Berry yew and Japanese yew (pointed), anti-cancer properties.


Coniferous dwarf tree with yellowish needles.

Growing pointed yew.

The homeland of the pointed yew (Taxus Cuspidata) is Korea, China, Japan, the Far East. An evergreen tree, depending on the variety, is single and multi-stemmed, and the trunk diameter reaches 3 m. The crown is pyramidal, dense, dark green. The leaves are acicular, they reach 2-3 cm in length, are arranged in two rows, narrowed at the apex.

Anther and seed single cones are located in the leaf axils. The bark is reddish gray, smooth. On the trunk there are many dormant buds, from which lateral shoots develop. Pollination occurs in April-May.

The seeds are brown, hard, surrounded by red pulp. All parts of the plant, except for the pulp, are poisonous – they contain the alkaloid taxin. Therefore, yew is planted with care in areas that are often visited by small children. Often the plant is used to grow bonsai at home.

Application area

Pointed yew is an extraordinary tree. It is very beautiful, unpretentious and always green. The tree is perfect for decorating landscapes, various layouts and plantings in all areas. Yew is planted singly and in groups. Trees are not afraid of shady and cool parks and gardens. The crown of the tree is beautifully designed, you can give it the most original look and embody any design idea.

Many people confuse pointed yew fruit with berries. It is strictly forbidden to eat this fruit, as it is poisonous. It tastes sweet and may seem edible, but this is a completely misconception. It is in the seeds that the poisonous substance is contained.

In our time, the evergreen shrub variety “Nana” is quite popular. It lends itself well to topiary haircut and the plant can be given absolutely any shape, for example, a cone, pyramid, balls. This variety grows very slowly, the maximum height of the shrub is 1,5 meters.

Variety Features

In nature, there are about 20 varieties of pointed yew. In gardening, the following decorative varieties are most common:

Economic use

The wood has a reddish-brown core and yellow sapwood, is well polished and is of great value for the manufacture of furniture and various joinery. Since the pointed yew is listed in the Red Book and its reserves are very limited, and the plant itself is poisonous, its wood is rarely used. However, yew is decorative and is used in border, group and single plantings. The crown is well formed, but it should be borne in mind that the needles are poisonous. The fleshy bright red seed grape, which is sometimes mistakenly called a berry, is edible and has a sweetish taste, but the seed itself is poisonous and the seeds must be spit out.

A shrub form is described in culture: Taxus cuspidata var. nana Rehder.

Growing conditions

Pointed yew is not afraid of frost, drought and poor soil. It is for this unpretentiousness that he is loved by gardeners. Nevertheless, for the normal development of the tree, it is worth adhering to the recommendations for its cultivation.

Site Selection

The pointed yew, unlike other species, tolerates polluted air relatively easily. He is shade-tolerant, but loves places without drafts. Young trees are even protected from the wind with fences – sacking, for example.

Yew prefers light, neutral or slightly acidic soil. When planting, it is necessary to maintain a distance between seedlings of 1.5-2 meters. Growing yew on the windowsill, pick up wide and deep containers. In this case, the optimal soil composition includes 3 parts of leaf or sod land, 2 parts of peat and the same amount of sand.

Yew has a deep root system, so the depth of the hole for planting in the garden should be 65-70 cm.If you plan to create a hedge from yews, it is easier to immediately dig a trench 0.5 m deep for planting in one row and 0.7 m in two rows. When planting, do not deepen the root collar, leaving it flush with the ground.

After removing the seedling from the container, gently straighten the crumpled roots, loosen a clod of earth. Having lowered the tree into the hole, cover it with soil, tamp it. Then pour the yew. The first 2-3 years, you need to constantly loosen the trunk circles. The soil should be mulched with sawdust or other suitable material. The mulch layer should be up to 8-10 cm.

Watering frequency

Thanks to the deep root system that goes to the groundwater, the tree tolerates drought. Excess moisture can be fatal. Young plants under 2 years old need regular watering. They are watered once a month. About 10 liters of water are poured under each tree.

