50 best varieties of carrots with descriptions and characteristics

Carrots are a root crop that occupies one of the leading places among vegetable crops rich in vitamins and useful elements. Carrots contain carotene, vitamin A and elements that help to cope with the symptoms of beriberi. Planting this vegetable crop in summer cottages and household plots is associated with the choice of carrot varieties suitable for growing in a particular region.

Seed selection rules

Among the variety of varieties created due to selective selection, hybrids are distinguished according to their main purpose, according to the method of planting, according to the ripening time.

In addition, there are several types of planting material:

  • single seeds (planting material may be a scattering of one of the species, the total weight in grams may be indicated on the packages);
  • granules (hybrid types of seeds are placed in granules enriched with nutrients, this type of planting helps to better control seedlings);
  • on the tape (the seeds are glued on the tape, this planting method helps to plant in the ground faster).


Sowing carrots are called cultivated or garden. It is intended for food use. Suitable for dressings, preparations for the winter, combined with meat, fish products and desserts. Carrots are a vegetable that has medicinal properties. It is applied:

  • with avitaminosis;
  • if you have vision problems;
  • to normalize digestion;
  • for the prevention of anemia of various origins.

Sowing carrots are divided into table and fodder. In addition, wild carrots are found in nature. This species became the basis for a cultural variety.

peeled carrots

Sowing carrots are stored with other root crops in dark, cool rooms with a moderate degree of humidity. Above-ground and underground parts of carrots are used for cooking, as well as for medicinal purposes. Root crops and tops are subjected to heat treatment, dried at relative humidity or stored raw.


To select planting material, gardeners rely on basic requirements. The future harvest depends on them: its quantity and quality. For regions with low night temperatures, mid- and late-ripening varieties are suitable. For the southern regions of the country, early-ripening varieties are chosen.

Ripening time:

EarlyTill 90 days
averageFrom 90 days
LateFrom 110 days

Gardeners with experience recommend planting 1-2 types of varieties per season. Thus, the harvest will begin to ripen gradually, part of it will be in demand during processing, the other part will go to storage.

Features of the region

The ability of seedlings to adapt and form fruits depends on the temperature regime in the landing area. Carrots are a vegetable crop that is not afraid of frost. Seeds are sown without waiting for the soil to warm up. The minimum temperature can reach +5, +7 degrees.

carrots with soil

To ascend, carrots do not need additional shelter. After the formation of processes, they are provided with the usual care, with obligatory thinning. Late varieties are harvested 150 days after sowing, in September, so these hybrids are recommended for planting in temperate regions. For areas with low night temperatures, mid-season types are advised in the early onset of autumn.

Additional criteria

Summer residents take into account the accompanying characteristics when choosing a variety. It is necessary to determine in advance:

  • When is the harvest planned?
  • where it will be stored;
  • what conditions can be provided for storage.

keeping quality

Late varieties have an increased ability to be stored. They are not subject to rotting, but the structure of such carrots is more solid and dense.

Carrots are prone to rapid loss of moisture, which means rapid drying, so hybrids with increased juiciness are chosen for storage. In addition, the method of storage matters. For carrots, storage in wooden boxes with low air temperature is suitable.

Vitamin content

Carrots contain carotene, minerals and vitamins of group B. Vitamin content is the percentage of useful substances. By the color of the vegetable, you can determine the amount of carotene contained in carrots.

carrots with tops

Information! The richer the color of the carrot, the more carotene it contains. At present, hybrids of white, yellow, black colors have been bred by selection, in which the content of carotene is minimized.


The selection criterion depends on the juiciness of the vegetable, on the indicator of sweetness. Sweet varieties are suitable for making juices, carrot puree, desserts. Unsweetened hybrids are used for vegetable preparations, they are suitable for long-term storage, and can be a basic component of vegetable side dishes served with meat or poultry.


This criterion is determined by several components. Carrots can take one of the following forms:

  • cylindrical;
  • conical or elongated;
  • oval blunt.

Among the variety of colors there are dark, purple, green, red and yellow shades.


Carrots are a vegetable that is grown in open areas, soils should contain an increased amount of potassium and phosphorus. Many varieties show low yields, but are distinguished by rich taste characteristics.

Features and types for open ground

Among the hybrids intended for open ground, varieties of early, medium and late types of ripening are distinguished.

carrot harvest


Early ripening is ripening that occurs no later than 100 days from the date of planting. Early types are not suitable for long-term storage. They are usually sweet and juicy.

Fun F1

A hybrid bred by breeders of the West Siberian region. From the moment of sowing to harvesting, it takes from 90 to 100 days.

The pulp is dense, juicy, sweet. There are almost no voids in the middle. Suitable for making juices, desserts, sweet food additives. The weight of one piece reaches 200 grams, the length reaches 20 centimeters.

carrot fun


The period from sowing to harvest is 75-80 days. Intense orange root crops grow up to 20 centimeters, up to 150 grams. The variety has a high yield.


