Eggplant – a balm to the heart

Eggplant comes from Southeast Asia, so it loves hot subtropical and tropical climates. Already more than 1500 years ago, eggplant was cultivated and grown in China and in the countries of Central Asia. This vegetable spread thanks to the Arabs, who brought eggplant to Africa and the European Mediterranean.

Eggplant, or Dark nightshade (Solanum melongena) is a species of perennial herbaceous plants of the genus Nightshade (solanum), a popular vegetable crop. It is also known as badridjan (rarely bubrijan), and in the southern regions of Russia eggplants are called blue ones.

The famous traveler A. B. Clot-Bey, traveling in Egypt and describing garden plants, notes that in the country eggplant is called the Armenian cucumber (not to be confused with the Armenian cucumber – the Melon variety), which comes in two types white and purple.

EggplantEggplant. © Allison Turrell

Eggplants are not only the usual dark purple color, but among them there are absolutely white, and almost black, yellow and brown. Their shape is also quite diverse – from cylindrical to pear-shaped and spherical.

Eggplant is a herbaceous plant with a height of 40 to 150 cm. The leaves are large, alternate, prickly-rough, in some varieties with a purple tint. Flowers bisexual, purple, 2,5-5 cm in diameter; solitary or in inflorescences – semi-umbrellas of 2-7 flowers. Eggplant blooms from July to September.

The eggplant fruit is a large round, pear-shaped or cylindrical berry; the surface of the fruit is matte or glossy. Reaches a length of 70 cm, in diameter – 20 cm; weighs 0,4-1 kg. The color of ripe fruits is from gray-green to brownish-yellow.

EggplantEggplant. © Gardening in a Minute

When fully ripe, they become rough and tasteless, so they are used for food a little underripe. In unripe fruits, the color varies from light purple to dark purple. Eggplant seeds are small, flat, light brown; ripen in August-October.


Outdoor ground

Eggplants are placed after early white or cauliflower, cucumbers, legumes and green crops. If the site is not sunny, provide reliable protection from cold winds by planting rocker plants.

In autumn, after harvesting the predecessor, the soil is loosened shallowly with a hoe to provoke the germination of weed seeds. Two weeks later, it is dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet, without breaking clods. For digging, compost or peat (4-6 kg per 1 m²) and a mineral garden mixture or nitroammophoska (70 g per m²) are added. Acidic soils are lime.

In early spring, the soil is harrowed with an iron rake and kept loose until planting. On the day of planting, they dig it up and apply fertilizer (400 g per well), if they did not manage to be applied in the fall.

Eggplants are best grown in insulated beds or ridges. In the middle of a bed 90-100 cm wide, a groove is dug 20-30 cm wide and 15-20 cm deep. Loosening materials (humus, sawdust, sand, straw cuttings mixed with earth) are laid in it and everything is carefully covered with earth. Plants are planted on both sides of this groove. The roots, penetrating deep, find nutrients and the oxygen they need.

In the non-chernozem zone of Russia eggplant grown from seedlings. Seeds in greenhouses or greenhouses are sown for 60 days of planting in the ground. In the Moscow region, this is the end of February – the beginning of March.

Sowing is carried out in boxes (with subsequent picking) or in pots (without picking). The composition of the soil mixture can be different, for example: soddy land and humus (2:1), soddy land, peat and sand (4:5:1), peat, sawdust and mullein diluted with water (3:1:0,5) . It is added (g per 10 kg): ammonium sulphate – 12, superphosphate and potassium salt – 40 each. The prepared mixture is placed in boxes and leveled. 1 day before sowing, it is abundantly watered with warm water.

EggplantEggplant. © jcapaldi

If the seeds are not germinated, then seedlings appear after 8-10 days, germinated – after 4-5 days. Seedlings are provided with good illumination, and the air temperature is reduced to 15-18 ° C, so that the root system develops better.

After the appearance of the first true leaf, the seedlings dive one by one into pots 10 × 10 cm in size. Strong, healthy, well-developed plants are selected. For 2-3 days, until they take root, the seedlings shade with paper from the sun’s rays. Since eggplants poorly restore the root system, they do not tolerate picking well.