Overgrown coniferous bush.

Yew grows well in any soil, shade tolerant.


If for some reason it is necessary to transplant the yew to another place, this is done by the transshipment method. That is, they try to transfer the plant without destroying the earthen coma on the roots. When growing yew as a bonsai, transplanting is carried out every 3-4 years, followed by soil replacement.

Additional fertilizing

Fertilizers are applied to the pit during planting. It can be complex mineral fertilizers or special fertilizers for conifers. The yew growing on the windowsill is fertilized once a month in spring and summer with a complex fertilizer or special for bonsai.


In order for the shrub to have a neat appearance, they regularly resort to crown formation. Brown shoots are removed every spring. Pruning is carried out so that the cuts of the lower branches are covered by the branches growing higher. Substantial pruning is not required as the yew grows slowly. However, you need to regularly prune damaged and dry branches, and shorten too long by 1/3.


Adult pointed yew tolerates a drop in temperature. And young seedlings can freeze. To prevent this, at the end of autumn, they are covered with dry peat near the ground, providing a thickness of 6-7 cm.

Frost damage to coniferous tree shoots.

Some shoots were damaged by frost.

To prevent fragile twigs from breaking under the weight of snow, in the fall they are collected in a bunch and secured with twine or wire. In early spring, so that the yew does not suffer from sunburn, the crown should be covered with kraft paper or spruce branches. You can remove the shelter with the onset of constant positive temperatures.

Taxus cuspidata population study

A.V. Belikovich, A.V. Galanin

Yew is one of the most interesting Red Book species in Primorsky Krai, its populations are poorly investigated and cause many questions. One of the most puzzled problems is connected with the fact, that in many places yew populations while being very healthy and having many seedlings around don’t have возобновления at all. Such example can be observed in Sikhote-Alin State Reserve, Northern Primorsky Krai. In order to understand the case several yew populations in Upper Serebryanka and Dzhigitivka rivers have been studied measuring the trunk diameter. Given total nvestigation summarized all small populations located 5-7 km from each other, frequency distribution turned out to be four-peaks curve, averaged 7 cm, 10-15 cm, 23 cm, and 40 cm correspondingly, instead to be Gauss curve judjing судя по all statistics laws. That can be only explained by the existance of three different age groups of yew, 130-260 ys, 390-520 ys, 650-750 ys, and 850-1,040 ys correspondingly. Thus a yew individual aged 1,500-2,000 ys with 70 cm diameter can survive over 10-15 generations of fir, 7-8 generations of sprouce and 3-4 generations of Korean pine. Cycles of survived seedlinds follow favorable periods with humid warmer climate. If we succeed in accurate determining of yew age, we could estimate the climatic periods with humid climate on the territory of Primorsky Krai.

Difficulties in growing

Most often, the tree is affected by the yew gall midge and false scutellum, flat heifer, kidney mite.

  • When affected by yew gall midge, shortening of the needles occurs at the top of the shoots. It is collected in a bundle, inside which there are red larvae. For the fight, the drug “Engio 247 SC” is used. Dissolve 1.8 ml in 5 l of water and spray the damaged areas.
  • The false shield settles on branches, shoots, needles. With a strong defeat, the needles turn brown and crumble, on the branches of the lower tier they turn black. The pest prefers to settle in shaded areas of the tree. On closer inspection, you can see the tubercles on the shoots and branches up to 4 mm long. To fight, the plant is sprayed with the preparations “Confidor Maxi” (1 g per 5 L of water), “30 V” (200 ml per 10 L of water) or “Engio 247 SC” (1.8 ml per 5 L). Processing is carried out twice with an interval of 12-14 days.
  • The Yew Platypus affects the needles. White dots appear on it, forming a solid border at the edges. The female lays eggs of brick-red color on branches. For extermination in early spring at an air temperature of 10-12 ° C, the tree is treated with the preparation “30 V” (200 ml per 10 l of water). In late May-early June, when the larvae appear massively, they resort to treatment with a 0.2% Aktofit solution (80 ml per 10 l of water).
  • Kidney mite causes enlargement of buds on thin shoots up to 8 mm, as well as their redness. To fight, use a 0.2% solution of “Aktofit” (80 ml per 10 liters of water).
  • The needle-eater spruce leafworm mines needles, weaves nests. As a result, the needles turn yellow and crumble, young shoots are exposed. Prophylactic spraying of yew in spring and early summer with the preparations “Confidor Maxi”, “Decis” helps.


