Dwarf mini sheep

Modern pygmy sheep are descendants of French miniature rams. Their main difference is their small body size and thick warm coat. At the beginning of the 20th century, these animals enjoyed a special location with high-ranking gentlemen, and today they are bred for wool and meat with high palatability. The characteristics of the breed and the features of keeping dwarf rams will be discussed further.

Dwarf lamb versus cat

Origin of pygmy sheep

Off the coast of France, there is the island of Ouessant, which was inhabited by people in the 5th century AD. Local residents were engaged in sheep breeding. Since the vegetation on the island is rather sparse, the animals gradually became smaller. There is no reliable information about how sheep got to this island. There is only an assumption that they were brought there by the Britons or Norman sailors. It is known that it was on this island that breeding work with mini-sheep began.

Reference. The local rams were distinguished by a black suit.

In 1900, the first animals were sent to France and England. In the middle of the last century, the population of miniature sheep was in danger of extinction, but breeders from Europe continued to work and saved the species by crossing dwarfs with other miniature sheep. As a result, dwarf rams were preserved, but their coat is now not only black, but also white, brown or gray.

Mini sheep: description and signs

Small size is a distinctive feature of these animals. At the withers, the height of an adult male does not exceed 50 cm, and females are even smaller – 40-46 cm. The weight of a ram varies between 20-22 kg, and a sheep barely reaches 16 kg. Despite such a miniature size, these animals bring profit to the farmer from the sale of wool and meat that has excellent taste.

Reference. The slaughter yield of mini-sheep is 50%.

Breed characteristics:

  • the head is small, elongated;
  • the nose is mostly straight;
  • the eyes are set wide apart, which allows these animals to see what is happening behind without turning their heads;
  • the horns are spiral-shaped (in males), and the color of the stratum corneum on them corresponds to the color of the coat of animals;
  • early maturing uessents – reach puberty at the age of 6 months;
  • the fecundity of females is low – 1 lamb in lambing.

The appearance of the representatives of the breed

The appearance of the representatives of the breed

The average wool shear per year, obtained from a dwarf ram, is 2 kilograms. The fleece of these animals is long and thin, about 30 microns.

Dwarf rams have excellent hearing, but sometimes their eyesight fails them. The animal sees well around itself, but difficulties arise when moving around the area. The presence of uneven terrain or a shadow on the road confuses the sheep.

Reference. Dwarf sheep are one of the hardiest breeds in the world.

Features of the content

Mini-sheep are unpretentious and undemanding, but still it is worth getting acquainted with the features of their content. All the animals need is a warm, well-ventilated room and a pasture where they can feed in spring and summer.

The requirements for arranging a sheepfold are as follows:

  1. The area of ​​​​the room is calculated based on the number of animals. Each ram is given at least 1,5 m2 of free space. For young animals under the age of one year, 0,5 m2 is enough, and for a ewe with a lamb – 1 m2.
  2. In the sheepfold they equip the floor of clay.
  3. In order to have enough sunlight inside, windows are installed in the koshara.
  4. It is important to take care of the ventilation system. Air containing hydrogen sulfide and ammonia vapor must be removed from the premises, otherwise the animals will get sick.
  5. Sheds are equipped with feeders and drinkers. You can make a manger with your own hands from wood, and so that the sheep cannot scatter food, they are equipped with bars. The distance between the jumpers on the feeders intended for adults is 20 cm, for lambs – 10 cm. A trough is used as a drinking bowl.
  6. A dense layer of sawdust or straw is placed in the pens, which protects the animals from cold and dampness.

Most of the day in spring and summer, animals spend on the street, so it is worth equipping a walking area. Its area must be correctly calculated – 2 m2 of free space is allocated for each individual. A strong fence 50 cm high is installed around the walking area, and a canopy is placed above it. Under it, the sheep will be comfortable in the heat and during the rain.

It is important to carefully monitor the condition of the hooves of dwarf sheep. The growing stratum corneum needs to be trimmed in a timely manner. Sheep are sensitive to dampness, so in autumn and spring, when it often rains, you need to inspect the hooves more often for the development of a dangerous disease – hoof rot.

adult pygmy sheep

adult pygmy sheep


Mini-sheep are precocious, that is, at the age of 6 months they end their puberty, but you should not rush to mating. It is better to mate a young sheep with a ram at the age of 12 months, when her body is fully formed and ready to bear a lamb.

Sheep are selected for the tribe, in which there are no pathologies of hooves, teeth and other disorders. Sheep-producers are always kept separately from the herd. They are allocated the best pastures.

Attention! The average lifespan of the bright is 7 years, the rams – 10-15.

After mating with a ram, a sheep becomes pregnant, its duration is 4,5 months. Ewes are able to bring 2 offspring per year, but in each lambing there is only 1 lamb. For 4 months, he feeds on mother’s milk, after which he is taken away from the sheep. The next 2 months the sheep recovers before being ready for the next mating and pregnancy.

After weaning, the young are ungrouped, and the amount of drinking and succulent feed is reduced for the ewes in order to painlessly complete lactation. During this time, the farmer should inspect the udder every day for mastitis.

Dwarf sheep, despite their small size, are popular with many farmers due to their endurance, unpretentiousness, high quality meat and wool. Breeding them is profitable and easy. The main thing is to provide animals with good living conditions and monitor their health. You can not neglect routine vaccination, so as not to lose livestock due to a dangerous infection.

Anna Evans


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