With a weak growth of seedlings, top dressing is necessary. To do this, use a solution of bird droppings (1:15) or mullein (1:10), fermented for at least 2-3 days (a bucket per 1 m²), complete mineral fertilizer (50 g per 10 l of water). After feeding, in order to avoid burns, the plants must be watered with clean warm water from a watering can with a strainer or sprayed.

Seedling care consists of regular watering, loosening weeds and fertilizing. Irrigation protects plants from premature lignification of the stem, which ultimately causes a sharp decrease in yield. But you should not overmoisten the soil too much: this negatively affects the condition of the plants and the future harvest. In addition, high temperature and high humidity pamper the plants. Watering and fertilizing is best done in the morning.

Two weeks before planting, the seedlings are prepared for open ground conditions: the irrigation rate is reduced, the air is intensively ventilated. 5-10 days before transplantation, the plants are sprayed with a 0,5% solution of copper sulphate. On the eve of landing, atypical, weakened and sick are rejected. Seedlings are watered abundantly. Properly grown seedlings should be low, with a well-developed root system, a thick stem, five to six leaves and large buds.

Seedlings are planted in open ground when the soil warms up to a temperature of 12-15 ° C and the danger of the last spring frosts has passed. This usually happens in the first decade of June. But if you protect the plants with film frames (they are installed on the beds a week before planting), then eggplants can be planted at the end of May.

On the beds, eggplants are planted with two-line ribbons (the distance between the ribbons is 60-70 cm, between the lines is 40, between the plants is 30-40 cm). On the ridge, planting in one row (distance between rows 60-70 cm and between plants 30-35 cm). On light soils, eggplants are planted on a flat surface according to the scheme 60 × 60 or 70 × 30 cm (one plant per hole) or 70 × 70 cm (two plants per hole). Wells with a width and depth of 15-20 cm are prepared in advance. Before planting, they are deepened, the bottom is loosened and watered.

Seedlings with a clod of earth are carefully released from the seedling container. In peat pots, the bottom is broken for better development of the root system after planting. Seedlings are planted vertically, deepening to the first true leaf. The soil around the plants is well compressed and watered immediately.

eggplant seedlingEggplant seedling. © Suzie’s Farm

When planted in cloudy weather, plants take root better. Seedlings planted on a hot day are shaded daily (from 10 a.m. to 16 p.m.) until the plants take root. A week after planting, new ones are planted in place of the fallen plants. When the cold weather returns, the plants are covered with warming materials for the night.

protected ground

Eggplants grow best in greenhouses, where favorable conditions are created for them.

The soil must be loose and permeable. In the spring, the soil is dug up, compost or humus is added (4-5 kg ​​per 1 m²) and a garden mineral mixture (70 g per 1 m²). After that, the soil is leveled and watered.

Seedlings are grown in pots with a diameter of 10-20 cm or in plastic bags (two plants each). It is planted in heated greenhouses in late March – early April at the age of 45-50 days, in unheated – in early May at the age of 60-70 days.

Seedlings are planted on beds (which is best), ridges or a flat surface. Plants are placed with two-line tapes (the distance between lines is 40-50 cm, between the extreme rows is 80, between plants is 35-45 cm).

After planting, eggplants are immediately tied up on trellises, like tomatoes. Care consists of fertilizing, watering, loosening, weeding, frost protection.

The first top dressing is carried out 15-20 days after planting seedlings, introducing urea (10-15 g per 10 liters of water). At the beginning of fruiting, eggplants are fed with a solution of fresh mullein (1: 5) with the addition of superphosphate (30-40 g in 10 liters of water). Every two weeks, top dressing is applied with a solution of wood ash (200 g per 10 liters of water) or mineral fertilizers (grams per 10 liters of water):

  • ammonium nitrate – 15-20,
  • superphosphate – 40-50,
  • potassium chloride – 15-20.

EggplantEggplant. © Rosa Say

After top dressing, the plants are watered with clean water to wash off the remnants of the solution.

Eggplants are watered abundantly, under the root, as a lack of moisture reduces productivity, increases the bitterness and ugliness of the fruit. But waterlogging is also unacceptable. After each watering, the soil is loosened to a depth of 3-5 cm. Weeds are systematically removed.

Greenhouses are regularly ventilated, preventing overheating and high humidity: this contributes to the reproduction of aphids. In May, the penetration of the Colorado potato beetle into the greenhouses is possible, therefore, the lower part of the leaves is regularly inspected and the eggs found are destroyed. The yield of eggplant with a high level of agricultural technology reaches 6-8 kg per 1 m².