Pointed yew can infect fungal diseases.

Fungal disease on tree shoots.

The defeat of yew shoots with a fungal disease.

  • The mob is accompanied by the appearance of a sooty dark film on the needles and shoots. It impairs the photosynthesis of the plant, reduces its decorative effect. It actively develops on the secretions of the yew false shield. To fight, they first get rid of the false shield, and then spray the yew with a copper-containing preparation. For example, “Alpha-copper” (30 g per 10 liters of water), “Cuproxat” (80 ml per 10 liters of water).
  • Phomosis of yew is accompanied by the defeat of the needles and necrosis of the branches. The needles turn yellow, turn brown and gradually dry out. The bark also dries up, and by autumn the fruit bodies of the wintering stage of the pathogenic fungus are formed in it. To prevent the development of the disease, you need to carefully choose planting material, remove dry branches. For prevention, the plant should be sprayed in spring and autumn with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid. If the case is neglected, the procedure is repeated in the summer.
  • Late blight leads to decay of the roots, yellowing of the needles and the fading of the entire bush in growth. The affected plant should be dug up and destroyed, and the neighboring ones should be shed with one of the following preparations: “Previkur 607 SL” (0.3%), “Bravo 500 SC” (0.2%). In the place of a remote bush, you can not plant azaleas, firs, cypresses, rhododendrons, thuja, pines.

Yew pointed

Kingdom: Plants Division: Conifers Class: Conifers (Pinopsida Burnett, 1835) Order: Pine Family: Yew Genus: Yew Species: Yew pointed
Yew pointed — Taxus cuspidata Siebold et Zucc. ex Endl.

Category and status: 3 d – rare species. In Russia – on the northern border of the range, a relic.

A brief description of. Coniferous evergreen dioecious coniferous tree up to 12 m in height, in the Amur region – a bushy tree, on the sea coast – elfin (1, 2). The trunk is usually curved, the bark is thin, reddish-brown, in old trees it exfoliates in plates. The needles are flat, soft, pointed at the top. Dusting in May-June, seed ripening in August-September. (3).

Distribution… In Russia, it is found in the southeast of Khabarovsk and in the Primorsky Territories and Sakhalin Region. (the middle and southern part of Sakhalin Island, Moneron Islands, Kunashir, Shikotan, Iturup, Urup and Kutoy) (3, 4, 5). Outside Russia, yew is known in China, on the Korea Peninsula and in Japan (5).

Features of ecology and phytocenology… Slow growing, long-lived and shade-tolerant breed, grows singly or in small groups among shady mixed, cedar-deciduous and coniferous forests of mountain thalweg. Requires rich soils for normal development, does not tolerate acidic soils. In the mountains, on the ridge. Sikhote-Alin yew rises to 900 m above sea level. lvl. m., preferring places with deep snow cover, which keeps it from severe frosts. Under these conditions, it bears poor fruit, but gives abundant growth. Wind resistant. Yew painfully tolerates sudden clarification and dies in clearings; subsequent renewal in these areas does not occur (6).

Number. Several hundred localities of this species are known in the insular and mainland parts of the ranges. In the populations of the Northern Sikhote-Alin (Khabarovsk Territory), about 300 specimens survived, in Primorye – up to 10 thousand specimens.

