Ear problems in rabbits

We all know that rabbits have long and sensitive ears. Therefore, rabbit breeders often encounter ear diseases in rabbits. Ear infections are very common in rabbits.

Not knowing about ear disease in a rabbit, people very often buy such a rabbit for themselves and plant it with the others. But after a while, we can notice the disease in all rabbits at once. “Why?” – you ask, yes, because all diseases of rabbits are transmitted by airborne droplets. To avoid this, you need to place each new rabbit in a separate cage (for about 30 days). For what? To observe him, his behavior. If within 30 days you have not noticed anything (the rabbit feels good, eats well, plays), then you can plant it with the rest of the rabbits. It is in our article that you can find out what diseases of rabbit ears are and how you can get rid of them.

Symptoms of diseases of the ears of rabbits
• Rabbits may scratch with their paws, or they may rub against various objects;
• Rabbit stops eating, loses appetite, weak, nervous;
• It is common to notice rabbits’ ears dropping and the rabbit’s head tilting forward or to the side in an unusual way.

If your rabbit has the above symptoms, this is a signal for a thorough examination of the animal’s ears.

Are ear problems dangerous for an animal?

Of course they are dangerous, very dangerous. Rabbit ear disease is a very serious problem, and if a rabbit is not treated in time, it may eventually become completely bald, it may become covered with various spots, and the rabbit will immediately lose the desire to breed. Therefore, as soon as symptoms are visible, immediately, immediately, take the rabbit to the veterinarian.
And now let’s do a mini-review of ear diseases in rabbits

1. Myxomatosis

Myxomatosis – This is a very serious disease caused by the presence of bacteria. If the disease is not treated, the rabbit may die. It is not difficult to determine this disease: peculiar bumps will appear on the ears of the animal, the nose will swell, appetite will worsen, the skin condition will desire to multiply. The virus is very easily carried by mosquitoes, mosquitoes, etc.
Usually only adult rabbits suffer from such a disease, but if a sick rabbit gives birth to rabbits, then they will automatically get this disease.
If the rabbit is properly treated, then after a few weeks the bumps will go away or become inconspicuous, and after a month the wounds will simply heal. But there is one problem: an animal that has suffered this disease, even after the cones have left, still remains a carrier of the disease.

Prevention This disease is only one – vaccination. 45 days after birth, it is recommended to vaccinate the rabbit, and then after 30 days it is advisable to repeat the procedure.
Treatment at home. We need: penicillin, sodium chloride, ophthalmic gel (to lubricate swollen and acidic eyes) and syringes. We dissolve 100 thousand units of penicillin in 5 ml. sodium chloride. And we prick the rabbit 0.5 cubes 2 times a day for 3 days. Within a day, the tumors will stop growing, appetite and condition will improve, and after a week, almost all symptoms will go away.

2. Psoroptosis

Psoroptosis This is an ear mite in rabbits. Most often, rabbits become infected with psoroptosis from contact with other rabbits. But very often the disease appears in the presence of uncleaned, dirty cages, feeders, equipment. Psoroptosis can occur at any time of the year, but most often in late winter.
The causative agent of this disease is a very small, oval tick, most often yellow in color. It is very difficult to see this tick without magnifying equipment (for example, a magnifying glass).
Symptoms this disease are:
• Weak rabbit immunity;
• frequent scratching;
• peculiar tubercles, which after a while turn into small blisters with liquid;
• loss of appetite;
It’s important: if you do not start treating the rabbit in time, then over time this disease causes a brain disease, as a result of which the nervous system deteriorates and begins to work with deviations. Over time, the rabbit will die.
If your rabbit has these symptoms, you should contact your veterinarian, but if you are completely sure of the disease, you can treat the rabbit at home. To do this, we need: vegetable oil (softens the crusts of tubercles) and turpentine (removes ticks). We mix the ingredients in a ratio of 1:1. After that, we draw the mixture into a syringe and treat all the tubercles in the ears with it.

3. Purulent otitis media

Purulent otitis media
Purulent otitis is also very dangerous. If the rabbit is not treated, then soon it will be possible to observe abnormalities in the brain and death of the rabbit.
Why does a rabbit get this disease? Yes, because the rabbit is in a cold environment, it freezes, it has poor or improper nutrition, it has low immunity, or there are parasites in the cage. Also, a head injury can lead to such a disease.
Symptoms of otitis are:
• Suppuration of the ears;
• The presence of scabies;
• Frequent tilting of the head or shaking it;
• Lack of appetite.
The symptoms are very similar to those of psoroptosis. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian, since two similar diseases are treated in completely different ways.
It is desirable to treat this disease not at home, but if you treat this disease at home, be sure to consult a veterinarian.

4. Frostbite of the ears

frostbite of the ears
Rabbits have very delicate ears. Therefore, the slightest cold brings with it many consequences for the ears of rabbits. Often this is a common frostbite of the ears.
Frostbite symptoms are:
• Swollen ears (touch hurts);
• The presence of blisters, which over time can burst or form purulent ulcers, after which the skin becomes dry and begins to exfoliate, dangerous wounds form over time.
What to do? The pet must be transferred to a warm room, further actions depend on the stage of frostbite. The first stage not dangerous, we can identify it by touching the ears of the rabbit. If the ears are cold and you can see from the rabbit that your touch is unpleasant for him, you need to lubricate the place behind the rabbit’s ears with Vaseline. If the rabbit has been in a cold place for a long time, and we can observe fluid bubbles that can burst, leaving red ulcers, then this is already second stage frostbite. At this stage, you need to carefully open the vial and lubricate this place with iodine. If the skin behind the ears of the animal is twisted and disappears, this is third stage frostbite. At this stage, you need to carefully remove the twisted skin and give the pet warm straw.

That’s all. And remember, in order for the life of rabbits to be comfortable, it is necessary to examine your pets, take them to the veterinarian for a check-up, do not forget about vaccinations and, of course, keep the cages clean and nutritious.

Anna Evans


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