25 best varieties of early carrots with descriptions and characteristics

Carrots are divided into varieties according to the type of fruit ripening, they are distinguished: early-ripening, mid-ripening, late-ripening. For cultivation in regions with a short summer period, early ripening varieties are recommended. They allow you to harvest before the start of frost, and are stored for a long time. Plants do not require excessive care.


Early ripe varieties of carrots ripen 2-3 months after sowing. This allows you to use fresh fruits by the middle of the season, when other crops are just beginning to ripen.

How to choose the best variety

To select a variety of carrots, you need to determine the purpose of cultivation. Early ripe fruits are suitable for growing in regions with short summers. To get a good harvest, it is recommended to use varieties of carrots that are resistant to infections and harmful insects with a high yield.

Basic tips and steps for growing

Carrots are planted in early spring, when the snow has melted and the soil has warmed up a little and dried up. Before planting in the ground, the seeds are prepared. They are placed in gauze and buried in the ground, then taken out and planted in rows. For good growth and development of culture, several planting rules must be observed:

  • the distance between rows should be about half a meter;
  • the width of the ridges is 1,5 meters, 3 rows are placed on such a bed;
  • seeds are placed at a distance of 2 cm from each other;
  • the depth of the furrows is 2 cm;
  • after germination, thinning is carried out so that each plant is at a distance of 4-6 cm from the next.

lots of carrots

Landing scheme

The landing scheme is carried out in three ways: flat, line, high.


On a flat bed, rows are formed in which the seeds are evenly distributed. With abundant watering, moisture can linger. After germination, it is necessary to thin out the rows of plants.


Seeds are distributed along the crest of the bed. This creates good conditions for weeding. But when watering and fertilizing, the liquid drains, and the plant does not receive enough moisture and fertilizer.

planting carrots


Sowing is carried out on elevated beds. They make in-depth rows in them, place the seeds, bury them. This method allows you to monitor the quality of watering the crop.

Preparing the seat

For a seat choose a well-lit area. If the soil is fertile, then nothing is added, if vice versa, then 15-20 grams of nitrogen fertilizers are applied per 1 square meter of the sown area. The soil should be loose and dry. Root crops do not like drafts, you must take this into account when choosing a place.

Carrots cannot be planted every year in the same place, as well as after the following crops:

  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • celery;
  • parsnip.

ripe carrots

Root crops develop well on the ground after cultivation:

  • tomatoes;
  • Luke;
  • garlic;
  • potatoes;
  • white cabbage;
  • cucumbers.


To get large fruits, you need to monitor the watering regime, carry out top dressing, weeding, loosening.

carrot cultivation


Watering is carried out every two days. With a lack of moisture, root crops are bitter and develop more slowly. Watered throughout the growing season, until harvest. Water is added so that it wets the soil 25-30 centimeters deep.

Weeding and loosening

Weeding must be carried out constantly. The presence of a number of weeds has a bad effect on the development of carrots, the fruits will not be able to grow in size, since some of the nutrients from the soil are consumed by weeds. The first weeding is carried out even before the start of seedlings, if necessary.

Carrots love loose soil. If crusts form on the surface of the soil, then the fruits will grow twisted, irregular in shape. Loosening is carried out regularly, after rains and watering, when the soil dries out a little.

carrot cultivation

Additional fertilizing

Top dressing is carried out twice a season. The first is done 30 days after the appearance of the first leaves above the ground, the second after another 30 days. Fertilizers are applied in dissolved form during irrigation. To do this, 10 grams of nitrophos, 15 grams of ash, 400 grams of saltpeter, 20 grams of urea and 15 grams of superphosphate are added to 15 liters of water.

Description of the best early varieties

Early varieties of carrots were developed by breeders around the world. Each of them took into account the peculiarities of weather conditions and tried to develop a variety that was most convenient for growing.

ripe carrots

Shantane Kuroda

The fruits are conical, elongated, bright orange. Has a sweet taste. It reaches a length of up to 22 cm. It has strong immunity. The leaves are tightly folded for easy harvesting. Well kept for a long period. Suitable for growing in central Russia.