Eggplants work well in greenhouses (nine plants are planted under the frame). They are also grown on balconies. Seedlings are planted in late May – early June in large pots with a diameter of 10-40 cm and a depth of 30 cm.


The plant is heat-demanding and moisture-loving. Seeds germinate at a temperature not lower than 15 °C. If the temperature is above 25-30 ° C, then shoots appear already on the 8-9th day. The best temperature for growth and development is 22-30 °C. At too high a temperature and with insufficient humidity in the air and soil, the plants drop flowers. If the air temperature drops to 12 ° C, then eggplants stop developing. In general, they develop more slowly than tomatoes.

They need to be watered abundantly. The lack of soil moisture reduces the yield, increases the bitterness and ugliness of the fruit. But waterlogging is also not good, in a protracted bad weather, for example, eggplants can suffer from diseases.

EggplantEggplant. © wwworks

The best soils for this vegetable plant will be light, structural, well-fertilized.

It has been noticed: with a lack of nitrogen in the soil, the growth of tops slows down, and this promises a decrease in yield (few fruits will be tied). Phosphate fertilizers favorably affect the growth of roots, the formation of buds, ovaries, and accelerate the ripening of fruits. Potassium contributes to the active accumulation of carbohydrates. With a lack of potassium in the soil, the growth of eggplant stops, brown spots appear on the edges of the leaves and fruits. In order for the plant to be healthy, microelements are also necessary: ​​salts of manganese, boron, iron, which are required to be applied per 10 m2 0,05-0,25 g each.

For tomatoes, peppers and eggplant, the best root dressings are from ready-made soil mixtures with a high content of humus, organic matter; macro-, microelements, growth stimulants – these are “Signor Tomato”, “Fertility”, “Breadwinner”, “Bogatyr” vegetable – “Giant”.

For extra-feed top dressing for plants – “Impulse +”. Fertilizer promotes the formation of ovaries, increases the resistance of plants to fungal diseases, accelerates the ripening of fruits.


In the traditional sense, eggplant is an oblong purple fruit. But scientists-breeders have long moved away from traditions and create new varieties, surprising us with color, shape, size and yield.

  • F1 Baikal – mid-season and vigorous (plant 1,2 m long) hybrid, recommended for film greenhouses. Just like F1 ‘Baron’, seedlings are sown at the end of February, and planted in a greenhouse at the end of May. The fruits are pear-shaped (length 14-18 cm, diameter 10 cm), dark purple, glossy, weighing 320-370 g. The flesh is white, with a green tint, without bitterness, medium density. The yield of one plant is 2,8-3,2 kg.
  • F1 Delicate – a novelty of the “Vkusnyatina” series. A distinctive feature of the new hybrid is the white color of the fruit. Maturity is average. Plant height 50 cm, fruit length – 18 cm, average weight – 200 g. The pulp is dense, white, without bitterness, with a low content of solanine. The yield of one plant is 2 kg.
  • F1 Sadko – this hybrid is distinguished by the original color of the fruits – they are purple, with white longitudinal stripes. The plant is medium-sized (50-60 cm), mid-season. The shape of the fruit is pear-shaped (length 12-14 cm, diameter 6-10 cm), average weight 250-300 g. Pulp of medium density, without bitterness, excellent taste.
  • F1 Baron – a hybrid with a height of 70-80 cm of average ripening. Seedlings are sown for seedlings at the end of February, and at the end of May, seedlings are planted in a greenhouse. The fruits are cylindrical in shape (length 16-22 cm, diameter 6-8 cm), dark purple, glossy, large – 300-350 g. The pulp is medium density, yellowish-white, without bitterness. The yield of one plant is 2,8-3,1 kg.
  • Albatross – high-yielding, mid-season, large-fruited fruit. Flesh without bitterness. The color in technical ripeness is blue-violet, in biological – brown-brown. Well kept.
  • Ping-pong – mid-season, high-yielding. The fruit is spherical (90-95 g). In the phase of technical ripeness, white, slightly glossy. The pulp is dense, white, without bitterness.
  • Lunar – early, fruit 300-317 g. The flesh is dense, yellowish-white.
  • Bibo – mid-season, snow-white fruits (300-400 g).
  • Sailor – early, fruit with lilac and white stripes, weight 143 g, without bitterness. The pulp is white.