Cylindrical fruits grow even, without flaws. Length reaches 20 centimeters, weight – up to 200 grams. The variety adapts to different climatic conditions, and, subject to the rules for care, shows a high yield.

carrot Lady

Laguna F1

Ripening period – from 80 to 90 days. The shape of vegetables is correct, oval. The weight of vegetables is 150-200 grams, the length is 20 centimeters. The variety is known among summer residents for its ability to adapt to different temperature conditions.

sugar finger

Fruit color varies from yellow to yellow-orange. The shape is a cylinder, without dents or flaws. The variety has a minimum ripening time, harvesting is possible on the 65th day.


Small fruits, up to 15 centimeters long, cone-shaped, with a blunt end, reach 100-150 grams. The taste is noted as juicy, sweet, with a high content of juice.


The name was chosen due to the fact that the variety has a sugary taste and is used for baby food.

carrot Caramel

The length reaches 15 centimeters, the ends of the carrots are blunt. The skin is thin and easy to peel. The hybrid is highly resistant to pests and infections.


This is one of the varieties that, despite early ripening, can be stored for a long time. It has a sweet taste, juicy. Due to the high content of carotene, it has a bright orange hue.


This is a Dutch hybrid, matures in 80-85 days. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical, with a blunt end. Grows up to 18 centimeters, 150 grams. Differs in high rates of productivity, is steady against tsvetushnost, vegetables do not crack at storage.

Dutch woman

Technical ripeness occurs at 90-100 days. Many gardeners classify it as a mid-season variety. The hybrid was bred with genetic resistance to jaundice, is not susceptible to infections and pests. The length of an average carrot is 16-18 centimeters. The hybrid needs loamy soils to grow.


The variety was bred in America, the peculiarity of the fruit lies in the purple color. The flesh inside the fruit remains the usual orange color. Cone-shaped fruits grow up to 25 centimeters, the tips are thin. The taste of carrots is characterized as sweet and spicy.

Dragon carrots


A feature of the hybrid is stable yield estimates. It is grown on the territory of farms, where income depends on the yield. Carrots were bred by Dutch scientists. Fruit weight can reach 300 grams, length – about 15-20 centimeters. The pulp is orange, juicy, suitable for any dishes and preparations.


The hybrid is in demand in regions where pre-winter sowing technology is practiced. The grade differs in stability, technical ripeness falls on the end of spring or the beginning of summer. Vegetables grow up to 20 centimeters long, have a moderate orange color.


Variety of French origin. The fruits are large and even, the average weight is 200 grams with a length of about 20 centimeters. The pulp has juiciness, the cores do not contain empty spaces. Carrots are suitable for cultivation in industrial areas and in household plots.


Hybrids of medium ripeness begin to ripen at 100-120 days. The peculiarity of the varieties is that shoots are in no hurry to appear. This property can alert summer residents. In fact, medium-sized carrots combine several of the characteristics of early hybrids and can be stored longer due to their denser texture.

carrots in the ground


Sweet juicy hybrid with a period from sowing to removal of root crops about 80-90 days. The color is rich orange, which indicates an increased content of the carotene element. The name suggests that carrots are in demand among connoisseurs of the sweet type of carrots.

Type Top

The variety is known for the fact that the fruits do not crack after harvest, are prone to long savings, and have excellent taste characteristics. Grow up to 25 centimeters, weigh about 250 grams.


Bright orange root crops can reach 20 centimeters. The degree of productivity is characterized as high. The technical ripeness of the vegetable reaches 110 days. According to research by specialists, vegetables contain high levels of B vitamins.

Carrots keep well, do not crack during transportation.

Olympian F1

The shape of carrots is cone-shaped, with a weight of about 130 grams, they stretch up to 25 centimeters. Dense in structure, juicy pulp with a thickened skin is suitable for harvesting. Used fresh and suitable for storage. The variety is not recommended for juicing, as the liquid content is reduced.

carrot Olympian F1


Smooth thick cylindrical carrots ripen in 150 days. With the density of the peel, they have juicy pulp. The cores are not subject to the formation of voids. The fruits are stretched to almost 30 centimeters with a weight of 130 grams.


Mid-late variety with an uneven ripening period. Known for its consistent yield. The fruits are mostly cone shaped. Well stored in ventilated areas.


This hybrid is popular due to the high content of carotene. It is often used for landings before winter. It tolerates frost and has good germination. Vegetables grow up to 17 centimeters with a weight of about 130-150 grams.


Carrots of this variety are called the best among mid-season varieties. Terms of technical ripeness vary from 90 to 105 days. The mass of the root crop is considered average, the weight reaches 150 grams, the length is 17-18 centimeters. The diameter of the fetus is 4,5-5,5 centimeters. Root crops have a delicate taste, the core is small, without voids. Carrots are suitable for preparation of preparations, desserts, storage.