The ripening of carrots occurs 95-125 days after being transferred to the ground. It forms smooth elongated root crops, the length of which reaches 18 cm. They have a rich bright orange color. Forms strong leaves, which facilitates harvesting.

carrot Cordoba


It has subspecies: Berlikum, Forto. The ripening of vegetables occurs 150 days after planting. Carrots have an elongated shape in the form of a cone, 19-22 cm long, up to 4 cm thick. The average fruit weight is 150 grams. The color is orange or orange-red. Vegetables are sweet, juicy, contain a lot of carotene.


Forms even, elongated, cone-shaped vegetables. It has an orange color. It grows up to 25 cm long, the average weight of one carrot is 180 grams. The taste is pleasantly sweet. The pulp is dense. The leaves of the plant are collected in a dense bundle.

carrot Royal


Root crops are ready for harvest 105-115 days after planting the seeds. Carrots are long, elongated, in the shape of a cone. The length of vegetables reaches a maximum of 18 cm. It is famous for its taste. This variety is suitable for processing and eating raw. A characteristic feature is the presence of a bright carrot smell.

Red cor

A hybrid of the Shantane variety. Grows in any climatic conditions. The growing season lasts 85 days. The fruits reach a length of 10-16 cm. The shape is elongated, resembles a cone, straight, the ends are pointed. The average weight of a vegetable is 300 grams. It has a characteristic carrot smell.

carrot Red core


The growing season lasts 90-110 days. Suitable for growing in all climatic zones. Carrots form fruits of an elongated, regular shape, smooth, without cracks. The ends are rounded. One mature vegetable weighs from 160 to 240 grams, reaches a length of 18-20 cm.


Bred by Polish breeders. It has large, sweet cylindrical fruits. The sizes of vegetables range from 14 to 20 cm. The average weight of vegetables is 165 grams. It matures completely 90 days after planting. From one square meter you can get 6,5 kg of crop.

carrots Amsterdam

Important! With an excess of watering, carrots do not change their appearance, cracks do not form.


An early variety that allows you to start harvesting 60 days after the first leaves appear above the ground. The composition includes a large amount of carotene. The fruits reach a length of 22 cm. The color is orange, the fruits are even, in the shape of a cone.


The fruit contains 13% carotene. The length of carrots ranges from 13 to 15 cm. It is resistant to the formation of arrows, strong immunity to pests and diseases. The weight of vegetables is 80-160 grams. Full maturation occurs 100-110 days after transfer to the ground. The pulp is sweet, juicy.

carrot Carotel

Saturn F1

Ultra early variety. The ripening of carrots occurs 50-55 days after being transferred to the ground. The fruits reach 18 cm in length, 3-4 cm in diameter. They have an elongated shape, a flat surface, and a smooth skin. They have a dark orange color. The leaves of the plant are firmly attached to the fruit, strong, dark green.


The crop is harvested 70-110 days after planting. The variety is high yielding. It has a pleasant taste, contains a lot of sugar and carotene. Has an orange color. The shape of vegetables is elongated, cylindrical. It reaches 17 cm in length. The weight of one fruit is 90-165 grams. The rosette of the plant is spreading, the leaves are bright green, medium in size.

carrot Caramel


Early maturing variety. Root crops reach 15-20 cm, the weight of one vegetable is 120-180 grams. The color is bright orange. Harvesting is carried out 90 days after planting. The ends of the fruits are rounded, the skin is smooth, shiny. Suitable for growing in areas with any climate.

Royal Chanson

An early variety, belongs to the Shantane type. Forms root crops 15-16 cm long, up to 7 cm in diameter. Ripening lasts 100 days from the moment of planting. It has a sweet, pleasant taste. Used fresh and for processing. The coloring is orange. Pour dense, large, tightly adjacent to the fruit.

carrot Royal Chanson


The ripeness of carrots occurs 85 days after being transferred to the soil. It has an elongated, conical shape with a blunt end, up to 16 cm long. The average weight of one vegetable is 100 grams. It has pleasant taste. Culture loves fertile soil and plenty of moisture.