Diseases and pests


aphid – the most dangerous pest of eggplant, which causes great harm. Aphids appear on leaves, stems, flowers and feed on plant sap.

Control measures: treatment of plants with rapidly decomposing insecticides. Sprayed before and after flowering. During fruiting, it is impossible to process. From folk remedies, the following solution is used: 10 glass of wood ash or 1 glass of tobacco dust is sent to a 1-liter bucket, then poured with hot water and left for a day. Before spraying, the solution should be well stirred, strained and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of liquid soap. Spray the plant in the morning, preferably from a sprayer.

EggplantEggplant. © Anna Hesser

spider mite sucks the juice from the underside of eggplant leaves.

Control measures: prepare a solution for which they take a glass of minced garlic or onion and dandelion leaves, a tablespoon of liquid soap is diluted in 10 liters of water. Filter, separating the pulp, and spray the plants in any phase of development.

Slugs naked not only eat eggplant leaves, but also damage the fruits, which then rot.

Control measures: keep the plantings clean, sprinkle the grooves around the beds with plantings with freshly slaked lime or a mixture of lime, ash and tobacco dust. When watering, try not to pour water into the grooves. In hot, sunny weather during the day, it is necessary to loosen to a depth of 3-5 cm. Loosening the soil is accompanied by pollination with ground hot pepper (black or red), at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1-2 m², or dry mustard (1 teaspoon per 1 m² ).


Blackleg it is especially pronounced at high humidity of the soil and air, as well as at low temperatures. With this disease, the root stalk of the eggplant is damaged, it softens, thins and rots. Often the disease develops during the period of growing seedlings due to the thickening of crops.

Control measures: adjust the temperature and watering. In the event of the appearance of this disease, the soil must be dried, loosened and sprinkled with wood ash or dust of crushed charcoal.

wilting disease manifested in the shedding of leaves. The cause may be fungal diseases: Fusarium, sclerocinia. If you cut a piece of the stem near the root neck, you can see the browned vascular bundles.

Control measures: diseased wilted plants are removed and burned, the soil is loosened, watered rarely and only in the morning. The following year, pepper and eggplant are not planted in this place.


EggplantEggplant. © Rick Noelle

Premature yellowing of leaves in eggplant most often occurs due to non-compliance with the temperature regime, insufficient watering.

Control measures: You can use the drug “Emerald”, which prevents premature yellowing of the leaves.

Useful Tips

Insufficiently complete pollination of flowers can cause the appearance of non-standard (crooked) fruits. To prevent this, it is necessary to apply artificial additional pollination of flowering plants, that is, in hot, sunny, still weather, lightly shaking the plants is done.

Lack of moisture in the soil, high air temperature cause woody stems, falling buds and leaves in both peppers and eggplants.

In open areas, it is necessary to protect eggplant plantings from the wind with the help of backstage – plantings from tall crops that are planted in advance with seedlings around the garden (these are beets, beans, chard, leeks), and best of all they bear fruit under the film.

Eggplants are not only thermophilic and water-demanding, but also very photophilous. Therefore, shading causes a lag in the growth and flowering of plants.

Since the root system of eggplants is located in the upper layer of the soil, loosening should be shallow (3-5 cm) and be accompanied by obligatory hilling.

Fresh manure is not added to the garden before planting eggplant, as they will give a strong vegetative (leaf) mass and will not be able to form fruits.

EggplantEggplant. © Bong Grit

Young eggplant seedlings planted in a garden bed cannot withstand low positive temperatures (2-3°C), and autumn fruit-bearing plants can withstand frosts down to -3°C. This allows you to keep eggplant plants in a greenhouse or in the garden until late autumn.

Eggplants are especially useful for the elderly. They should be recommended for edema associated with weakening of the heart, with gout.

Nutritionists recommend including eggplant dishes in the menu of those who suffer from liver and kidney diseases.

Thanks to copper and iron, eggplant helps to increase hemoglobin, so eggplant dishes are recommended for anemia in children and pregnant women.

The trace elements contained in them are perfectly balanced, they contain vitamins B1, B2, B6, B9, C, P, PP, there are also active substances that have a positive effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system and kidneys.

We hope that our tips will help you grow these wonderful vegetables!

Anna Evans


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