All about virgin grapes

Knowing everything about girlish grapes is useful for residents of various areas. Proper planting of ornamental wild grapes and clear care for them can achieve amazing results. However, it is necessary to carefully study how to properly plant this plant in autumn with cuttings in open ground for a hedge – and other subtleties of handling it.

All about virgin grapes

All about virgin grapes

general description

Ordinary parthenocissus looks like a tree vine. But unlike tropical vines, this is a typical deciduous plant. Such grapes grow quickly, and its root system is quite powerful. If only not to interfere, but to create at least the minimum suitable conditions, it is possible to achieve sizes from 15 to 30 m in length. Methods of attachment to surfaces in different subspecies may differ.

The leaves of wild grapes have a complex structure. They have 3 or 5 pointed leaves of deep green color. The lower edge of the sheet has a pronounced edge. With the onset of autumn, the leaf plates illuminated by the sun will change their color – burgundy or orange color will be typical for them. Those leaves that will be in the shade, acquire a pale yellow color, but the degree of this pallor also varies.

When the girlish climbing grape blooms, it forms small flowers of white or pale green color. They are grouped into panicle-shaped inflorescences. As for the toxicity of the fruits, opinions differ. It is clear that they can be dangerous in large numbers and mainly for children.

However, the grapes themselves are not edible at all, they have a very unpleasant taste and astringent effect – therefore no one will especially use them.

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Pros and cons of growing

Regarding girlish grapes, there are sharply opposite reviews. Some people complain that he does not want to grow and develop. Others complain that the loach grows without any measure and its removal is almost impossible. The reason for the apparent discrepancy is the difference in growing conditions. In the northern regions, especially on nutrient-poor soil, the plant may in fact hardly develop for a long time.

And if it has already reached maturity and is located in the Chernozem region and more southern regions, where “stick a stick and it will bloom”, the uncontrollability of wild grapes causes a lot of inconvenience. It will continuously form its elongated lashes, growing in all directions. Weak growth often occurs if the seedling is simply stuck into the ground formed by loam or sandy loam. For success, you must not be lazy to prepare excavations and saturate them with fertile soil.

All about virgin grapes

Release of leaves occurs relatively late. Therefore, girlish grapes do not look very expressive for most of the spring, and there may even be bewilderment, “what is beautiful about it in general.” Sometimes this problem persists into early summer. This is especially likely in northern areas, despite the Canadian origin of the grapes. Also, as mentioned, adult bushes can suppress other cultivated plants with their shoots and entangle everything.

They also have a very developed root system. For the plant itself, it is a plus, which cannot be said about neighboring bushes, flower plantations. Sometimes even strong stone foundations suffer.

Those varieties that produce suckers are not suitable for growing near plastered walls. Antennae will easily remove even the strongest plaster.

All about virgin grapes

However, girlish grapes are still promising as an ornamental plant, you just need to be able to use it. This is a very resistant option to adverse environmental conditions. It almost does not require watering and feeding, like many other ornamental crops. Therefore, caring for it is very simple for gardeners who already have to take care of a variety of plantings. More wild grapes:

  • perfectly tolerates cold (even on open balconies, and not in the ground);

  • develops excellently in the shade;

  • allows you to do without specially mounted supports (the only exception is young specimens growing near a smooth surface);

  • under good conditions, the lashes can grow by 3 m during the year;

  • looks very good, especially towards the middle of summer, when it develops in full force;

  • allows you to save a lot on planting material;

  • suitable for self-breeding;

  • does not require large land plots;

  • undemanding to soils;

  • resistant to pathologies and pests;

  • can protect the walls of the house from rain and wind, excessive heat.

All about virgin grapes

All about virgin grapes

Species and varieties


Ivy-shaped (otherwise called triostral) parthenocissus mainly inhabits the expanses of China and Japan. In our country, you can see such a liana only in the southern regions of Primorye. Already in the north of this region, it cannot grow by itself. Therefore, in our country, this type has limited prospects. Characteristic nuances:

  • length – from 15 to 20 m;

  • mustache, supplemented with suction cups;

  • an impressive variety of foliage species;

  • seasonal change in leaf color: from reddish in spring to dark green in summer and red or yellow as the cold season approaches.

All about virgin grapes

The ivy plant is divided into 3 subspecies:

All about virgin grapes

  • golden type (has green leaves containing yellow veins);

All about virgin grapes

  • purple grapes (in autumn, the foliage will be painted in different tones of red and burgundy, placing the leaves on top of each other – in the manner of roofing tiles).

All about virgin grapes

Another heat-loving Asian plant that has received little distribution is the Henry grape. It naturally grows in China. Almost everywhere in Russia, wintering is possible only with special shelter.

Main Features:

  • weaker growth than other types (the vine will stretch a maximum of 10 m);

  • 1 leaf contains from 5 to 9 leaflets;

  • the leaves have a row of white veins;

  • a unique appearance in general – it is impossible to confuse Henry grapes with something.

All about virgin grapes

North American

In terms of decorative effect, these types of girlish grapes are not inferior to their Asian counterparts. A five-leafed species is recognized as a good option. In the wild, it inhabits the middle of the United States, is found in Mexico and Canada. Such a culture is in demand as an ornamental plant throughout the planet. Characteristics:

  • young shoots are painted in expressive red tones, as they mature, they become green;

  • the youngest leaves are divided into 3 leaves, and adults, developed – into 5;

  • the top of the leaf is green, bluish notes are noted below;

  • with the onset of autumn weather, the leaves cast purple;

  • antennae are characterized by intensive branching, at the end of the branches there is a 5 mm sucker;

  • using these suction cups, a 5-leaf grape can climb any smooth support.