Suitable for early sowing. Harvesting is carried out 120 after planting. Root crops are smooth, straight, elongated, with a rounded lower end. The variety is resistant to bolting and cracking. It has a characteristic carrot smell, sweet taste. The average length of carrots is 15 cm, has large dimensions, reaches 350 grams. Keeps well after harvest. Forms a dense rosette of green leaves.

carrot Boltex

The Bureau

An early variety, the growing season takes 65-70 days. The length of the fruit ranges from 16 to 18 cm. They have a bright orange characteristic color. The core of the vegetable is small, which is its characteristic feature. It has a pleasant sweet taste. Stored 3-4 months after harvest.


The variety was developed by French breeders. It is characterized by pleasant taste, the pulp is juicy, sweet, tender. It reaches a length of 18 cm. The weight of one vegetable varies from 95 to 160 grams. The color is very bright, almost red. Keeps well all winter after harvest.

carrot mango

Nantes 4

Mid-season variety. Contains a lot of sugar and carotene. Carrots are resistant to cracking and mechanical damage. The fruits are elongated, cylindrical, with an elongated lower end. Grow it everywhere, like the Urals, Siberia, Transcarpathia. It has a high yield, up to 1 kg of crop is harvested from 7 square meter.

The growing season lasts 85 days. The length of vegetables reaches 18 cm, diameter 5 cm, weight varies from 90 to 170 grams.

Red as

Mid-early variety, ripens in 95-100 days. The fruits are long, elongated, reach 20 cm in length, the end is pointed. The average weight of one vegetable is 150 grams. The variety is resistant to a sharp drop in temperature and the formation of arrows. The coloring is orange. The leaves are spreading, large, tightly adjacent to the fruit.

Red as


It is very popular with gardeners. Seeds can be sown in the ground in early spring, they tolerate low temperatures well. The length of the fruit reaches 22 cm, and the weight is 150 grams. The skin is dense, has small symmetrical eyes. The coloring is orange. It is used fresh, for harvesting, juicing and freezing. This variety grows well in Siberia and the Urals.


Harvesting is carried out 65-85 days after planting, depending on weather conditions. Fruit color is orange-red. Length 16 cm, diameter 4 cm, has a thickened end. The mass of one vegetable is from 80 to 160 grams. The skin is smooth and has small eyes. The core makes up 40% of the fruit. The taste is sweet, pleasant, not bitter.

carrot Artek


The duration of the vegetative period is 75-100 days. The length of the vegetable reaches 18 cm, weight 180 grams. The core has a star-shaped outline, medium-sized. The leaves are green, large, tightly adjacent to the root crop. Carrots are well stored, do not require special conditions for this.

Children’s sweetness

Carrots are red-orange in color. The mass of one vegetable is 90-130 grams. The vegetative period is 100 days. It has a pleasant taste, the flesh is sweet and tender. The leaves are spreading, large, form a dense rosette, green or dark green.


The variety was developed by Dutch breeders. Harvesting is carried out on the 110th day after sowing the seeds. The leaves are large, strong, dark green, finely dissected. The fruits are medium in size, from 12 to 20 cm long, weight is from 105 to 220 grams. The shape of the carrot is elongated, cylindrical, with a blunt lower end. It has a good sweet taste.

carrot Abaco


Alena, 38 Moscow: “I plant carrots every year. This year I tried to plant an early ripening variety. I tried Red Ace and Nantes on the recommendation of my neighbors. Good big fruits have grown. The soil on my site is very wet, I thought it would crack, but no, Nantes is very well preserved. The carrot tastes sweet, the middle of the carrot is not very big.

Alexey, 35 years old, St. Petersburg: “I have been using early ripe varieties of carrots for a long time. By the end of summer we eat carrot salads. My favorite varieties are Alenka and Mango. They give a lot of crops. The fruits are sweet and juicy. In winter, I store it on the balcony, in case of frost I cover it with a warm cloth, it lasts until the beginning of spring.

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Anna Evans


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