Abaco-description of the carrot variety and cultivation from seeds

Carrot Abaco F1 refers to the hybrids of the Dutch selection. In our country, the variety began to be grown in 2009. As a result of selection, the hybrid received the best qualities from several varieties. Abaco gives a high yield, it is not susceptible to many diseases. The fruits have excellent taste.

What is an Abaco Carrot?

Variety characteristics:

  1. Carrot Abako is a mid-season variety. From the first shoots to harvesting takes about 110-115 days.
  2. Experts recommend growing tomatoes in regions with a temperate climate.
  3. He is not afraid of temperature changes, cool summer.
  4. Abako carrot seeds have a high germination rate of 95%. At the same time, they rise together. The number of plants lagging behind in development is minimal.
  5. Abaco F1 is immune to the bloom that occurs after frost.
  6. Carrots are not susceptible to Alternaria leaf spot. This disease is caused by fungal spores.
  7. The variety is not afraid of pests.
  8. The plant has a powerful leaf rosette. The tops are semi-spreading, almost never fall off. It is long – up to 0,5 m tall. The color is dark emerald.

large carrot

This variety is often grown on an industrial scale due to its high yield and excellent presentation of the fruit. On private plots and small farms, it can also be found.

Fruit Description:

  1. Abaco F1 root crops grow to medium size. Their length is from 14 to 22 cm. Weight is about 100-200 g.
  2. The shape is conical. The end is blunt. Fruit color is orange. The skin is thin. It is convenient to clean it.
  3. The pulp is dark orange, uniform, sweet, juicy. The core is medium. In appearance, carrots are similar to the Shantane variety.
  4. The fruit of this tomato contains about 17% carotene, 8% sugars. Dry matter in carrots Abaco F1 – 10-12%.
  5. The fruits are rich in vitamins and nutrients.
  6. Berries are stored for a long time. Can easily withstand long distance transportation.
  7. The fruits do not crack, are not subject to bolting.

seeds and carrots

Advantages of the variety:

  1. Good harvest.
  2. Excellent trade dress of root crops.
  3. Fruits are not subject to cracking.
  4. The variety does well in temperate climates. He is not afraid of cold summer.
  5. Carrots are stored for a long time without changing the taste and appearance.
  6. The variety contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients.
  7. Suitable for baby and diet food.
  8. Harvest Abako F1 is easily harvested by hand and with the help of machinery.
  9. Suitable for commercial cultivation.

Cultivation of carrots

The best place for carrots is sandy-clay beds that are under the sun. The variety grows well in the place where there used to be plantings of tomatoes, legumes, cabbage, spices, onions. The soil has been prepared since autumn. It is fertilized with minerals, humus, sprinkled with ash and dug well.

large carrot

Seeds should be germinated before planting. They are washed and put in a wet cloth for several days. The cloth should be periodically moistened with water, not allowing it to dry. The seeds will sprout soon. After that, the seed is placed in a weak solution of manganese.

Seeds are transferred to a permanent place in May. The air temperature outside should be around +10ºС. Seeds are placed in earthen furrows to a depth of 2-3 cm. The distance between the furrows is about 20 cm. Seeds are not sown too densely. A thickened planting can adversely affect the development of root crops.

Before planting, the land is watered abundantly. After landing, this is no longer necessary. If frosts occur, carrot beds are covered with spunbond. Shoots usually appear together. The fruits ripen at the same time.

carrot harvest

According to experienced gardeners, the variety does not require special care technology. The plant takes root well and gives a good harvest, subject to watering and timely weeding.

Bushes need to be thinned out several times. The first procedure is carried out until the paired leaves have reached a height of 1 cm. The frail bushes are removed. The next manipulation is carried out when the plant has already grown. Then weak shoots are removed and a place is made for the ripening of strong root crops.

Several times during the season, carrots are fed with mineral fertilizers and manure infusions.

hybrid carrot

Watering is carried out mainly in the evening hours with settled water. Approximately 1-4 liters of water are poured per 8 m². In hot weather, a little more water is required. It is necessary to weed and loosen the beds in a timely manner.

The crop yield is high. From 1 m², 5-10 kg of root crops are collected. The variety can be harvested both manually and mechanically. The crop is removed as soon as the carrots ripen. Before harvesting, carrots are not watered for a week and a half. Ripe vegetables are rich orange in color, medium in size, sweet and juicy.

hybrid carrot

The application is universal. Carrots can be used for dietary and baby food, conservation. The variety is excellent for preparing a variety of dishes and preparations for the winter.

Carrots can be stored raw all winter in underground or vegetable pits.

For more successful storage, you need to follow some rules during collection. The entire bed with root crops is dug out at a time. The fruits are sorted, cut off the tops. Carrots are stacked in boxes in layers, between which sand or pine sawdust is placed.

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Anna Evans


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