The state of local populations. In the last decade, the number of yew populations and their numbers have declined sharply due to unregulated felling. On the Lower Amur – in connection with the catastrophic fires of 1998-2001. – fragmentation of the area is noted. The most affected populations at the northern limit of distribution in Ulchsky, Nanaisky, Komsomolsky and Lazovsky districts.

Limiting factors. Natural factors: low seed productivity, slow development of undergrowth, isolation and low population density, narrow specialization of the species. Anthropogenic factors: fires, timber and mining development of territories (7, 8, 9, 10).

Security measures taken. It was included in the Red Data Books of the USSR (1978, 1984) and the RSFSR (1988). The species is included in the Red Data Books of the Khabarovsk Territory (2000) and the Sakhalin Region. (2005), as well as in the List of objects … included in the Red Data Book of Primorsky Krai (2002). Protected in 7 reserves: Komsomolsky, Far Eastern Marine, Kedrovaya Pad, Kurilsky, Lazovsky, Sikhote-Alinsky, Ussuriysky, as well as in the Moneron Island PP, in the Khingansky SPNA, in the Gassinsky Model Forest and in numerous regional SPNA (4, 8, 11).

Necessary security measures. Prohibition of clear felling in the Birsky and Chukensky reserves, expansion of natural monuments on the northern border of the species distribution (Ulchsky, Komsomolsky districts). Control over the state of populations.

Cultivation opportunities. It is cultivated in 22 botanical gardens in Russia (12), as well as in neighboring countries. It is well bred by seeds and suckers from the roots, a number of garden forms tolerate cutting and air pollution well. (fourteen).

Sources of information. 1. Strict, 1934; 2. Kharkevich, Kachura, 1981; 3. Vorobiev, 1968; 4. Red Data Book of the Sakhalin Region, 2005; 5. Vascular plants …, 1989; 6. Usenko, 1984; 7. Schlothauer, 1972; 8. Red Data Book of the Khabarovsk Territory, 2000; 9. Schlotgauer, Kryukova, 2005; 10. Schlotgauer et al. 2001; 11. The current state …, 2003; 12. Plants of the Red Book …, 2005. Compiled by S.D. Schlotgauer.

Photo Credit: Kurt Stüber . — part of, CC BY-SA 3.0,

AOF | 24.04.2016/09/37 40:XNUMX:XNUMX PM

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The pointed yew is propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Red berries on a coniferous bush.

This is what the yew fruit looks like.

Seed sowing

The seeds are harvested in the fall. They are sown immediately or in spring. If you decide to wait for spring, then store the seed at a temperature of +5 in a dry room. Sowing in the fall is preferable, since it takes 6-7 months for seeds to stratify (keep in the cold), followed by another 55-60 days for germination. Given the fact that yew grows very slowly, seed propagation is not very justified.


For this method, cuttings 3-5 cm long are cut from shoots 15-20 years old. The procedure can be done in September-October or April-May. Part of the needles is removed from them from below, the sections are treated with a growth stimulator (for example, “Kornevin”).

Prepare a soil mixture: take 2 parts of peat and 1 part of sand. During autumn propagation, the stalk is rooted in containers and kept warm until spring. If you decide to root the cutting in the spring, you can immediately plant it in the ground, but cover it with transparent material to protect it from early frost.

Rooting takes place over 3-4 months. All this time, the soil is kept constantly moistened. A fragile plant should be insulated for the winter with spruce branches or sawdust. A growing seedling does not need complex care. Weeds should be removed regularly, the root soil should be loosened and watered in dry conditions.

Coniferous cuttings are rooted in containers.

Rooting of cuttings of pointed yew.

Planting and care

In order to grow Yew on a personal plot, you will need free space, since the roots of the system develop in the surface layers of the soil. For dwarf varieties, you need about a meter of free land, for ordinary trees and shrubs – about three meters. It is preferable to choose the time for planting from the beginning of April to the end of May, but you can also plant it in the fall. The landing pit must be prepared in advance:

  • dig a depression 30 cm wide than an earthen lump with a root;
  • lay out the drainage on the bottom;
  • put humus and the remnants of last year’s needles inside.

