Fertilizing and feeding potatoes with manure

The best organic fertilizer for potatoes is manure. It contains all the trace elements necessary for the normal development of tops and tubers: phosphorus, nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, manganese, cobalt, boron, copper, molybdenum, zinc and others. Systematic application of manure makes the soil loose, improves the structure of the soil, and promotes the accumulation of humus – the upper fertile layer. But improper fertilization of potatoes with manure leads to a decrease in yield, a deterioration in the quality of tubers, and contributes to the development of fungal diseases and weeds. It is very important to observe agricultural techniques and proportions.
It should be borne in mind that manure lasts for a long time, which depends on the type of soil. On chernozems and loamy soils, it affects the yield for 5-7 years, on light sandy soils – 2-3 years. The composition of manure is heterogeneous and varies depending on the type of animals, feed, bedding material, storage method. It is impossible to find out the set and concentration of trace elements at home, therefore it is advisable to fertilize the site with different manure, if possible, changing the supplier annually. The technology of applying manure depends on its condition (fresh concentrated, liquid, semi-rotten, rotted) and the type of soil. Fertilizing the soil with fresh and semi-rotten manure is possible only in the fall. Overripe is brought in in the spring. The norm for potatoes is 300-500 kg per hundred square meters. The maximum dose is suitable for depleted and heavy soils. Sod-podzolic loamy, leached and gray forest soils fertilize 30-40 t / ha, sod-podzolic sandy loam – 40-50 t / ha. It is recommended to fertilize light sandy and sandy loam soils in the spring, loamy soils – in the fall. To evenly distribute the manure, the entire plot is divided into cells with an area of ​​10 square meters, fertilizers are applied to each cell, laying it in heaps. Then the manure is scattered throughout the cage and on the same day buried by plowing the soil with a shovel or plow. The scattered manure cannot be left uncovered for a long time, as it dries quickly, losing value. When cultivating with a shovel, it is important that the top layer of soil falls down, for this the shovel is turned into air. Having dug the first row, manure is raked into the formed trench to the width of a shovel. The freed area is dug up again, repeating the raking. The upper ball of soil should fall down. Over-rotted (in no case fresh, which can burn the tubers) manure can be applied to the potato hole during planting. The advantage is that several times less fertilization is required than with the traditional method. The norm is 150-200 grams per bush. First, manure is placed in the hole, then 2 cm of earth is sprinkled. Separately, you can add a canteen boat of ash and / or 10 grams of bird droppings mixed with the soil. The disadvantage is high labor costs, which reduce the speed of planting potatoes. Also, the risk of developing scab doubles. The holes and grooves must be sealed on the day of planting. You can improve the quality of manure by adding superphosphate or phosphorite flour to it in an amount of 1-4 kg per 100 kg of manure.

Feeding potatoes with manure

If organic fertilizers were not applied in the fall or spring, you can feed the potatoes with manure while growing. When the height of the bushes reaches 8-10 cm, you should dilute fresh mullein with water in a ratio of 1:10 (one part of cow dung to 10 parts of water), rotted mullein – 1: 8. It is advisable to add 1 tablespoon of superphosphate to the mixture. Fertilizer is applied under the root system at the first hilling of the potato, its getting on the tops is undesirable!cow dung for potatoes photoCow dung is considered the best for potatoes.

Anna Evans


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