Breeding chickens description of the breed, maintenance of chickens. Owner reviews

Breeding chickens for meat is a long-standing human occupation. It is important for both farmers and organizers of large poultry farms to know the key features of each type of bird. The Cobb 700 broiler definitely deserves attention.


Cobb broilers are in demand in many parts of the world. Compared to the 500 series hybrid, this variety is noticeably improved. Hybrid chickens are based on the most productive chicken breeds. As a result, it was possible to further increase meat productivity. In appearance, it is very difficult to distinguish the 700s from other representatives of the Cobb group.

They are characterized by a strong and massive addition of the carcass. The yellow skin is covered on the outside with white plumage. Compared to the 500 version, the breast is expanded and looks more fleshy in appearance, while the thighs have become narrower.

The previous modifications of the bird are much more modest in terms of anatomical data.

Advantages and disadvantages

The feedback from farmers on Cobb 700 broilers notes that keeping such birds does not cause difficulties and brings a significant income. The main requirement is the correct sorting of livestock.

Be sure to cull the following copies:

  • highly pigmented;
  • underdeveloped;
  • sick;
  • slowly gaining weight.

If the care is correct, then by 2 months the weight of the broiler can reach 2,5-2,7 kg. This is a record figure among other varieties, and it is extremely difficult to find analogues. Such chickens are useful for both meat and egg farming.. You can minimize the cost of food. In both large and small farms, the Cobb 700 demonstrates the optimal proportion between costs and income.

Breeding chickens description of the breed, maintenance of chickens. Owner reviews

The breed is valued for its excellent immunity to viruses and bacteria. The diet can be made without any problems, as the animals are picky. Meat and eggs are tasty and healthy. The weakness of the variety can be considered a close resemblance to the Cobb 500. Only very experienced professionals will be able to easily recognize the differences between these broilers.

Any noticeable external differences in the thickness of the chest and in the color of the skin on the head can be detected not earlier than 2-3 weeks.

How to contain?

Achieving high egg production is possible only under the condition of competent, reasonable care of the livestock. Because of the change of residence, chickens often experience stress. As a result, immunity may be weakened. Sometimes some of the birds die.

The only protection is strict observance of the incubation regimen. He is like this:

  • broilers should be kept in the incubator for up to 15 days;
  • unrestricted access to water and drink is required;
  • the temperature is kept not lower than 27 and not higher than 30 degrees;
  • on the 10th day it is necessary to start lowering the temperature – by 1 degree per day.

Cobb 700 chickens are too susceptible to hypothermia. At temperatures below 16 degrees, the birds will die.

A very important circumstance is the maintenance of high humidity. Cobb 700 does not need walking. It is required to keep such broilers in a cage or in a chicken coop of a small area.

Allowed to keep 10 individuals per 1 square. m. Some farmers choose cages for a hybrid breed from a proportion of 40 kg of live weight per 1 sq. m. m area. The same figures should be guided by the self-construction of cells. Although the description notes that Cobb 700 has developed immunity, stable heat and the absence of the slightest drafts are very important.

Prolonged pollution of the chicken coop is unacceptable. Farmers will have to put things in order every day. Otherwise, infections become very dangerous. It is necessary to ensure that the feeders and drinkers are continuously filled.

Ventilation is also of great importance. Manure is not only unpleasant, it emits toxic substances that can even kill broilers.

Breeding chickens description of the breed, maintenance of chickens. Owner reviews

Breeding chickens description of the breed, maintenance of chickens. Owner reviews


It is possible to ensure rapid growth only with the proper selection of dietary parameters. There are no special requirements for its compilation. But those who want to achieve maximum results are simply obliged to use factory feeds. During the first 14 days of life, starter food is given every 3 hours.

The livestock is transferred to the growth type from 15 to 24 days. Then the frequency of feeding is reduced to 5 times a day. Finishing compound feed is used from 25 days and later.

Some experienced farmers may try to make their own feed for Cobb 700. When composing the mash, they will have to calculate the masses of all components, taking into account the energy value.

The usual components are:

  • cereals;
  • garden greens;
  • dairy;
  • chalk additive;
  • premixes and other necessary things.

Breeding chickens description of the breed, maintenance of chickens. Owner reviews

Breeding chickens description of the breed, maintenance of chickens. Owner reviews

If the food is organized correctly, in 14 days the bird will become heavier up to 1,5 kg. A broiler should be slaughtered at about 45 days. Then its mass rises to 2,6 kg on average (± 0,2 kg). We repeat that access to the drinker must be continuous. Cobb will die if he is thirsty for more than 12 hours.

The longest safe interval between drinking is 6 hours. The drinking bowl and all communications associated with it must be kept clean. The slightest contamination leads to poisoning and infectious lesions. Even if the birds survive, they become much less productive. For inexperienced farmers, especially in Russia with its difficult conditions, it is advisable not to try such a breed at all.

Breeding chickens description of the breed, maintenance of chickens. Owner reviews

Individual breeders mix feed and greens. This allows you to increase the concentration of nutrients. But other farmers are trying to strictly comply with the recommended norms. They believe that more efforts should be made to clean out the cells. Which way to choose – you have to decide for yourself.

In the vast majority of cases, incubators should be used. They will allow you to simultaneously grow a healthy livestock and maintain the number of bird flocks. A competent approach will provide an increased yield of meat in bottomhole weight. If the requirements are met, but the standard weight gain is not ensured, the individual must be discarded. It will simply waste resources and forces in vain.

Breeding chickens description of the breed, maintenance of chickens. Owner reviews

Accurate data on nutrition and content can only be obtained in relation to the conditions of a particular area. That is why it is worth purchasing Cobb 700 chickens only from official suppliers. They advise buyers in the most detail, and this avoids many problems.

If daily copies are bought, then transportation should be organized as carefully as possible. Otherwise, the probability of death of part of the birds is high.

It makes sense to purchase eggs for incubation only after checking the certificate of conformity. Each egg must have a clear, highly visible seal on the shell. It must indicate:

  • production date;
  • full title;
  • individual labeling.

Initially, after delivery, the eggs must be heated in the open air at a temperature of 25 degrees. Only then can you incubate them. The temperature in the incubator is kept in a very narrow range – not lower than 37,6 and not higher than 37,8 degrees. The air humidity inside the incubator should be 10-15% higher than when breeding other crosses or individual breeds. In brooders, the temperature is kept from 27 to 33 degrees (it must be measured on the litter).

Breeding chickens description of the breed, maintenance of chickens. Owner reviews

When Cobb 700 is ready for slaughter, it is acceptable to keep it at 10-14 degrees Celsius. These birds will drink quite a lot and actively.

As for the reviews, this breed is highly valued as a meat type. Having bought eggs, experienced farmers will definitely be able to breed chicks. It is noted that, unlike the Cobb 500, the hatched chicks are completely naked.

Breeding chickens description of the breed, maintenance of chickens. Owner reviews

Once the down is shed, new growth occurs rather slowly. The reviews write about the strength of the young livestock and the active set of meat. But physical activity is low, which is very valuable for busy people who do not have the opportunity to constantly monitor broilers.

After slaughter, juicy and tender carcasses are obtained within a month. True, they are only suitable for tobacco chickens. And therefore the best time for slaughter is from 1,5 to 2 months. Some farmers leave chickens, then get eggs from them. You will have to wait about 6 months for this. The breed almost does not cause trouble in keeping.

From the following video you will learn how to grow broilers without the use of compound feed.

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Anna Evans


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