Black carrots and their cultivation

Black carrots were previously grown only in some European countries. In different countries, the culture was called differently and was used both for food and for medical purposes. The culture is relatively unpretentious. That is why it can be grown almost everywhere. This article will tell you all about what a plant is, what it has in common with ordinary carrots, important points in the process of growing a root crop and much more.

Black carrots and their cultivation

What does it look like and where does it grow?

In another way, black carrots are called scorzonera or Spanish goats. The plant is a root vegetable and apparently resembles a carrot in appearance, but differs from it in color. Mentions that the vegetable was eaten can be found in the works of historians of the XNUMXth century. In particular, black carrots were popular at that time among the peoples of the Mediterranean. Now its use is becoming more widespread, although in the domestic territory the vegetable is still not in great demand.

Black carrots and their cultivation

As already mentioned, the main visible difference from the carrots we are used to is the root of a dark (black-burgundy) color. The culture is also called sweet root. It can grow up to 150 cm in height, its leaves are dark green in color. The leaves themselves are slightly egg-shaped. Scorzonera blooms, usually in May, with yellow large flowers smelling of vanilla. After the fruits (achene) are tied.

Black carrots and their cultivation

Inside, black carrots are white, while the flesh is firm and usually juicy. The smell of the pulp can vaguely resemble the aroma of vanilla. The root crop is cylindrical and usually reaches 15 cm in length and 5 cm in diameter. An average black carrot can weigh between 150 and 200 grams. It may seem that the taste of black carrots is similar to the analogue we are used to. However, this is not the case: it tastes more like a radish or a radish. Known for its rich mineral composition: contains magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and iron. With regular use, it partially normalizes digestion, liver and kidney function.

Black carrots and their cultivation

The homeland of this vegetable is India, Pakistan, Egypt and even Turkey, but now, of course, carrots are ubiquitous. It is grown both throughout Asia, and in Europe, America. Especially actively grown in America and China. In the domestic territory, it is considered an exotic vegetable and is grown in very small quantities. The main place of growth is fields.

Often in the wild culture can be found along the roads. It should not be confused with blackroot, which is a poisonous plant.

Black carrots and their cultivation

Description of varieties

At the moment, about 200 varieties of black carrots are known. Due to the lack of mass cultivation of this vegetable in the domestic territory, only a few varieties are available.

  • An instance with the sonorous name “Russian giant” contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, but does not have good taste. It has a relatively budget price – up to 20 rubles per 1 kg. The plant gives a rich harvest, which, as a rule, is rarely found in the free market. Seeds are easier to purchase: online stores or private sellers will help with this.
Black carrots and their cultivation
  • “Sunshine Premiere” A characteristic feature is the elongated shape of the leaves. The color of the root crops is not black, but dark brown. The root crops themselves grow up to 30 cm in length and can weigh 60-80 grams. The crop can be harvested already 3 months after planting.
Black carrots and their cultivation
  • A variety specially bred for people with diabetes is “Gypsy”. Has a sweet aftertaste. The surface part of the plant can grow up to 1,5 m in height. Root crops can reach 30 cm in length, juicy inside (filled with milky juice).
Black carrots and their cultivation


In general, black carrots are easier to grow than regular ones. For planting a root crop, it is best to choose a sunny area. No need to plant a plant where its relatives used to grow – other root crops. Dislikes scorzonera and drafts. The soil must first be fertilized. For this, organic or mineral compounds are suitable. Often gardeners apply fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium.

It is also necessary to dig the site to a depth of at least 30 cm. As for the acidity level, the soil should be neutral.

Black carrots and their cultivation

For propagation of black carrots, as a rule, seeds are used. It is recommended to take seed from last year. Although the use of freshly harvested seeds is also allowed. In order to sow 10 sq. meters of soil, you need to take about 15 grams of seed. Immediately before planting, the seed is soaked in water for a couple of hours. If some of the seeds have surfaced, then they need to be thrown away: they most likely will not germinate. After the entire seed is placed on a damp cloth. After 2 or 3 days, the seeds will germinate. All this time, you need to moisten the cloth or the seeds themselves with water. After the seeds have germinated, they are transferred to open ground. In advance, you need to prepare shallow grooves 1,5 cm deep.

Black carrots and their cultivation

It is best to carry out the planting process in March. Autumn planting is allowed (at the end of August). In the second case, it will be possible to harvest only next summer. In warm regions, landing can be carried out even in November. If carrots will be grown in a greenhouse, then sowing can be done from the beginning of spring and continue until the end of summer.

The planting scheme is quite simple: carrots need to be planted in a row, placing plants 5 cm apart and leaving 30 cm of free space between the beds. With a properly carried out planting, the first shoots can be observed already almost a week or 10 days after planting. It must be remembered that after germination, the carrots must be thinned out and more than 10 cm of free space should be left between the seedlings. If this is not done, then the black carrot will go into the arrow.

Black carrots and their cultivation


The culture can grow in almost any climate: it is frost-resistant, can easily winter in the soil, endures temperature changes and a short drought. It can grow equally well both in the Moscow region and in Siberia. However, it does not tolerate thickening and shade. It is necessary to thin out the beds, as well as transplant carrots where there is no shade.

Watering and feeding

At the initial stage, seedlings need to be watered 3 times a week, after which you can reduce the number of waterings to 2 times. Poor (rare or scarce) watering can adversely affect the quality of the future crop: carrots become too bitter and shrink in size. If you water black carrots too often and too abundantly, then the root crops may begin to rot. Poorly tolerate the abundance of watering and very young shoots.

Black carrots and their cultivation

Top dressing is best done during the period of the day when there is the least amount of sunlight: in the morning and in the evening after sunset.

Loosening, mulching, weeding

Growing scorzonera at home also involves obligatory loosening. Loosening is necessary in order to fluff up the earth dried up from watering and provide air access to the roots. This can be done only after the shoots have appeared. If loosening is carried out earlier, then the seedlings will die. Loosening should be repeated as earthen crusts form.

Black carrots and their cultivation

If the soil around the plants dries out too often and quickly, then mulching should be done. To do this, the soil around the plants is sprinkled with sawdust, dry grass. Mulching can only be carried out for plants above 5 cm. Weeding must also be carried out. Otherwise, the roots will become more elongated and thinner.

Diseases and pests

The main enemy of black carrots are fungal diseases. If the plant is struck by white or black rot, then it will be enough to regularly spray it with a solution of copper sulfate and loosen the soil. In the presence of black rot, treatment of the plant with Rovral can also help. The drug can be purchased at a flower shop. If gray spots began to appear on the leaves, this means that the plant was struck by cercosporosis. Bordeaux liquid is considered effective in the fight against this disease.

Black carrots and their cultivation

If traces of moths are found, it is necessary to start regular spraying of carrots with a decoction of tomato stalks. The remedy for psyllids is the same spraying, but with soapy water. If the carrots were struck by nematodes, then it must be treated with the Dekaris preparation.

Black carrots and their cultivation
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Anna Evans


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