petiole, the peduncles are tall, they bear clusters of numerous small white flowers. Slowly growing perennial, holding the place up to 30-40 years.

Types and varieties:

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Black cohosh branching (C. ramosa) – height 200 cm, variety “Atropurpurea”.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Klopogon Daursky (C. dahurica) – height 200 cm, with a branched racemose inflorescence, blooms in September-October.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Black cohosh racemose (C. racemosa = C. cordifoiia) – height 180 cm, blooms earlier than other species (in July), pale-white flowers in racemose inflorescences.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Clapboard is simple (C. simpiex) – height 140 cm, blooms in September, flowers in a simple spike-shaped inflorescence.

Growing conditions. Shaded and semi-shaded areas with rich, well-drained, moderately moist soils.

Breeding. Freshly harvested seeds, sown before winter. Seedlings bloom in the 3-5th year, but it is safer to propagate in the spring by dividing the bush. Delenki easily take root and live without a transplant for up to 30 years. Planting density – 3 pcs. per 1 m2.

Jeffersonia (JEFFERSONIA). Barberry family.

There are only two species of this genus, growing on opposite ends of the globe – one in the forests of eastern North America, the other in the forests of the Far East. These are low (25-35 cm) short-rhizome grasses that form rounded bushes of delicate rounded basal leaves and bloom in early spring. The flowers are single, 2-3 cm in diameter.

Types and varieties:

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Jeffersonia double leaf (J. diphylla) from America has a leaf carved at the top and white flowers; in Jeffersonia doubtful (J. dubia) from the Far East, the leaves are rounded, and the flowers are pale lilac.

Growing conditions. In the shade, under the canopy of trees covering the ground in autumn with fallen leaves; on loose forest soil, well-drained.

Breeding. Seed reproduction is difficult, since seeds germinate only in the 3rd year. Propagated by dividing the bush at the end of summer. Without division and transplantation, they can grow for 20-25 years.

Planting density – 16 pcs. per 1 m2.

Cardiocrinum (CARDIOCRINUM). Liliaceae family.

The genus Cardiocrinum includes 3 types of large bulbous herbs growing on forest edges and in the rare forests of East Asia. Peduncle 150-300 cm high with numerous flowers similar to lilies. These are the tallest plants of the lily family. They have shiny large heart-shaped leaves on petioles and numerous (up to 30 pieces per stem) white tubular fragrant flowers up to 15 cm long.

Types and varieties. Grows well in the temperate zone:

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Heart-shaped cardiocrinum (C. cordatum)especially its shape “Glenna” (C. cordatum f. Glehnii)living in the light forests of Sakhalin, they have large flowers in a multi-flowered inflorescence.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Giant cardiocrinum (C. giganteum) – a plant of the Himalayas, needs strong shelter, is often damaged by frost.

Growing conditions. Slightly shaded areas with moist, loose, rich soils under a canopy of broad-leaved species (oak, linden, maple, apple).

Breeding. Freshly harvested seeds are sown before winter, in spring they germinate, seedlings bloom in the 7-10th year.

Lungwort (PULMONARIA). Borage family.

Perennial forest rhizome grasses (about 14 species) 20-40 cm high, with oval pubescent leaves in a basal rosette and tubular flowers of red-violet tones (change color after pollination) in a dense inflorescence-curl. They bloom in early spring. These forest herbs got their name due to the fact that their flowers are rich in nectar; lungwort is one of the first spring honey plants.

Types and varieties:

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Narrow-leaved lungwort (P. angustifolia) – blue flowers, grows in pine forests on sandy soils in Europe.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Varieties of lungwort “Azurea” и Smokey BLue.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Filyarsky’s medunitsa (P. filarszkyana) and red (P. rubra) – with bright red flowers from the forests of the Carpathians, grade “Redstart”.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

The softest lungwort (P. mollissima) – up to 40 cm high, dark blue flowers, from the forests of the Caucasus, Central Asia.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Dark lungwort (P. obscura) – lilac-pink flowers, from the forests of Central Europe.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Saddle witch (P. saccharata) – from the forests of Southern Europe, green leaves with large bluish spots, purple flowers, grade “Mrs. Moon “.

Growing conditions. Shaded areas under the canopy of trees with loose forest soils, moderately moist. M. narrow-leaved grows well on sands, and M. Sugar grows well on stony sandy soils with good lighting.

Breeding. By dividing the bush (at the end of summer). Planting density – 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Stalkleaf (CAULOPHYLLUM). The barberry family.

Large (up to 120 cm high) herbs with a thickened short rhizome, straight stem (up to 100 cm high) and several beautiful, slightly bluish trifoliate leaves. The flowers are small, pale yellow, collected in a rare panicle.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Pay attention to the photos of these forest grasses – they are especially beautiful in autumn, when berry-like, bluish fruits ripen on them.

Types and varieties. This genus contains only two species:

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Stalkleaf powerful (C. robustum) – a taiga plant in the south of the Ussuri region and a basil-like stemleaf (C. thaLictroides) – a plant of deciduous forests in eastern North America. They are very similar in appearance and in their environmental needs.

Growing conditions. Strongly shaded areas under the broadleaf canopy. Loose, forest, moderately moist soils. They winter well under litter.

Breeding. Seed reproduction is difficult, the seeds germinate only in the 2-3rd year, and the seedlings bloom in the 4th-5th year. Without transplantation and division, they can grow in one place for up to 30 years.

Reproduction is possible by dividing the bush at the end of summer. Planting density – 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Disporum Family of uvulariaceae (liliaceae).

Forest perennial grasses (about 15 species) growing in the forests of East Asia and North America, with a horizontal creeping rhizome and branching at the apex into two branches, stems covered with ovoid leaves and ending in an umbrella-shaped inflorescence of narrow-bell-shaped white-greenish flowers. Fruits are decorative.

Types and varieties:

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Dysporum smilacin (D. smilacinum) – a plant of the floodplain forests of the Far East.

Forest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivationForest flowers and herbs: photos and names of plants in the forest belt planting and care, cultivation

Dysporum spotted (D. maculatum) – from the mountain forests of North America.

Growing conditions. These forest grasses prefer shaded areas with moist sandy or gravelly soils.

Breeding. Seeds (sowing before winter) and segments of rhizomes with a bud of renewal at the end of summer. Planting density – 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Plants with an original, strictly geometric shape of the stem adorn the shady flower garden all summer long; it is good to use them in plantings that imitate forest glades in the style of “natural garden”.

Anna Evans


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