Description of the pumpkin variety “Medicinal”. Growing Features

Pumpkin Therapeutic is one of the most useful and delicious varieties of gourds. Its healing properties help cleanse and rejuvenate the body. Even a novice gardener can grow a medicinal pumpkin, the variety does not need special conditions and, with quality care, brings a rich harvest.

Pumpkin Medicinal

Description of the pumpkin variety "Medicinal". Growing Features

Pumpkin Medicinal is undemanding in care

Description of the pumpkin variety "Medicinal". Growing Features

Pumpkin Medicinal has a good taste

Pumpkin Medicinal: description and characteristics

Pumpkin got its name due to the high content of vitamin E, B1 and B2. It also contains carotene and fiber, sugar.

The main characteristics of the pumpkin Medicinal:

  1. The lashes of the plant are not very long, but thick. Shrubs of small height, round stems, not ribbed. The leaves are green, large, do not have cuts. The stem has the shape of a cylinder.
  2. Pumpkin flowers are yellow with 5 petals. The ovaries are formed only on the female inflorescences, the fruits of the plant are large, the weight of one is about 5 kg, sometimes reaching 8 kg.
  3. The fruits are slightly flattened on both sides. Color – light green or light gray, there is a clearly defined pattern in the form of a dark grid.
  4. The flesh is bright orange, tender and juicy. The aroma is characteristically pumpkin. Each fruit has 3 cavities with white seeds that are meant to be planted.
  5. The medicinal pumpkin belongs to an early ripening variety. The first fruits can be harvested already on the 100th day after sowing the grains.
  6. The variety is distinguished by high productivity – about 1 kg of crop can be harvested from 18 plant. About 1-3 pumpkins ripen on 4 bush.

Distinctive features

The main feature of the pumpkin of this variety is the fruit. They are famous for their rich green color of the rind, covered with a thick coating of white. Because of this feature, the fruits seem slippery. Another distinguishing feature is resistance to sudden changes in air temperature, so pumpkin can be grown in open ground even in the northern regions of the country.

Pest and disease resistance

Immunity is average, the plant is not resistant to fungal diseases. The reviews of many summer residents show that the medicinal pumpkin variety suffers from rot. Also, the enemies of the variety are powdery mildew and anthracnose.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pumpkin Medicinal, like other varieties, has pros and cons, they must be taken into account when growing this plant.

Pumpkin Benefits:

  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to sudden temperature changes;
  • lack of care;
  • high yield;
  • excellent taste and maximum usefulness of the pulp;
  • a medium-sized bush, respectively, more plants can be grown on the site;
  • long shelf life.

Disadvantages of Pumpkin Medicinal:

  • average immunity;
  • demands on the composition of the soil.

Features of growing pumpkin

The main features of growing this variety:

  1. Despite frost resistance, the pumpkin loves the sun and heat, so plant it in lit areas. In the fall, dig up the soil and clean it of various debris, including the roots of weeds and plants.
  2. For 1 sq. m, add 5-7 kg of rotted manure. In the case of high acidity of the soil, add dry lime or ash. Heavy soil needs sand.
  3. In the spring season, level the soil with a rake and clear the grass. For 1 sq. m, add 30 g of superphosphate and 25 g of urea, pour the beds with a hot solution of copper sulfate (0,5 tablespoons per 5 liters of water).
  4. The minimum soil temperature for growing pumpkins is +12 degrees. With this indicator, the healing pumpkin can be planted, but it is better that the air temperature reaches +24 degrees, then the soil will warm up enough.
  5. With the onset of cold weather, the pumpkin stops growing, and resumes growth on the first sunny and warm day.
  6. To accelerate the growth of plants, you should make a small greenhouse.
  7. You can use the seedling method of growing, then the sowing dates are shifted by 3 weeks (approximately the beginning of April).

Gourd medicinal grows

Germination of seeds

It is impossible to immediately plant a seed in the ground, you need to process and harden it first. Germination of seed takes about 2-3 days, after all the procedures, the plant will sprout much faster.

Algorithm for preparing seeds for planting:

  1. Soak the seed in warm water for 2 hours.
  2. Put the seeds in damp cheesecloth and place it in a warm place.
  3. In this state, store the grains until they begin to hatch.
  4. Make sure the gauze does not dry out.

Sowing seeds in open ground

Be sure to plant the seeds in the soil at a temperature not lower than + 12 … + 15 degrees, otherwise the seeds will not begin to germinate.

Seed sowing algorithm:

  1. Dig holes 0,3 m deep. Place 10 cm humus or rotted manure at the bottom. Fill the rest of the space with soil.
  2. Planting scheme: 60 * 80 cm.
  3. Sow 3 seeds in the hole, but away from each other. Deepen the first seed by 5 cm, the second by 7 cm and the third by 9 cm.
  4. Water the holes.
  5. Cover the beds with a film, remove it a week after the seeds germinate.
  6. Pinch off weak shoots, leave one plant in each recess.

Growing seedlings

It is necessary to sow pumpkin seeds for seedlings on April 20-30, and earlier. It all depends on the climatic conditions of your region. Seedlings are transferred to open soil after 2 weeks.

The gourd culture does not tolerate a pick, so it must be sown immediately in separate pots. You can use different containers, for example, from juice, plastic bottles, cups or peat tablets.