The soil is prepared from several components. To do this, you will need in equal parts: sand, turf soil, peat. You need to pour a little of the ready-made mixture into the hole, arrange the roots of the plant, and then sprinkle with the rest of the soil. In this case, the root collar should not deepen. After planting, the seedling needs to be watered with plenty of water, while irrigating the needles. It is important to plant the plant in the shade. Direct sunlight can be detrimental to him.

Yew care is simple. Some dwarf trees or shrubs can be grown in flowerpots and pots in spacious rooms. With the arrival of spring, you need to cut off dead old branches. After that, it is recommended to spray against pests and diseases.

The first year after planting on the site, the yew needs regular watering. Severely dry or overly moist soil can damage the plant. The soil should be checked before watering. It should not be damp at a depth of 10 cm. On hot days in the evening, the Yew tree is watered with irrigation.

Yew with formed crown

To make the crown shape decorative, the yew can be cut only when it reaches the age of 10 years. Otherwise, it can disrupt basic growth. Fertilizing is carried out annually. These are common mineral mixtures for ephedra. Timely need to put compost, water with a solution of humus.


Yew is an ideal plant for landscaping. The plant easily tolerates a strong haircut, can be used to create a hedge, unpretentious in maintenance. It grows slowly, so you won’t run into problems with overgrowth of the root system.

It is necessary to carefully choose seedlings, paying attention to the condition of the needles. If you buy an infected tree, you risk damaging all the plants in the garden. You can buy a pointed yew seedling in the nursery. The price depends on the size of the seedling and the variety. The approximate cost of a young yew tree with a height of 50-60 cm is 3500 rubles, and about 2 rubles will have to be paid for a 40000-meter tree.

Disease and pest control methods when growing yew in the garden

Despite the saturation with toxic substances, such yew plants can, like many of the garden representatives of the flora, suffer from diseases caused by violation of the rules of agricultural technology, and be attacked by harmful insects.

The main diseases that cause damage to the yew are fusarium, brown shute and necrosis. The symptoms of these diseases are quite diverse, but the main characteristic is a change in the type of coniferous mass. Often the cause of these problems is mechanical damage to the plant bark. In such “wounds” there is the possibility of getting fungal infections that provoke disease. For the most part, those plants that are planted in low-lying locations with the presence of heavy clay soil get sick.

It is important to ensure high-quality drainage when planting, as well as to take measures to remove excess moisture from the substrate. For the latter aspect, it is recommended to drive pieces of pipes made of plastic into the ground around the perimeter of the yew in the near-stem zone. The length of such segments should be about 30 cm. It is recommended to spray a diseased plant with biofungicides (for example, Ultrafit or Fitosporin-M). For prevention, yew plantations in the spring and autumn should be treated with fungicidal agents, which contain copper.

Of the pests that can infect yew, yew false scutes and gall midges are isolated, which suck out cell juices from the plant. Such harmful insects as pine scoops and needle-eating leaf rollers can damage the coniferous mass.

Symptoms of the presence of pests on the yew is not only the yellowing of the needles, but also the branches, which subsequently dry out and die off. Experienced gardeners recommend for the fight to carry out robots for processing in early spring (before the beginning of the growing season) yew bushes and trees, as well as their near-stem zone with insecticidal solutions such as Karbofos and Kitrafen. If these pests are found during the period from spring to autumn, all aerial parts of the plant should be sprayed 2-3 times with such an insecticide as Rogor or with a similar spectrum of action.

The yew tree trunk should also be processed. Usually, in order to completely destroy the pests, one spraying is not enough, since new individuals will hatch from the eggs laid, so it is worth repeating the treatment with the same agent after 10-12 days.

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Anna Evans


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