How to pinch peppers?

If you plan to grow peppers in your dacha, you should remember some important rules for caring for such a plant. An important place is …

Shelf life of pepper seeds

The germination of pepper seeds depends on storage conditions: temperature, humidity, the presence of aggressive substances nearby, the possibility of fungus, mold and other destabilizing …

What can be planted after pepper?

Not everyone is as attentive to the rules of crop rotation as they should be. But a poor harvest, pest attacks and other problems often …

When to plant pepper?

Sweet pepper is a rather capricious culture for the climatic conditions of the Russian Federation. Success is not least determined by the answer to the …

How can you tie peppers?

If you plan to plant pepper in your summer cottage, you should remember that there are a large number of nuances in caring for this …

How to stepson pepper in a greenhouse?

Vegetables grown in a greenhouse require special care. It differs in many respects from care procedures in open ground conditions. There are a number of …

How to stepson pepper?

The issue of proper pinching of peppers is relevant for a huge number of gardeners, since this vegetable is grown in most areas. Such events …