Avicolor – a breed of chickens

Avicolor is a highly productive breed of chickens. However, it is not very widespread in Russia. These birds are in the greatest demand among the inhabitants of Ukraine. These feathered pets belong to the meat and egg direction. They quickly adapt to any conditions of detention, unpretentious. They can be grown both in cages and indoors with free range.

Avicolor laying hens can lay up to three hundred or even more eggs per year, weighing 50 grams. Sexual maturity of chickens occurs in three and a half – four months. At the age of four weeks, the live weight of healthy strong individuals reaches 700 grams, and at six weeks – 1300 grams. Adult birds (laying hens) weigh about two and a half kilograms, roosters gain up to three kilograms.

Avicolors are excellent hens. They have a well developed brooding instinct. They sit on their own and incubate the chickens. You don’t have to worry about the development of the embryos. Although incubation to produce offspring of this breed is also acceptable.

Chickens are characterized by rapid growth and development. They quickly appear plumage, which contributes to the high safety of the young, the chicks better tolerate the harsh conditions of detention.

Chickens of the Avicolor breed have a massive, strong physique, especially roosters. The wings of the bird are tightly pressed to the body. The plumage is lush, dense not only on the back, chest and body, but also on the neck. It perfectly protects feathered pets from the cold. The head is large and wide. In chickens, the comb is small, with not very pronounced teeth. The tail is short. The lobes are represented by light shades, the earrings are scarlet, in laying hens they can be brown, slightly elongated. Eye color is mostly red. Sometimes there are individuals with orange-red eyes. The beak is light or bright yellow, strong. The legs of the Aviclors are powerful, long, and the toes are widely spaced. The lower leg of the bird is almost completely hidden by lush plumage.

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Anna Evans


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