Chicken breed – Sundheimer

The Sundheimer chicken breed was selected at the end of the 19th century by German scientists who sought to create a bird with high productivity. Currently, this is a rather rare breed of chickens listed in the Red Book.

The annual egg production of Sundheimer layers is about 220 eggs, the weight of which varies between 55-60 grams. Shell color is light to dark brown. Adult individuals reach from two to two and a half kilograms of live weight, roosters – from three to three and a half kilograms.

Chickens of this breed of chickens are distinguished by precocity. They gain weight quickly. The color of the plumage is light black-Columbian. The individual is almost completely covered with light feathers, only black feathers with silvery streaks are observed in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the collar and in the tail of the bird.

In addition to good egg production, Sundheimers are distinguished by tender, tasty meat. Laying hens have a well-developed incubation instinct, they become good, caring mothers. These chickens are characterized by a calm, balanced temperament and beautiful appearance.

Despite the rapid growth, plumage in chicks appears late. Therefore, you should constantly monitor their well-being. Also, these feathered pets are very cautious and distrustful, they are difficult to tame.

The Sundheimer’s build is of medium size and length. The chest is slightly convex, rather wide. The head is small, slightly elongated. It has a medium-sized scallop. The lobes are thin, have a red color. Earrings of medium length, rounded. The beak is light yellow, the eyes are red or orange. The legs of the chickens are not long, feathered to the toes. Feathers fit snugly to the body, rather hard, not very thick. The wings are tightly pressed to the body of the bird, set high.

Sundheimers need space, although they are not whimsical to the conditions in which they are grown, and are able to adapt to any environment. They are best kept using a walking system. In the cold season, the chicken coop for these feathered pets should be well insulated. This will keep egg production at a high level and reduce the risk of disease in chickens. Green food must be present in the diet of this breed. The best option for feeding will be ready-made feed.

And yet, despite the high productivity rates, modern hobby poultry farmers are increasingly choosing Sundheimers to grow as ornamental poultry.

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Anna Evans


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