The fruits are dense, with juicy pulp, an average juice secretion. The weight of an average vegetable can reach 200 grams, the length of a carrot is about 25 centimeters.

carrot Gourmand

Moscow winter

The hybrid is sown before winter. It has high yields. Designed to be taken fresh in autumn and winter. Stored for a long period.


Universal variety, ripens after 120 days, resistant to infections. Shows no tendency to bloom. Does not crack during storage.


A hybrid of a cone-shaped type, the diameter of the carrot reaches 5-6 centimeters. The length of the fetus is 25 centimeters, with a weight of up to 150 grams. Differs in good indicators of keeping quality.


An American variety with a high content of carotene, ripens 120 days from sowing. The shape is cylindrical, with a thickening towards the aerial part. Recommended for use in autumn and winter.


The conical shape of the fetus with a weight of up to 130 grams, a length of up to 17 centimeters. They are used for storage due to the fact that the variety retains its useful qualities and structure density over a long period.

carrot Carini


Carrots of late ripeness are suitable for longer storage. These include varieties with a growing season of more than 110 days.


Large fruits up to 30 cm. Harvesting is carried out 140 days after sowing.

Vita Longa

A Dutch variety that is harvested 150 days after sowing. Root crops are large, can grow up to 300 grams. The conical shape with a blunt end is convenient to use for cooking and preparations.

The Red Giant

The diameter of vegetables reaches 7-8 centimeters, it is a variety of short and thick types of shape. Dense carrots are stored in cool rooms for about 6 months.

Red without core

Carrots are large-fruited, with a dense structure, a narrow and thin core. Grows in any soil, resistant to infections and pests.

Red without core


The hybrid is harvested on day 175. The shape of the fruit is short, cone-shaped, with a dense solid structure. The taste is sweet-spicy, with a slight release of juice during cooking.


A high-yielding variety, it ripens 130-140 days from sowing. The ends of the fruits are rounded, by weight they reach 180 grams.

The Queen of Autumn

The conical shape of the carrot has a thickening in the aerial part. Weight is 150-180 grams with a length of 20 to 25 centimeters. The high yield of the variety is due to its ability to adapt to any conditions. This hybrid is especially in demand in areas where the main harvest is usually carried out in the fall. Autumn Queen can be stored for 3-5 months, subject to basic conditions.

Cascade F1

Small conical fruits reach an average weight of 70 to 120 grams. The hybrid has good keeping quality. He is loved because he is able to be stored for 6 months without losing his qualities. Recommended for cultivation in the central region of the country.

carrot Cascade F1

The Emperor

With a high content of carotene, the variety has a small core. The pulp is firm and juicy. The shape is conical, weight – from 90 to 110 grams, length – 20 centimeters. It is grown on loose light soils with the addition of potash fertilizers.


Among the variety of species there are multi-colored fruits. Many are in demand on a par with the usual bright orange vegetables. The disadvantages of unusual colored varieties are their low storage capacity. They are not subject to rotting, but quickly dry out and lose their taste.


This variety is not popular, although it has a unique vitamin composition. In the absence of carotene, the composition is replete with B vitamins.


The element lycopene is responsible for the coloring of this variety. Red hybrids also have a high content of carotene. They are suitable for the preparation of side dishes, used as auxiliary ingredients. The taste of carrots allows you to use it in dietary nutrition.


This vegetable crop is not in demand in Russia. It is grown in the Mediterranean. Black fruits reach 15 centimeters in length and 200 grams in weight. The root crop is black on the outside, but the flesh inside is exclusively white in color.

carrot Cascade F1

Vegetables of this variety are divided into early, medium and late. Late-ripening varieties are suitable for long-term storage.


The maturity of this variety reaches 115 days. The shape of the fruit is yellow, most often conical. The average weight is 130 grams, the average length is 70-90 centimeters. It has low keeping quality, is not used for storage and transportation, therefore it is used mainly fresh.

Feed varieties

These varieties are mixed with greens, tops, and other additional components and are used to feed pets and birds. Their demand depends on the juiciness, nutritional value and structure of feed types.

Advantages of fodder carrots in agriculture:

  • the possibility of early sowing;
  • resistance to return frosts;
  • ability to endure transportation and be stored for a long time.

From the variety of varieties, farmers distinguish white fodder carrots. Varieties of this variety have high yields. Red fodder carrots are rich in carotene, suitable for feeding young animals and birds.

Feed varieties

Common mistakes when choosing

A decrease in yield, freezing or a decrease in taste characteristics are the result of an incorrect approach to choosing a carrot variety.

When planning landings, there are several factors to consider:

  • climatic conditions;
  • precipitation during the spring-summer season;
  • appointment and further use of most of the crop;
  • soil condition;
  • site location.

Of great importance is the shape of the root crops and the timing of ripening. For early sowing, short-fruited types are used. For long-term storage, only late-ripening varieties are suitable.

Only some varieties released for this type of cultivation can be subjected to winter sowing. In addition, attention should be paid to the requirements of plants to the soil. Some varieties do not tolerate drought, require abundant watering.

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Anna Evans


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