All about virgin grapes

Separately, it is worth mentioning the Starfall variety, or Star Showers, which differs markedly from the species form. The plant looks catchy and colorful, it seems that it was painted with strokes of yellow-green paint. All leaves are significantly different from each other, and they cannot be confused with each other. When autumn comes and cold days come, beautiful pink tones can be seen.

The leaf blade is almost 50% smaller than that of the original species, which makes the plant softer and weightless.

All about virgin grapes

Attached grapes can be a pleasant alternative – in nature, they live in the same place as a five-leafed plant. Therefore, it can be used under the same conditions. Green in youth, shoots will be enveloped in gray bark as they develop. With the onset of autumn, the foliage also differs in expressive crimson. The tendrils of the attached girlish grapes are similar to a spiral, suckers, if any, are not developed enough.

All about virgin grapes


You can plant girlish grapes in summer, spring, and autumn. Therefore, gardeners have a wide wiggle room. For vines, it is imperative to prepare drainage. It is made from gravel, broken bricks and so on. The seedlings are placed at a depth of 0,5 m. A gap of 0,7-0,8 m is made between them.

Landing in trenches is also allowed. However, in any case, deepening the root neck is unacceptable. 0,15 m of sand is poured over the drainage. Further, in order to plant a plant, it is necessary to pour out a mixture containing:

  • 20 kg of compost (or humus);

  • 20 kg of garden soil;

  • 10 kg of washed river sand;

  • 1 glass of wood ash.

Naturally, it is better and easier to grow this culture in the country in the garden than on the balcony in the apartment. But still the second option is quite possible. In this case, it is necessary to select those species and varieties that differ in the minimum intensity of growth. The best option, according to experts, is Starfall. Seedlings are chosen as carefully as possible so that they have a good, developed root system.

All about virgin grapes

Soil for balcony planting includes the same quantities:

To increase air permeability, perlite must be added. For one plant, it needs about 0,5 kg. The power of the roots of wild grapes makes it necessary to use only large, durable containers. Seedlings are initially kept under protection from direct sunlight.

Seedlings are recommended to harden, periodically opening it.

All about virgin grapes


Growing girlish grapes in the open field is not so difficult. Adult specimens do not need frequent watering. During the season, 3-4 irrigations are enough. Approximately 1 liters of water are spent on 10 vine. It is necessary to activate watering only when a strong heat sets in; at the same time, they ensure that the near-trunk circle does not dry out to the end.

The soil around the plant needs to be systematically loosened. This procedure is combined with weeding. Root exposure is not allowed. It is very important to remove excess young growth. Decorative grapes need to be mulched; 6 cm are poured near the trunk:

  • humus;

  • peat;

  • compost.

As soon as autumn comes, the old mulch must be buried in the ground. Next, fresh bedding is required. Support (trellis) is placed in advance. It is best to fix it on the walls of the house. An arch or pergola can also be a good support. A hedge is usually created using a chain-link mesh.

All about virgin grapes


  • immediately, as clearly as possible, form the “skeleton” of culture, so that later you will suffer less with shoots;

  • a dense uniform crown is formed by cutting the stems at a certain height to the ground and uniformly distributing them over the support (preventing the lignification of the shoots);

  • slices should be at a maximum height of 5 mm above healthy kidneys;

  • containment pruning is mandatory throughout the active season;

  • at the end of the season, wilted leaves and fruits should be removed.

When cultivating in a pot, the plant will have to be replanted periodically. They do this once every 1-2 years, focusing on the intensity of development. When transplanting, 3/1 of the clod of earth around the roots is removed. In a similar proportion, the roots and crown of the vine are cut.

Drainage and sand layers are formed in a new pot; fruits that have not yet formed must be completely cut off.

All about virgin grapes


The breeding procedure, as well as the initial planting, can be carried out in any season. But it is necessary to act correctly, avoiding, in particular, maximum heat. If it nevertheless came suddenly, the grapes will have to be shaded and watered abundantly. The simplest method, including when working in the fall, is to plant grapes with cuttings. Instead, side shoots and root cuttings can be used.

Sowing seeds is possible, but then you can’t count on a quick result. It is best to get cuttings in the process of trimming the vine. It is recommended to give preference to lignified areas – they are easier to root, and their viability is higher. Until rooting, the cuttings are often kept in water, but you can immediately put them in the ground, especially since the roots that crawl out in the water will die off anyway, and this practice is justified only with a forced delay.

Two kidneys must be left above the ground. All young vines need to be shaded and watered more often. According to experienced people, the best time for cuttings is autumn. If you need to do this in the summer, you will have to take thicker sections that have already managed to give their side layers. This approach allows you to guarantee rapid growth and active branching of the bush.

All about virgin grapes

Application in landscape design

The use of girlish grapes for hedges is not limited; there are many ways to use it in landscape design.

The plant itself looks beautiful, but it is even better perceived in the neighborhood with other species. A particularly good companion is the golden Aureus. It is also recommended to combine parthenocissus with clematis vines. They not only visually combine, but also biologically help each other.

All about virgin grapes

All about virgin grapes

Parthenocissus can also be used:

  • with vertical gardening;

  • when decorating the facade of the house;

  • for the design of other buildings and ancillary structures;

  • in the form of arches braiding the support;

  • along stone walls.

All about virgin grapes

All about virgin grapes

Anna Evans


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