Beneficial properties and harm, benefits and harms

Naturally, natural wine can be considered a rich source of all these components. But the presence of alcohol creates serious restrictions on its use as a multivitamin complex.

So, experts believe that the maximum norm for the use of unfortified red wine is a liter of drink per day, and the optimum is no more than two glasses. In some nations, moreover, due to the regular use of wine, genetically formed the property of its rapid splitting. As a result, the same French and Moldovans can safely use such norms of a noble drink, which will quickly lead to cirrhosis of the liver in representatives of other nations.

And there is no doubt that only natural wine can be considered useful in its properties, without additives, preservatives and dyes. It is quite simple to calculate: natural red wine almost always gives a sediment that is never considered a vice – even in the most expensive brands. But excessive drinking of wine is by no means useful and leads to the same consequences as the use of any other type of alcoholic beverage: alcoholism, cirrhosis of the liver and nervous disorders.

And finally. One cannot but recognize the beneficial properties of wine as a fermentation product of any fruits, berries and herbs. Not a surprise to many that even dandelion wine exists. All of them contain certain useful substances, and, being used in moderation, can have a beneficial effect on the body.

But the key words here are “in measure” and “can”. No daily multi-liter therapy, even with the most useful natural wines and liqueurs, guarantees a repetition of the French paradox. Moreover, the French themselves declare: the reason for their health lies in a healthy lifestyle and a correct attitude towards the world. And wine is just a small support in this.

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Anna Evans


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