Seedling growing algorithm:

  • Pumpkin Therapeutic is very demanding on the composition of the soil, it loves fertile, but loose soil. You can use a purchased mixture for gourds.
  • If you have the opportunity, then prepare the ground yourself: 1 part garden soil + 1 part humus + 0,5 parts sand. For 1 bucket of this mixture, add a glass of ash and a little superphosphate (1 tablespoon).
  • There must be drainage in the pots, they are coarse sand, the rest is filled with prepared soil. Treat pots for seedlings, soil and drainage with a saturated solution of potassium permanganate. Deepen the grains by 3-5 cm.
  • To make the seeds germinate better and faster, spray them with warm water 2-3 times a week.
  • Avoid over-ventilating seedlings.
  • As soon as the seeds in the pot germinate, pinch out the weak and leave one strong plant.
  • For speedy germination, the air temperature should not fall below +27 degrees. A week after the appearance of sprouts, it is lowered to +18 degrees.

Seedlings are fed only 1 time. Use Nitrophoska or chicken manure diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Transplanting seedlings in open ground

At the time of plant transplantation, 3 true leaves should appear on the sprouts. Small internodes speak about the quality of the plant. 7 days before transplanting sprouts into open ground, seedlings are hardened, for this they are taken out into fresh air every day.

For transplanting seedlings:

  1. Dig holes in a checkerboard pattern (60 * 80 cm). Place 1 liter of bird droppings solution into each well.
  2. Plant 1 plant per hole.
  3. Do not deepen the root collar.
  4. Water with warm water using the rain method.
  5. For a week after transplanting, cover the sprouts with a film.

How to care for a pumpkin?

Pumpkin Medicinal refers to plants that are undemanding in care. To get a big harvest, you should follow the standard, but important rules for growing this gourd.

Watering and feeding

The main event for caring for a pumpkin is regular and proper watering. Pumpkin, like a pump, pumps out all the moisture from the soil and waits for the next “portion”. Water evaporates through the leaves, so the roots and stems do not get enough of it.

watering pumpkin

Expose the water in advance to the sun, its temperature should not be lower than +20 degrees. Watering with cold water is the death of a pumpkin. After the introduction of moisture, it is necessary to loosen the soil and, as weeds appear, pull them out.

If the summer season turned out to be too dry, then the plant is watered more often before flowering.

The melon culture will not do without fertilizers, otherwise you will not get large fruits. The first dressing of the pumpkin – after the appearance of the 5th leaf, the second – after the formation of the wattle, then add useful trace elements to the soil every 2 weeks.

Nitrophoska (10 g per 1 plant) serves as a fertilizer, with each subsequent feeding the amount of nitrophoska increases by 5 g. You can use dry granules or dilute the product. During the fruiting period, add an additional 1 cup of ash. Use the mullein solution throughout the growing season.

Weeding and loosening

Until the side shoots appear, loosen the soil regularly and remove all weeds. As soon as the plants begin to creep along the ground, they should not be disturbed, otherwise the stems will break very quickly. Weeding should be carried out at the same time as watering. Loosening helps oxygen to flow freely to the root system.


Harvested in late August or early September, everything directly depends on the climatic conditions in the region. Cleaning is done by hand. It is necessary to prepare a knife or pruner, cut the fruit closer to the petiole, leave the tail about 10 cm.

Diseases and pests

Pumpkin Medicinal has a weak immunity to fungal diseases, in order to reduce the risk of their occurrence, it is necessary to spray the plants once a week with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

The most dangerous ailments are: root rot, white rot and powdery mildew. If the pumpkin is infected, then use Bordeaux liquid or special chemicals as a fight. The plant is in a neglected form – immediately dig and burn, and process neighboring plantings.

Possible difficulties in growing

Growing a pumpkin is not very easy, and some inexperienced summer residents make a number of mistakes that are difficult to correct later.

The main problems that arise when growing medicinal pumpkin:

  1. Seeds and weak seedlings did not germinate. The reason is watering with cold water or placing pots with seedlings (seeds) in a draft.
  2. Delayed growth and development. The reason is too poor infertile soil. The solution is to fertilize the soil.
  3. A small number of ovaries are formed. The reason is poor pollination or its complete absence. The solution is to spray the bushes with sweet water or self-pollinate the female inflorescences with male flowers.
  4. Too long fruit ripening. The reason is that the fruits are located in the shade of their own leaves. The solution is to remove the greens from the pumpkins.
  5. The plant forms a lot of greenery and few fruits. The reason is a large number of dressings. The solution is to stop fertilizing.

Tips from experienced gardeners

The main recommendations for growing curative pumpkin from experienced gardeners:

  1. Use humus or straw as mulch. A layer of these materials protects the root system of plants from bad weather conditions and prevents weeds from growing. Also, plus mulch is the appearance of earthworms in the nutrient substrate, they naturally loosen the soil.
  2. Before the formation of inflorescences, water the plants with the rain method, then add moisture only under the root. As soon as the fruits appear, stop watering.
  3. From rotting fruits, wood substrates help.
  4. The main stem is sprinkled in one place with soil. This helps new roots to appear faster and gain a foothold on the ground.

Video review of the pumpkin Healing, see the following video:

Farmer Feedback

Olga, 62 years old, librarian, Valuyki. I have been growing medicinal pumpkin in the country for more than 8 years. An excellent variety – unpretentious in care and is famous for its high yield. I noticed one drawback – it needs a lot of fertilizer. But in order not to suffer with fertilizing, I plant plants directly on the compost pit. Pumpkins grow tasty and juicy, they are stored for a very long time. The harvest from two plants is enough for the whole family. Oleg, 39 years old, manager, Moscow. Pumpkin Medical – the most favorite variety. I love her fruits, they are the same as shown in many photos. The pulp is juicy, there are relatively few seeds, but they are very tasty. Galina K

Delicious medicinal gourd! And most importantly – it is stored for a long time, but still I have not seen better Marble …

Pumpkin Therapeutic is not afraid of sharp frosts and many viral diseases. All that a summer resident needs to do is to fertilize on time and follow preventive measures against fungal diseases.

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Anna Evans


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